Obi-Wan CONFIRMS Who is More Powerful - Maul or Dooku

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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I'm surprised that he didn't mention that Dooku defeated 3 night sisters while they were invisible and he was drugged


Dooku is the single most underrated character. We deserve a series or short movie about him


Dooku is the most underrated SW villian. Also - Cristopher Lee was the only SW cast actor who actively practiced Real life sword combat, and literally were a war veteran. When Brit Queen granted him knighthood, she knew that this time - it wasn't just a fancy title (looking at u Elton John)
His fencing style the most awesome bc: 1) it looks very elegant. 2) it closest to what a real saber/rapier fencing looks like


Dooku is clearly an underrated character


In clone wars you could see how much more serious obi wan took dooku than maul


Sidious was so worried about Dooku becoming a rival / enemy that he recruited him as an ally rather than ever confront him with intent to kill. That speaks for itself


Count dooku couldn't Show his true power because he wasn't allowed to kill Anakin


Maul was powerful, but he barely ever used the force in more abundant ways, while Count dooku was all over the place, with the force and a lightsaber.


Bear in mind that Maul was cut down before, debatably, he even entered his prime. He was three years younger than Obi-Wan and was 22 years old when he fought him and Qui Gon. Whilst Maul was in his physical prime at that point, a force user has far further to rise as they continue to attune themselves to the Force throughout their lives. Dooku was the greater no question but had several more decades to hone his abilities, and he had the wisdom of both the light and dark sides of the Force to draw from. Did Maul have those advantages? That Maul could even be a threat to old masters, even after spending a couple decades as a deranged lunatic, shows how miraculous he was in his own way.


Like we needed Obi-wan to tell us..He beat Maul the first time he met him, Dooku beat Obi-wan and Anakin at the same time a few times..


I strongly think that Dooku would be more than able to defeat Maul! Although a capable duelist, Maul fights purely with his emotions, whereas Dooku is more tactical in his fighting, he knows what he needs to do and how to get it done!!


I would say Dooko, maul is so rage filled, and sometimes this is good, but can be blind to counter strikes, and others, also Dooko was one of the lead Sepraratists


yeah the only "weakness" Dooku has imo is his age. he wasn't getting any younger. but as a duelist, and most importantly, as a character, he is absolutely a master. brute force is not enough to win, especially coupled with arrogance. and i do not think he went all out vs Anakin during the Battle of Coruscant either. he was told not to by Sidious. by the time he saw himself loosing, it was too late. he ALLOWED Anakin to gain the upper hand, and it was his aging body that prevented him from countering him successfully, if he even tried to, that is.


Dooku was the only one capable to be consistent to the level of being able to withstand Obi-wans highground.


I do agree that Dooku was superior to Maul. Even disregarding raw power, Maul was much too emotional, which has proved to be a weakness time and time again.


If Count Dooku and Darth Maul were given a chance to duel each other, I think Dooku would have the upper hand because he was known to be an elegant swordsman when it comes to lightsaber combat. He fights like an old school swashbuckler.


I am a huge Darth Maul fan. And even I can't see a single area of lightsaber combat or force skill where Maul beats Dooku. If the two fought 1000 times, I can see Dooku winning 950 times.


dooku is underrated in my opinion. Probably because of his lack of screen time in the movies. but his time in the clone wars show made up for it. But if we were to get a movie or a mini series on how he became disillusioned with the Jedi and the republic, that would be cool. It seems like a pretty compelling story.


I think there is one *incredibly* crucial aspect that ultimately makes Maul more dangerous. Yes, Dooku reached a level of skill that Maul never seemed to achieve, but I think ultimately Maul had the greater potential of the two. Dooku spent a very long lifetime mastering his abilities, but Maul was able to learn new skills at an insanely fast pace.

You covered how ridiculously fast Maul picked up fighting styles here, but another aspect of his fast learning was manipulation. (As far as I know) Sidious trained Maul to be an assassin, not a Sith Lord, or politician. He didn't train Maul to manipulate people, or entire populations. Maul literally picked it up just from observing his master and instantly put his skills to use once he set out on his own.

I mean think about it, with no training in the area, Maul manipulated his way onto the throne of Mandalore, home of the best fighting force in the entire galaxy aside from the Jedi. And he had assembled a crime network that was quickly expanding throughout the neutral systems. At a time when neither Sidious or the Jedi could have devoted all their strength to him (*all* of Sidious' strength would have been a Republic army as well as himself and Dooku), Maul placed himself in a position to gain a nearly equal level of potential power.

In two ways Sidious recognised that he had to kill Maul the second Maul was learning too fast. One was when Sidious travelled to Mandalore to deal with Maul himself and prevent him from conquering the neutral systems, as discussed above. Another was in their direct duel. Initially, Sidious is dominating both Maul and Savage Oppress, Maul's brother and apprentice. Sidious even kills Savage in a way that looked like he was obviously showing off. He was toying with the pair just so he could piss off Maul and satisfy himself with the fight. Then he goes 1v1 with Maul, and strangely, despite no longer having help, Maul is doing better. I think he initially planned to toy with Maul. He was effectively sparring with him, when he could have just picked Maul up with the Force and ended the fight immediately. He did this because he saw no risk. But the longer the duel became, the more Maul gained the upper hand, until he manages to kick Sidious hard enough to send him flying. When Sidious looks up, he is visibly enraged. This was not part of the plan. Sidious cuts the duel short by grabbing Maul with the Force, because he is for a moment afraid Maul could actually kill him.

What can we gather from this? Even to a moment by moment basis Maul was *extremely* good at adapting to a situation. Sidious underestimated this, and as a result, the longer he toyed with Maul, the better Maul became at fighting him.

Now something very important is Maul spent a massive amount of his life out of commission. He was scavenging for survival on a junk planet after Kenobi cut off his legs, and the implication in Rebels was that he'd been stuck on a Sith planet with nothing to do for many years. If Maul had spent all those missed years, and the ones he did have, studying the Force and practicing fighting skills with the same discipline Dooku honed his skills, then by the time Maul became Dooku's age, I think he could have absolutely crushed either Sidious or Dooku.


Dooku would hesitate to kill Obi-wan he wouldn't with Maul.