The Cruel Reality of Dairy Farms | Is Drinking Cow Milk Ethical? | Milk Production | ENDEVR Explains

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The Cruel Reality of Dairy Farms | Is Drinking Cow Milk Ethical? | Milk substitutes | Milk Production | Animal Cruelty | ENDEVR Explains

We put milk in our coffee, pour it over our cereal, use it for baking, cooking and we all love cheese. But what most people don't know is that behind all of these delicious things is an industry going through some seismic changes. There have never been so few dairy farms in the United States as today. At the same time, milk production has consistently been growing for decades. With supply levels high and minimum price fluctuations, margins sank and small and medium dairy farms suffered. The result was a drastic process of consolidation in the sector that led to the concentration of production and bigger farms. One of the characteristics of these producers is the way animals are treated. Most have exclusively confined animals with cows being milked several times per day. For activists and NGOs, this is the equivalent of animal cruelty. Some even question if drinking cow milk is ethical. Meanwhile, milk substitutes have been gaining market shares all over the world. In this video we look deep into what is behind this phenomenon.

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There's almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, oat milk... you don't need breast milk of another species guys


I've been working in a couple dairy farms and I can say that animal abuse is common.


Our Family is Dairy and we have been Milking Cows for over 150 years. We treat our Cows very well. Milk them twice a Day, They are well fed, and have a barn to go in if the weather is bad, and plenty of Pasture for them to walk around. I myself drink around a Gallon of Milk a Say. Its best to milk a Cow every 12 hours. Otherwise, the milk will leak out of the Utters with less income, any more than two times a day, it can be harmful to the Cows Also, more than 2 times a day, you may get little milk to were its worth milking 3 or more times a day.


These are industrial farms. Almost wrong to call them a farm at all.


Anyone else watched “dominion” on here it made me cry my heart out


I feel that, In most of the western countries, people don't care much about Animals except their pet dogs & cats.

However in a country like India, Especially in most rural parts, Cows are integral part of the family & they treat it much more ethically.


I have my own cow who is very well treated and there's a dairy farm less than a quarter mile away for takes very good care of his cows. And for the record cows in milk need to be milked at least twice a day to prevent mastitis. I used to be a vegan because I thought all dairy and meat was produced in this way but it's not true. Get your food locally farmers markets are a great place to start meeting local producers of goods which also cuts out an entire chain of nonsense shipping it here and there so you get fresher food better food well taken care of food and you can ensure there will also be food for you near you.


I have worked on several dairy farms for the last 30 years and I currently work on a dairy farm and this videos is full of so much misinformation! 1 docking tails is not a practice that is used as much today as it used to be! 2. Cows do get to go out to pastures all the time! Out of all the dairy farms that i have worked on there was one guy that was mean to animals amd he paid a price for his actions! Is there animal abuse that takes place on dairy farm? I would say yes there is but I wouldnt say that it is a common thing at all! Its very rare to find someone abusing their source of income. Most of these animals are treated very good, fed good, always have clean water, good soft bedding, hooves are always trimmed etc etc!


Liked the video until you made it seem like the rainforest was being shredded for soy milk. Most of the soy that is grown at parts where the rainforest was destructed to make space for it is used as animal fodder for dairy cows and meat production, not for soy-products. Get your information right sir.


We humans have destroyed their lives, feeding them & milking them is all that is done to them nothing else, as if they were milk & meat making machines without a heart or feelings, the milk produced by this method is different in properties and milk produced in a loving way has different properties, love makes the difference and a strong, healthy & full of all the goodies that you would expect from a cows milk is a product of love and letting the cows live like cows and graze like a cows and then to be milked like cows, doing it in this manner would not only make the milk more nutritious but the cows would have a better and longer life span.


Unless people have love and self-knowledge within them, all these cruel acts will not stop.


I worked on a dairy farm and I can honestly say, the cows are treated with very much respect. If anything my appreciation for cows only increased and yes, there are bad farmers, but don't label dairy farming as "cruel" just for easy clicks on the internet.


The day when we all eat plant based will be an empathetic and caring miracle. But I get how difficult it is due to how tastey meat and milk can be. We will also see a huge drop in heart issues.


3:44 What about farms that have between 49 to 2000 cows (if any of those farms exist?)

4:59. This is non-sequitur. The claim is that many cows are regularly impregnated, do not graze, have their horns cut off, and are killed when they cannot give milk anymore. Dairy producers counter that they are trying not to cut off the cow's tails, are training employees in better handling of the cows, and are encouraging Veterinarians to visit the cows. The second claim does not answer the first claim. And, when I think about it more, a cow that is sick and/or dead from disease cannot give milk, so I wonder if veterinarian's visits are really there to treat the cow better...

Also, there could be other questions asked here. For instance, is there a way to treat the cows more humanely while not affecting milk production? Is dairy worth mistreating cows? Maybe legal standards should be enacted to force dairy producers to treat cows more humanely (if they don't already exist.)


Firstly, cows are not milked "several times a day". Cows are milked 2-3 times per day which they enjoy since they usually get food and it eases their comfort. Cow numbers per farm is unimportant. There is a need to make farming as efficient as possible since margins are tight. Here in the UK, most farms graze or at mininimum use grass forage which is fed to them inside a barn since Holstein freisons typically don't graze very well and so needs to be pushed on a bit. The sheds are comfy for them and they have plenty of food, water etc. While I do prefer cows to graze (we graze from spring to autumn), life inside the barns are still good for them. Regarding greenhouse gas emissions, what is not taken into account is the land sucking the carbon back into the soil and the ammonium in the slurry is applied back to the land with the use of dribble bars and injectors to minimise the amonium turning to ammonia (from liquid to gas). Then with the alternatives, firstly you have the transport these products much further than dairy. 2nd, the oat for example which is fed to cattle is NOT human grade. There's nothing "wrong" with it other than usually cosmetically not as good or slightly lower proteins etc so in short, the grain fed to animals in WASTE PRODUCT, not perfect product which can be used for human consumption. What's also not taken into account is a good portion of the grassland used for dairy production is not useable for other crops, grass is very hardy so is much less picky on soil types, moisture and pH levels compared to let's say wheat, there's also the fact that you can't combine a big hilly field which is uneven, where cows have no problem grazing these fields. In the UK atleast, cows are happy. They can't talk to us, but when you work with them everyday, you learn their behaviours and can tell what their mood is. Regardless of if the cows are inside or out, the 3 basic needs for cows is Food, Water and somewhere comfy to lie down. That's all cows care about. There is ofc other needs such as foot health but it's not something the cows care about until they get bad feet. Antibiotic use is also a big part, do you really think we would give an animal antibiotics uneccsarily when antibiotics are soo expensive, we have an antibiotic useage % to stay under in the milk contracts and we don't want the bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotics either. We care about our animals a lot, sure there are things which look "bad" to the uneducated eye but the cows are healthy and happy which is the most important thing. Our cows last between 5-8 years and while a few die naturally, the others are culled for meat due to not getting pregnant in 16 months (6 opportunities to get pregnant). Educate yourselves, there's a lot of negative information on farming due to a lack of understanding. You make the choice wether dairy is for you or not but don't think we don't care about our animals. We don't work 60+hrs a week for nothing, and it's often much longer than that.


How many of the viewers have ever stepped foot on to ANY bovine based livestock operation whether that be beef or dairy? I would guess 1/1000 or less. Animal welfare is #1 priority on all livestock operations because unhappy animal are a total loss. They are treated exceptionally good and in return they yield maximum roi. That is a fact. Please keep a logical and open mind when viewing click bait videos.
Ag literally feeds you, even if you abstain from meat. These dairy’s often sell manure which adds fertility to soybean and oat crops. We all need to support Agriculture and try to have a degree of knowledge and understanding before posting non-factual/emotional comments.


The hardest part is getting up early to milk the almonds first thing in the morning. I also didn't know all these foods have nipples.


Odd how many documentaries pop up for animal processing and food production but I don't see any for awareness homeless people or veterans suffering mental crisis. We are aware animals die for our food as we are homeless people exist and vets need help, but one seems more important than the others in society


Never trust a video that uses text-to-speech


if milk was to be replaced by almond, it would probably involve alot of child labour like how cocoa worker are underpaid and overworked.
