The Most Important Lesson in Golf

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Ever think about what the most important lesson in golf would be? Most would say impact. If you're thinking this you're wrong. This tip explains what they most important lesson in golf actually is.

Once you understand it, you will see how important it is that you remember it and check it constantly.

Also, in this tip I show you a video that was sent in by a follower wondering how he could get more distance. In looking at his swing there is now way he would ever hit it any longer because he was not following the most important golf lesson.

Hitting the ball longer requires you to use your body not just your arms. Once this gentleman is in the right position he can then start using his body and will quickly start to hit the ball longer than ever.

Like I said, watch this video and remember it and constantly check it.

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I tried what you said changing my grip, was hard a first but as you said after 30 balls got used to it.
Then I started doing to body swing nice loose hinges, full swing 2/3 Power and I am hitting straight with no effort.
I don't tense up and get nervous when I address the ball now.
Thank you, your method is on par.


I am 77 yoa. I have lost a lot of distance and flexibility, I watched Paul's videos and it gave me realization that maybe I can get my game back. Thanks so much Paul.


Another great video Paul. This explains why the ball always visited the left side of the fairway. I used to laugh outside and say it was a magnet in my ball and cry inside. Today, I will start takinig my alignment sticks to the tee box on every hole. If it is not crowded I will use it on as many shots as I can. Thank You.


2019 was the year I fixed/changed my swing. Thanks for helping me Paul. Love your vodeos


Hi, Paul, I wash 6 of your videos you explain everything that I'm doing wrong I'm going to try your Effortless swing it makes sense. Thanks. I will get back to you going to the driving range tomorrow. Adrian Rojas


That was me in Paul’s video, I’ve practiced all this summer with my alignment and using my legs and not my arms hit it farther, well it’s working!!
I’m hitting it farther than the guys I play with, who by the way I use to be even or behind their drives. Thanks Paul


Hi, I'm from Uruguay, South America, you are the best teacher I've ever seen, thanks to you I'm enjoying the game after 13 years of bad experiences, thanks you Paul!!!


Fantastic video Paul! Listen to Paul Wilson if you want to know how to swing a golf club and hit the ball 10% to 50% further. There is no question that Paul Wilson explains the golf swing in a comprehensive and simple way. I've been playing golf a long time swinging (no pun intended) between a 20 and 6 handicap. I never figured out how to hit it far until I watched and listened to Paul. Now I know. p.s. I don't personally know Paul Wilson and have never talked to him. But I study his videos! If you're serious about understanding the mechanics of a golf swing follow this guy.


I have recently started to take golf lessons. I have two main objected. 1. Consistently use my body with loose wrists and no focus on the arms to swing. 2. Take a divot with irons consistently. I am finding your lessons most closely follow my coach’s teaching. Looking forward to getting simulator lessons in the coming winter. Everyone tells me that I should play more golf to get better? I believe mostly practice swing until I get some consistency. I am 78 year old male.


So much wisdom can be found in Paul's many videos. Love it!


Paul, this was an outstanding lesson with a great explanation. Your lessons have helped me and my back so much. This lesson in particular will help so many golfers that really struggle because you explain in an easy to understand way exactly what they are doing wrong and how to correct it. Or they can go to one of the top PGA gurus and spend $1000.00 an hour. No thanks, I'll stick with you and get the same results for free. Keep up the great work Paul. You are the best.


ur a great teacher…Paul…
keep posting new videos…thanks !!!


I tend to do the opposite. I was told I aim left with my feet and hips but my shoulders are square. That was by two instructors. That's why I keep thinking of coming out to LV for a hands on lesson. I wait until it warms up come spring and decide. Thanks for the video!


Another great video Paul. Everything explained very clear. Since I started watching your videos my golf has improved and I am getting more enjoyment out if the game.


great lesson. golf alot with my buddies (we are all mid to high handicappers) and notice this flaw in almost all of us.


think I am the archetypal golfer you are referring to in this video lesson. I think I am now confused between trying to draw the ball as opposed to pulling/hooking it. I now understand what you are trying to point out in this lesson but it’s scary trying to trust myself applying your alignment tips when out on the course. I am now trying to put ALL your tips together which is amounting to a complete swing change/approach and can be so frustrating (there is a tendency to revert to type when things go wrong, which currently, I am experiencing). Thanks for your tips: I will get there, eventually.


this what i do..I use to think of lining up like there a railroad tracks then i got to pulling the ball so i just played it if i line up any kind of way it keeps going left i aim left it goes straight out in woods i making myself aim straight an keep playing like that to i get back to straight i know its fustrating but i know my game will get so much better if i contiue to do like you say now new season started i going to work on being scratch golfer for 2021 i just had to play what i had to win club championship...Looking foward working with you over the next year see if my game get to scratch


Another great video Paul. Thanks for making this


Paul is correct. I fixed my over the top swing a couple years ago and is it pure muscle memory now but when I have problems with pulling shots, I find that my alignment has veered back to the right of target. Alignment is now my main focus in practice and my pre-shot routine.


You are an incredibly good golf instructor!
