Historical Evidence Jesus Predicted His Death and Resurrection: The Mark Series pt 38 (10:32-34)

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Here are 5 historical arguments for and responses to 3 arguments against Jesus actually predicting His own death and resurrection along. After that apologetic section, which will take a big chunk of today's teaching, I'll share some theological and pastoral insights from this passage in Mark 10:32-34.

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I forgot how much I love your apologetics videos. I was struggling a few years ago... God let your video pop up on evidence for the Bible. You helped solidify my faith man. I've listened to you ever since. You gave me a perfect word for when my son died as well back in March. I just appreciate you man.


For such a young man, the Lord has blessed you with great understanding! Thank you! The Lord bless you!🙏🙏🙏


Simply the consistency of the Lord, down through time, and looking at all the human confusion, down through time, makes it obvious that this man, Jesus, is like no other


Good word on the surprise of suffering that should be expected and how it makes us forget the glory of things to come - Maranantha!


I really needed to hear this today! God's peace be with you, Mike, and all those who watch.


Pastor Mike, I had that same exact experience! My teacher wouldn't let me go to the restroom and I ended up peeing on myself. Definitely one of my most embarrassing moments and I still struggle with resentment towards that teacher...😑


This teaching was so powerful for me, I'm in a season of intense emotional trials and this was such a reminder of what the word says about my suffering. Thank you Mike for speaking the word and teaching what our Lord says so well ❤.


Mike, please do a teaching on the timing of the rapture. Your opinion is respected and needed on this topic, thanks!


Thank you pastor Mike. The bit about expecting suffering and leaning into it, that's spot on. I needed a reminder. Thank you.


I am blown away by your depth, your gentle holistic interpretation, and your humble sense of humor. I have never, ever wanted to live in Cali until today! Immensely thankful for the technology that brings your teaching to my ears. Are your vids available anywhere else in case YT gets carried away with censoring? Do you do any studies?


At around 1:05:00 - You're an RP gamer from the sounds of it! I love it! One of my favorite thinkers of the day likens this life to a video game. He often says the trials and difficulties of this life is to help us in the next life. We live this life for Christ to be prepared for the next level - eternal life!


Pastor Mike what a wonderful message. You always deliver the words of God that make me dig deeper and that cause me to think in a better more significant way about the scripture you bring. I always pray with you at the end and all of it touches me in the way I know God is leading me to grow. Thank you so much for sharing your insights.


Mike I never want you to forget how important your work is. I started studying with you last September. God worked a mighty way in my life, miraculous miracles signs and wonders. Time fails me to explain it all, I am now married and my husband and I are caretakers of a church which we met and married, because of our faith in God we were able to keep our commandments during our courtship, and now our caretakers of our church Please continue to let God work. May God bless you and all that you do.


have to say, ,,incredible teaching on mark series ...would love on more books .


One of my favourite verses that affirms God's love for His people:

“I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved...”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:25-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I don't know how anyone can be anti-Semitic after reading Romans 11!


God bless you mike winger I really needed to hear what you were saying at the end of this I got some mental baggage and issues to work through that does effect how I pursue and view God and does cause me to question if I’m in sin if I’m doing things like enjoying a hobby (as they were an idol to me for a lot of my life) or getting intrusive thoughts even something like just turning on the tv when I’m settled into bed I start to worry if it’s sinful not necessarily cus of what I might be watching but just the idea that I’m watching anything. I don’t understand why I’m like this why I get these intrusive thoughts and have mental issues but this suffering is temporary and Gods glory outweighs it honestly more than I can even put into words thank you I needed this word tonight


Great teaching! In John 12, Yeshua (Jesus) is spoken of as Prophet and He is the Prophet we must hear and obey!


Dear Lord how i love to hear you speak.


Ok Mike, last 2 videos you have literally brought me to tears. Tears of joy, hope and anticipation, but tears nonetheless. Knock it off. (Jk) Thank you so much. You bless my heart more than I could ever express and I pray for you often.


another great video! I'm enjoying your channel so much.

I would love to see a series where you deep dive into biblical perspectives on the natural environment, including groanings of the earth, climate change, mass extinction, escatology, good stewardship, climate alarmism/depression, etc. where these things align with biblical views and things to be aware of. Specifically, I would like to know how to provide biblical insight, practical direction and hope to non-christians who have anxiety/depression about the environmental issues we are facing.
