Jordan Peterson | The Most Profound Idea - Legacy Video -

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Jordan Peterson discusses what he considers to be the most profound idea.

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This man adds more validity to religion than any religious official I've ever heard


That was incredible. Imagine managing to express that many profound ideas in less than 10 minutes. What a legend.


"It takes the entire Bible to rediscover that, which is a journey back to the beginning."

Dr. Peterson shared these words from T. S. Elliot in another lecture, another expression of this fundamental truth:

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

Simply amazing.


"The people that I've seen who've been really hurt have been hurt mostly by deceit."


Slightly off topic: Tomorrow morning I'm going to go to rehab to get rid of my methadone addiction, so please wish me perseveerance (I'm learning French and also some Russian but maybe I should also spend some time on ameliorating my English)


I'm drunk again. My room is clean but I'm not sorted out.


"We shall never cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot

"I have often had a fancy for writing a romance about an English yachtsman who slightly miscalculated his course and discovered England under the impression that it was a new island in the South Seas...His mistake was really a most enviable mistake...What could be more delightful than to have in the same few minutes all the fascinating terrors of going abroad combined with all the humane security of coming home again?...What could be more glorious than to brace one's self up to discover New South Wales and then realize, with a gush of happy tears, that it was really old South Wales." -- G.K. Chesterton


I love how he endorse honesty with "speak your truth" and independence "people dont have ideas, ideas have them" so grab each idea that comes to mind and struggle with it, like how do you know is truth?


"...and that's what the story of Adam and Eve is about."

Hahahahaha, brilliant!


Thank you for these clips Andy! much love from down under


I wonder if what he says is true about human beings discovering time. Elephants seem to have a rather thoughtful behavior when they know they are going to die; seems pretty self-conscious to me.


His statement about deceit is interesting. I have often asked myself whether I would rather loose a girlfriend or wife to death than to my own mistakes or their deceit. Death seems to offer an easier option, somehow. You know they are gone because of no fault of your own. Obviously, this is quite a selfish idea, since I would also want a loved one to be as happy as they can possibly be. The hard part is accepting that you are not contributing to their happiness, and taking a step back.

I think this might also be the fundamental reason why crimes of passion might be so common. Suffering the death of a loved one might be easier than having to face their deceit, therefore you might kill them and try to suppress the reality of their deceit.


What a treasure you are Professor Peterson! I've been working through the Bible series, one each Sunday morning. It is changing my entire perspective on life; thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Dolphins and other sea mammals may actually have a level of self-awareness which is more advanced than we can comprehend. The way they communicate is extremely complex as well.


The truth shall set us free. Betrayal and deception destroy trust and trust is necessary for us to treat others well. Deception destroys this social capital (trust) which allows us to form real positive beneficial relationships with the world of other humans.


Maybe it's dumb, but I'm 2 minutes in, and I wanna just clean my room.

I'm not even kidding. Professor just have this effect on me.


That really hit home. Thank you for that, I needed it


I relapsed tonight. I was doing so well. now I have secrets to keep again. it was so wonderful being honest.


im probably going to get high again, watch JP, realize i shouldnt have gotten high, and then repeat the process


6:10 "...But they can't handle betrayal. And they can't handle deception. They can't handle having the rug pulled out from underneath them by people they love and trust. That just does them in." This really resonated with me. Especially, growing up in an abusive, fundamentalist Catholic family. Being indoctrinated into lies, having my ability to separate reality from fantasy crippled to the degree it was left me devastated. I am no longer close to my family for that reason. I can't trust them to have my best interests at heart. I subjugated myself to perceived authority for so long because of it. I lacked negotiation skills because of it. I was taught to deny myself sexually, materially, socially. I was taught that the obliteration of self was the highest good, especially when it was on someone else's behalf or in defense of the Catholic faith (i.e. martyrdom). I've tried my best to undo the brainwashing, but it's still there. And I'm a shell of a person because of the harmful effects of religious indoctrination.
