Signs of VIKING ANCESTRY You Shouldn't Ignore

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#vikings #interesting #weirdworld
The ferocious seafaring vikings were a feared Scandinavian invader from the late 700’s AD. Over three centuries their ships carried the ruthless warriors to nearby and distant lands, which included the British Isles and northern Europe. They ranged as far as Northern Africa, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and present day Turkey and Canada. Doing battle as pirates, raiders and traders, the Viking voyagers formed settlements and governments in many parts of the world, establishing themselves and their descendents as rulers and nobility.


Outro Credits:
Greenscreen Thunder Storm HD

Intro Song: Gut Feeling by Ben Kopec

Rain Drops on Glass Window -1080p Green Screen

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My ex mother in law in Ireland can trace her ancestry back to the Vikings, and she’s got the beard and horns to prove it.


They were the cleanest and changed their clothes the most. Showered or bathed 1 to 2 times per week and changed clothes often. Clothes makers were constantly making clothes. English were known to shower 1 or twice a month unless you were royalty. Alot of the characteristics that vikings had I find myself doing. Their diet consisted of cereals soups and alot of meat. I can cereal constantly, love outdoor stuff, hunting, fought a war. Vikings are still alive today we just don't have ships but are still willing to fight.


Me: A Mexican

Also me: “Perhaps I’m a Viking.”


“Signs of Viking ancestry you shouldn’t ignore”

(Literally just talks about Viking lore and nothing I can see as a sign of being of Viking decent)


Being born in 1950 with both of my Grandparents mothers were German and my Fathers was Danish and my Mothers was Irish. I was able to get to know both, while my mothers father was at the VA hospital and I always remember that he would carry a small bag of pepper which he would dip the hard boiled eggs in that my mom brought to him. My father’s Dad I got to know and he would tell me stories about when he was young and I truly enjoyed getting to know Him. He sent me my first fly fishing pole, a split bamboo pole with his old Medlist reel and his 16 gauge double barrel shotgun that I used to hunt rabbits and quail. The memories of my grandfathers is some of my Most Cherished memories as I was the only one of the 6 kids being the oldest to actually get to know them. My Grandfather was a carpenter and I also got his tools which my Dad gave to a neighbor that also was a carpenter and after his death I received them. I raised 3 children and taught them how to camp, get water from the stream and to fish and hunt. The ways of Old were truly blessed- I learned how to cook meals to help my Mom. We always had a garden with corn, tomatoes, onions, carrots and even potatoes along with spinach and chard. During the Cuban Missile crisis she stored canned goods and other food staples which I have done my whole life. Neighbor’s back in the day would cook meals for us when my mom gave birth to one of us and we would go on camping trips together. The World of today has lost the most basic fundamentals of community and carrying for one another.


A friend of mine found out he was descendant from, Vikings. I told him that probably means your 20x grandmother couldn't run very fast.


The viking are actually proven to have had an extremely good hygiene, they bathed weekly unless they had a reason to bathe more (doesn't sound like alot but at the time it was), we even have a herb commonly in denmark called "soap herb" or in danish "sæbe urt" that has a cleaning effect and even foams a little like soap that was used for washing. we also have alot of evidence that says their hair and beards was very clean and well groomed. over all alot is actually known about the viking civilisation but it's something you really have to dig up or ask the right people. greetings from Denmark


After recently found out my grandad discovered he had viking ancestry due to his fingers cramping and getting tested for dupetrones, I've been learning about the Vikings more recently. Ive always found norse mythology really fascinating. To think that my ancestry can be dotted back to the Vikings is crazy


My great great great grandfather is Andrew hallner swedish man who immigrated to America in the late 1800s. He wrote several books including a code book used during ww1 and was one of the signers that made Nebraska a state. Very interesting and accomplished man.


"To reassure any who were concerned about possible viking heritage..." Concerned with what? Being unnaturally beautiful?


A long blonde beard, a blonde moustache, hairy arms and legs, powerful arms and legs and a deep blood curdling voice, as for the men that is another story .


My mother researched the family history when I was about 18. Bottom line, my Dad’s family members were all from Denmark. My Mom’s family members were all from Yorkshire, England. As Yorkshire was part of where the Danes took over (they named it Yorkshire), it boils down to everybody was Danish. Some just moved to England. She only went back 7 generations (not counting her and Dad). But anything that was true that many generations pretty much overpowers everything else. I almost felt unAmerican.


me, a full blood javanese watching this video:
maybe im part

edit: i am javanese. not japanese. it is not a typo.


*Signs of Viking ancestry you shouldn’t ignore:*
1) Bloodthirsty desire for killing
2) Enjoy pillaging and plundering
3) Long beard (if you are male)
4) Fondness for the ocean and boats
5) Enjoy eating red meat all the time


Went to the doc as I had this weird growth (small) that looked like a scally brother Sven has them as well. He asked if we had scandinavian blood, which we do, and that they're called (layman term) barnacles. Apparently these are prevalent with Scandinavian people, not dangerous but easily enough to remove, they'll pop up now and then...


I’m so fortunate my one of my two grandparents, my grandmother, spent years meticulously tracing our lineage back several generations. In beautiful detail. Her work doesn’t go back just quite THIS far, but nearly. Learning about exactly these times is SO deeply fascinating.
Thank you


I always feel the need to pillage my local grocery store


But Viking is like an occupation isn't it? Wouldn't it be Norsemen?


My grandfather came from Norway to Canada between 1918 and 1930, he fought for Norway in World War One and served for Canada in ww2, at the age of 54. I’m glad to be so interested and proud of my heritage


My late cousin traced my family tree to the vikings. I’m proud of it. My mum is second generation Irish so it wasn’t much of a surprise.
