30 Year Supply Of Survival Food Ruined!

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As we journey from home to homestead, I'll teach you how to become self-reliant. When the systems we rely on fail, know that you'll have the skills to provide for your family. Oh, and we'll have fun doing it! 👊

Be sure to watch: "DIY Storage Solution With A Secret (You Won't Believe How It Works!)"
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i grew up eating weevily flour . we just sifted them out and ate it. my parents grew up during the great depression, so they didnt let a few weevils waste a bag of flour or rice or anything edible


McDonalds fries are a forever food that can be stored just about anywhere. Underneath furniture, between couch cushions, in the gaps between the car door and the car seat. I have a bunch of McDonalds fries sitting in the bottom of my desk drawer. Some of them have been sitting in there for over 20 years, and they are the exact same color they were the day after I ordered them.


Put some bay leaves in the containers in which you store grains and spices. Sometimes the products are contaminated with weavel eggs in the store. Bay leaves work like a charm, even if the product is contaminated the eggs and bugs will die. If no contamination is present, they won't even come near your products.


Ok, ok. thank you for answering a question I've pondered for decades. "If bread has no nutritional value, how is it people of the past seemed to live off of bread and cheese?" Because their bread did have nutrition. 👍


Several decades ago I'd read that the amount of time needed for the bugs to die in the deep freezer was 20 to 40 days. Probably because IF the center of the large bulk bags doesn't get cold enough for long enough the eggs can survive. You were lucky it was only one bucket. I'd also read that the cold from the CO2 could weaken the bucket, as well as damage some of the grain (think freezer burned meat), so the magazine recommended putting the pieces of dry ice on a coffee filter or paper plate at the top of the bucket. Since CO2 is heavier than air it will sink down into the bucket.


Kim, you DO need to turn-on your Grinder BEFORE adding seed etc . The seed drops down into the 'mill' and slightly jams it ;that wee-pause before it goes . Over time, this damages the 'brushes' and the armature, commonly called a 'rotor', this Will halve the life of the motor . Dave NZ


I spent 23 Years in the Navy. After 4 months at sea it would become a common issue to find Weevils in prepackaged single serve breakfast cereal. You just learn to pour on the milk and wait for the weevils to float to the top, scoop them out and eat your breakfast.
Mind you, 4+ months into a deployment you didn’t have fresh milk, you were drinking Magnolia boxed milk with a 99 year shelf life, so regardless of the cereal or the milk, it tasted like crap anyway.


Had weevils in my oats as a middle schooler... my biology teacher totally researched it for me and even asked for a sample...he said it's ok to eat and it just adds a slight protein as long as its fully cooked...he then proceeded to ask my parents why they were making me eat it, he learned that day what it's like to choose when you're poor.So we all learned, but....cook the weevils and you're fine.


I lived in Sri Lanka as a kid and having cooked weevils in your bread and any bakery goods was just normal so I’m living proof that they won’t kill you! 😂


I have a buddy who stores his food in Mylar bags and puts in about 5 oxygen absorbers. He has ones that were duds. So he opted to bump it up and be certain. The bags shrink down tight and dense. He stores them in 5 gallon buckets. I like his setup because they’re 1 gallon bags. So if something goes wrong. It hopefully isolates it. I like that he uses Mylar because it blocks out light. Which can destroy vitamins. Even some forms invisible radiation. It removes oxygen which is reactive to a lot of things. It causes vitamins to break down and oils to go rancid. It does what CO2 did for you. Also 1 gallon bags make it easier to portion and to carry in a hurry.

There was an extinct date tree variety found in an abandoned Israeli fort. It was at the top of a hill or Mesa I think? It was under siege when the Romans invaded. They finally surrendered but the storehouses were full of food. Among them were seeds to the extinct date tree. Some archeologists thought they would try to see if they would sprout. Out of 15 seeds. One sprouted. They’ve been trying to restart the tree species again. I honestly can’t remember if it was date or some kind of fruit bearing desert palm. So it is possible for seeds to last the rest of time.


I don't freeze my bags of wheat berries because bugs and eggs survive long, cold winters up here in Northern Wisconsin so I figure a few days of freezing won't help. I just use oxygen absorbers and food grade buckets and have not had a problem so far, thankfully!


BTW my dad said in Vietnam rations we're so tight and supply ships couldn't get in....Flour with Bow Wheevels was reground and became cinnamon rolls, extra protein and a pastry delight. 👀 I guess if your starving you aren't so picky.


Thanks for educating people on the nutrition chasm between fresh milled whole flour and store bought carb dust


This video came just after I discovered that 4 of my 5kg rice bags were lost to pests while stored for over a year (I wonder why they pack rice on perforated bags...). The same day I checked the vacuum sealed ones and they where fine and didn't lost vacuum at all. Your video is packed with everything I should have done before and I will.


If you find weevils in a grain product in your pantry or cabinet you need to check everything. They tend to spread.


There's a reason why they want you to turn it on BEFORE you fill it. Your milling machine is working WAY too hard to get started because you fill it before you turn it on. By doing that your going to burn out the motor a lot faster than normal.


Weevils are completely edible. I've had them in bulk rice before. You just freeze them or let them use up the oxygen then submerge the grain before use. The weevils, eggs and any heavily eaten grain will float to the top and can be poured off.

Weevils were also a problem in hard tac stores on ships. The squimish sailors would just make sure to eat below deck where they couldn't see if they has an infested piece or not.


Just keep in mind that HDPE plastic is not airtight. It will seem like it at first but it will slowly allow air back into the bucket. So even with your CO2 purge, you’re eventually going to need to do it again. That’s why the Mylar bags are a superior solution. They coat the plastic with a very thin layer of aluminum to fill in all the little holes in the plastic. Polyolefins are gas permeable without a metal coating.


I just found your channel and WOW I’m super impressed. Well scripted, presented, videography, humor, etc, etc. I’m hooked! I know what I can watch over the long winter. Thank you!


Goodness! This was the first time I watched your channel. Loved all the silliness. Thanks for the entertaining info.
