How To PROVE Depression For VA Disability - It's Easier Than You Think!

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Depression can be a difficult condition to live with, and VA disability benefits can be even more difficult to get. If you want to get a 50% VA Mental Health Rating which covers depression and a whole host of other mental disorders, you will have to prove that your depression is service-related with medical evidence. Depression is one of the most common conditions that veterans file for VA disability benefits for, but it can be difficult to prove if you don't provide medical evidence.

There are a few things you can do to help strengthen your claim and give yourself the best chance at getting approved for VA benefits. First, make sure you keep track of all your medical appointments and treatments related to your depression. This includes therapy sessions, psychiatric evaluations, and any medications you are taking. Keeping good records will help show the VA that you are actively seeking treatment for your condition.

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🔵 It’s Time To Get Serious About Your Veterans Benefits!


I have an issue. I guess I had said I have felt depressed before in my entrance exam for MEPS. This led them saying I had depression before the military and denied my VA claim. I was never diagnosed before the miliary. It was just my dumbass self thinking I was depressed when I really wasn't back then. Is there any way to fight it or am I going to be denied forever?


Thank you for all of your videos. I went from 70% -100% between watching your videos an reading the CFR regulations 🇺🇸


Please, please, PLEASE, if you are a veteran that qualifies (which most of us do), find your local or nearest Vet Center and register for services there. I've been seeing a therapist with the Vet Center for almost two years now, and he saw that my PTSD rating was too low, encouraged me to file for an increase, and provided my entire patient history up to that point to help with my case. Then, after my C&P exam (which he prepped me for), I made the huge jump up to 70% for my PTSD, which I now know through Combat Craig's videos opens me up to secondary conditions to get me towards 100%. At the very least, the Vet Center is an amazing resource for therapy that does not have to only be dedicated to your PTSD and trauma during your military service.


Is there a change going thru, dropping 0 % rating and increasing mental health by 30% from your current percentage?


currently at 70% combined disability. Had my C & P exam today for Insomnia secondary to back pain. The absolute best C & P exam I've had in my 20 years of fighting with the VA hands down. She was super nice and told me although I may have Insomnia she thought I had major depressive disorder due to the constant pain my service connected back injury causes and was going to write it up that way. She stated she knew what to tell the VA to get that secondary condition rated.
If I had to guess, based off of what she said I'm probably looking at 50-70% Depression secondary to back pain. Now the waiting game begins.

Thank you CC for all your knowledge, tips, and tricks you share with us Vets. I felt more prepared for this C & P exam after watching a plethora of your videos than any other exam I've gone to.


Just filed for an increase with my PTSD in the beginning of September. At 50% right now but having symptoms that list me in the 70% criteria. Hopefully I’ll hear back in a few months but with the increase will put me at 100% P&T 💪🏽


I've was honorable discharged in 1997 after serving 8 years. I received an emergency reassignment from Germany to the US due to the illness and prognosis/diagnosis of my parents' health. My mother and stepfather died within a week of each other and biological father within a year of their deaths. I was also directly involved in 2 separate shooting incidents where 3 subjects were taken into custody, not to mention numerous domestic calls and traffic accidents. I was so pissed when I got out, I avoided anything to do with the military and never considered asking the VA for help. Divorce, a few arrests, Anger management, AA and 3 councilors later, I recently turned to the VA and was diagnosed with adjustment reaction with depressed mode, chronic alcohol use disorder but was told no evidence of stressor(s) occurring and no nexus. Literally one phone call to a local off post library got me the newspaper articles of the incidents within a few hours of research. I take responsibility for the instilled juvenile bravato and pain that kept me from asking the VA for help until now and I believe I will find the supporting documentation that will allow the VA to make a just determination. Life is a great teacher. Thank you for what you do.


Thanks for sharing, I have pain attacks for years - over 30years. Thank you.


The most important thing is to have a current diagnosis. Even if you're not being treated or taking any meds. I submitted multiple treatment records to the VA for other things not even thinking about depression. In going over my records the VA initiated a mental health claim on my behalf because they saw the depression diagnosis. When they notified me of that I went over the symptom rating criteria to see where I fell and made sure the proper symptoms were recorded during the C&P exam. I'm still waiting to find out the results.


getting the 100% from the VA the easy part (for me it was), ssi is a different dang story. I would love if you knew about that & help with that. I have been denied for YEARs & gave gave up & went to work sick & hurt suffering. I recently had open heart surgery in March & going thru the process again. I’m hoping like hell I don’t get denied. Heck the depression is killing me alone. On a CPAP machine but I’m still tired all the time. It suck having to fight for stuff you worked hard for. I was in the Marine Corps & Air Force.


I just had my 2nd Depression Anxiety C&P exam, and the examiner asked why I wasn't rated for my 2019 exam. She said she would bring that up when she submits.


Man my friend told me about this channel thank god. I'm stuck on 80 percent now I know why


Had a c&p for an increase from 70 for depression 2 weeks ago but I'm stressed out that it was over in less than 30 minutes. The doctor was flipping through some kind of c&p manual after most of my responses.


Finally got service related for my depression but they rated me at 30%. Don’t understand why it’s so low when there’s VA notes stating I have SI.


Best way. Seek treatment and be honest while still on active duty. I havent gotten a rating yet, but I will be filing for benifits before discharge (BDD) and im sure having the diagnosis happen during my active duty time is better than after.


do you have a video on the difference between 100%and 100% p and t comment mostly for that question and YouTube algorithms


Craig, Can you do a video about obtaining a Service Dog for disabilities and resources available through the VA for obtaining the dog?


Unrelated, but I got a email that VR&E is going up 7.8% any change that’s the same as SS?


I'm 100p&t (10/2020), 70-mdd SSD. I'll be 55 next month. Last worked 2/2020. Been telehealthing weekly with civilian psych, but recently decided to start mh with VA, so they'd have documentation - instead of having to transfer civilian treatment records.

New (younger) VA MHC psych says 'I see you're 70, but you don't have SSD. You're not making up your symptoms'. I said no, I'm not-every orthopedic issue has imaging to support my pain. I told her the medical community redefined SSD to include chronic pain. She said, oh, ok.

I also asked her, since she brought up my SSD 70, what she does with that? Send it to a rater to reevaluate? She said 'oh no, I don't send anything anywhere, but if you open another claim ( which I won't) then they can reopen it. She brought up PTSD, and that had never been mentioned before. 🤷

I'm wondering if I should believe she won't notify VBA?

I'm also wondering if I should've just stayed with civilian doc and paid out of pocket for MH.

Hope I haven't put a red flag on my VBA file.🙄
