torsion noncommutative 1/2 spin nonlocal quantum black holes: Gerard 't Hooft wormhole metamaterial

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Although that is a theoretical paper, the first steps were moved toward testing the laboratory realization of these scenarios by envisaging Gedankenexperiments on the interplay between an external electromagnetic field (to excite the particle–hole pair and realize the time loops) and a suitable distribution of dislocations described as torsion (responsible for the measurable holonomy in the time loop, hence a current). The general analysis establishes that we need to move to a nonlinear response regime. Then the authors conclude by pointing to recent results from the interaction of laser–graphene that could be used to look for manifestations of the torsion-induced holonomy of the time loop, e.g., as specific patterns of suppression/generation of higher harmonics. As said before, USUSY takes into account torsion and couples its fully antisymmetric component with fermions in a very natural way.
Therefore, it could play a significant role also in this exotic time loop [76]
Quoting Feynman and paraphrasing Bekenstein, those objects are called
“Xons” [ 2]. If such a view is correct, even matter that we deem to be fundamental, i.e., ele-
mentary, is in fact “quasi-matter”, just like the massless quasi-particles, ψ, of graphene [ 30 ]
that owe their properties to the interaction with the lattice1. The most noticeable result
of this “quasi-particle picture” [ 6] is that the evaporation of a BH inevitably leads to an
information loss, in the sense that, in general, there is a nonzero entanglement entropy asso-
ciated to the final products of the evaporation. On the other hand, within the same picture,
in [40], the authors describe BH evaporation from the point of view of the Xons. They see
there that the Bekenstein bound [ 3 –5 ] can be an effect of the Pauli exclusion principle, and
that a full unitary picture, leading to a complete recovering of the initial information, is
only possible if one could track the evolution of those fundamental constituents.
Hunting Quantum Gravity with Analogs: The Case of Graphene
yes unless you realize that humans are originally spirit as coherent biophotons!!
"However, the results in this work show that the situation
changes for a fermionic matter content"
In our approach, the Dirac matter is described
by a quantum wave function rather than a quantum
field. This results in a more tractable model, with
the backreaction of the matter to spacetime geometry
being taken into account.
“From the outside perspective, travel through the wormhole is equivalent to quantum teleportation using entangled black holes,” Dr. Jafferis said.
"Finally, we discuss the possibility of producing
the condensed matter analogous of this wormhole in a graphene sheet and analyze the electronic transport through it."
∆t (without the wormhole, therefore) and the one that
it spends to travel the equivalent distance through the Casimir wormhole, ∆τ , both with the
Fermi velocity. The parameter ℓ = 2.46 ̊A is the lattice constant of the graphene. The graph
suggests that the presence of the wormhole in the sheet represents a vantage with respect
to the efficiency of the electronic transport throughout the material, better the smaller the
size of the throat.
microscopic wormholes seem less far-fetched than in previous theories.
As the physicists report in their study, it is the inclusion of the Dirac field into their model that permits the existence of a wormhole traversable by matter, provided that the ratio between the electric charge and the mass of the wormhole exceeds a certain limit.
When Dr. Goto and his colleagues performed a detailed analysis combining both the standard description and a wormhole picture, their result matched Page’s prediction, suggesting that physicists are right to suspect that information is preserved even after the black hole’s demise.

“But this raises new questions. We still don’t know the basic mechanism of how information is carried away by the radiation.
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As expected, the temporal boundary induces a vacuum amplification effect, generating photons from the electromagnetic vacuum state. In addition, the larger the squeezing parameter s k the larger the photon production is, and the larger the variances of quadrature operators are.

The squeezing nature of the temporal boundary is more apparent when the output modes are analyzed in a symmetric/anti-symmetric basis: ˆask2=(ˆak2+ˆa−k2)/√2
and ˆaak2=(ˆak2−ˆa−k2)/√2 . In this basis, the quadrature variances are exponentially expanded/compressed with the squeezing operator: ΔX2sk2=ΔY2ak2=e−2sk/4 and ΔY2sk2=ΔX2ak2=e2sk/4, as schematically depicted in Figure 3. In conclusion, anisotropic temporal boundaries result in photon generation from vacuum, with nontrivial correlations between the photons propagating along opposite directions. In fact, the states depicted in Figure 3 are continuous variable entangled states of interest for continuous variable quantum information processing [45] and quantum sensing [46].


Note that the word “eternal ” is referred to an external
observer; a more realistic black hole that forms at some particular time from a
collapsing star would require a different metric. In an eternal black hole, if we
consider a hypersurface of constant time and we try to represent the curvature
of space at that time with the help of an embedding diagram, we will find that
such a diagram looks like a tube connecting the two exterior regions, known as
an "Einstein-Rosen bridge" or Schwarzschild wormhole.


Have you studied Sir Roger Penrose's argument about the equivalence principle of gravity arising out of quantum time-frequency uncertainty? This is such a genius claim by Penrose that it blows my mind. Basically Penrose is claiming that the collapse of the nonlocal entangled protoconsciousness creates gravity as a retrocausal effect of time-frequency uncertainty. So as Stuart Hameroff then emphasizes the more a person meditates then the higher frequency of light in the body via the biophotons enables a longer reverse time protoconsciousness to be maintained as quantum nonlocality before the "collapse" into a relativistic symmetric rest frame as two particles of matter.
The debate that Penrose and Gerard 't Hooft recently had on a youtube livestream discussion was about 't Hooft using the Penrose diagram for an eternal black hole model that assumes the particles of a black hole singularity in fact are the reverse time negative energy seen from the future. 't Hooft never explained himself to Penrose - but he did explain himself in a lecture that was later published in a peer-reviewed journal. That lecture is on youtube also. Here is 't Hooft explaining his eternal black hole model that he also claims exists on the microscale at all times:
"Dirac said, "Oh I know what to do with that, I'll just fill all those levels up and I'll leave some holes and they are now the new particles." Well that's exactly what I'm going to do here. I'm going to fill this whole region (II) up with particles and leave some holes. Those holes leave positive energy for the outside observers. So the outside observer will see particles that have holes for the local observer. So this is not a vacuum state (II) - I'm putting here what I call the "anti-vacuum."
The particles have energy which is positive only if I say that there is a shift of the total band of the energy from minus to plus. So I'm going to shift all the particles to a constant positive, a fixed value, E Maximum. And then I subtract the particles of region I. So particles of region II has the energy of E Max minus the energy of the particles of region I. This way I follow up Dirac's own position. But now E Max itself is the Anti-Vacuum - the completely filled state of particles - the extreme opposite of the vacuum. Here the particles that go from the right are the Anti-Vacuum. The particles that go from the left are the Vacuum. "
I can't really follow this whole "Anti-Vacuum" concept. For me it's easier just to think in terms of time-frequency before the creation of particles. haha. Still for anyone trying to work backwards from particles to the truth of reality then I think both Gerard 't Hooft and Roger Penrose have solved the problem. 't Hooft elsewhere acknowledges his eternal blackhole as a wormhole relies on noncommutative time-frequency. Penrose also relies on noncommutative time-frequency for his Palatial Twistor model since 2018. Only Penrose admits he's not good at doing noncommutative quantum algebra math - and he cowrote his noncommutative paper with an actual noncommutative geometry mathematical physicist. Gerard 't Hooft uses Fourier analysis and so he also is not using noncommutative math and he also admits his model needs to work on that aspect. hahaha.
So I look forward to PRofessor Basil J. Hiley's forthcoming paper on this - inspired by Professor Alain Connes' talk to the physics group.


Pendry, J. B. (2008). Time Reversal and Negative Refraction. Science, 322(5898), 71–73. doi:10.1126/science.1162087 "We also propose an experimental
realization, and under ideal circumstances this lens can exhibit subwavelength resolution, limited only by the strength of the time-reversed signal."


Dos S. Azevedo, F., de Lima, J. D. M., de Pádua Santos, A., & Moraes, F. (2021). Optical wormhole from hollow disclinations. Physical Review A, 103(2).
We show that the optical metric describes a 2D section of the spacetime of a conical wormhole.


chirally selective amplification resulting from Parity-Time (PT)-broken phases.
This mechanism is possible only over a range of velocities dictated by the amplitude of the grating. We contend that this grabbing hold of the light to raise its energy level is analogous to the function of an Archimedes screw in raising the level of water. It is worth remarking that, although the problem is mathematically more amenable in the impedance-matched case, this amplification effect is not contingent on both ε and μ being modulated. In Supplementary Figure 1 we demonstrate this, showing the case where only ε is modulated, as most easily accomplished in pump-probe experiments.


Yes you would need to study Alain Connes more. Actually Professor Singh should study Alain Connes more also! haha. As Professor Singh started out his talk - he doesn't really rely on Alain Connes. As Connes emphasizes noncommutative quantum algebra is "very strange" and is considered a "nuisance" to standard science. Eversince Plato our Western science has been based on a symmetric spatial rest frame definition of reality as the real number continuum.

So nonlocality is actually not geometry but rather a process of time that is inverse to frequency as Connes calls it a "spectral density." As Connes explains then between two points in space there is no longer any spatial geometric length but rather a time-frequency in the 5th dimension with the future and the past overlapping in a flowing asymmetric time process. This means with every external observation or measurement there is also an asymmetric phase shift of time. So the noncommutative phase does not exist in space at all - it is what Roger Penrose calls "fundamental time" and math professor Louis Kauffman calls "primordial time" and Alain Connes calls "primitive time" - and Professor Basil J. Hiley calls it "pre-space."

I think even using the word "space" or "dimension" gives people an excuse to fall back on their real number continuum math that they learned since 14 years old. hahaha. There are tons of Alain Connes lectures on youtube but it takes watching pretty much all of them to really get a sense of what he's talking about. Connes explains that music theory is in fact the simplest example of noncommutative phase as what he calls, "2, 3, infinity" - only again ONLY Connes understands this truth of music theory! Everyone else is wrong about music theory. I started my music training at age 3 and so my first year of college I was taking 3rd year level music classes and then I also learned "Dirac's Dance" from quantum mechanics Professor Herbert J. Bernstein, my first year of college.

So Dirac tried to maintain symmetry since he still had this symmetric Platonic bias of the wrong math - as Professor Basil J. Hiley points out and also Professor JOhn G. Williamson - I have corresponded with both of them. So Louis de Broglie, as John G. Williamson points out, already debunked the symmetric rest frame of relativity with de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - what de Broglie called his greatest discovery yet it is not taught in schools. Fundamentally all matter is light but light has a secret noncommutative origin of supermomentum or relativistic mass from 1/2 spin. This is also talked about by Fred Alan Wolf who collaborated with Jack Sarfatti.

I just got Fred Alan Wolf's 2011 book on this topic - he has a Tedx video about the "mind field of God" based on this secret 1/2 spin of the photon from the Higgs Field. That's why I asked PRofessor Singh about the Higgs Field - because it is the secret 1/2 spin of the photon that is from asymmetric time that then creates matter. So yes the virtual photons are already proven to be "captured" and converted into photons in the lab - this is quite astonishing that people are still "debating" whether virtual photons exist and even PBS Spacetime Matt O'Dowd is incorrectly telling people that virtual photons are just a mathematical trick of renormalization to maintain mathematical symmetry!

Clearly the symmetric geometry lie is a deep mind control that everyone gets hardwired by from learning this Platonic lie by age 14. In fact the wrong Platonic math is from the wrong music theory! I have delved into this "Liar of the Lyre" as I call it about Philolaus and Archytas who then passed it onto Plato. As Math Professor Luigi Borzacchini calls it, "a deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guiding evoltive principle" of science. For example Roger Penrose points out that gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter. So all this fancy precise technology to decrease the entropy of matter is INCREASING the entropy of gravity on Earth. What does this mean? As Penrose also points out the original heat of the sun is not due to thermonuclear reactions but rather due to the gravitational potential as negative entropy as the true dark energy of the Universe. So Penrose emphasizes the same point that Schroedinger made that life on Earth originates from the negentropy or negative entropy from the sung but as Penrose points out - based on the de Broglie-Einstein Relation all

So mass originates as frequency since the photon again has its mass defined by frequency as momentum. So this secret supermomentum of the photon is also noncommutative reverse time force as negative entropy. So with all our fancy technology we are accelerating the time on Earth by increasing the gravitational entropy as biological annihilation. The ecological crisis is much worse than people realize - it's a whole other topic if people want to delve into it. Most people are not interested but it doesn't matter since Mother Nature is in charge or as Penrose calls it - the "protoconsciousness" only APPEARS to be random - as Stuart Hameroff states the protoconsciousness is only "seemingly random." This is the superquantum correlations that Professor Singh is referring to and again this is explained by the fact that entropy originates from the discrete inner cross products of the matrices as noncommutative time-frequency force that is nonlocal.

So Alain Connes lecture on this is on youtube - I sent it to Professor Basil J. Hiley and so Professor Hiley is working on a new article about what this noncommutative time-frequency force means for physics. To quote Professor Hiley in his email response to me: "I am writing my take on the relation of his work to what I have been doing. It is really deep stuff which moves us well away from the way physics is normally presented. The maths is what we need but it has to be shown it is relevant to the physicist and not just “abstract mathematics”. "


Dude that stuff about the two electron in the photon going massless reminds me of something exactly like that, that Hal Puttoff told David Hudson when there were researching ORMES. The video is "David Hudson "Alchemy" At the Ranch part 1" the part I think you may be interested in starts at 1:36:57 and lasts about 8-10 minutes. I always just throw information at you that seems very similar or highly related to what you are saying in hopes it's of some use ;)


In a series of paper I proposed in collaboration with Francisco
S. N. Lobo to use the gravitation field itself as a source of negative energy in
such a way to realize a gravitational Casimir effect. We have christened such
wormholes “self sustained traversable wormholes” because they are sustained by
their own gravitational quantum fluctuations. The good news is that the sus-
tainability is possible.
In a series of paper I proposed in collaboration with Francisco
S. N. Lobo to use the gravitation field itself as a source of negative energy in
such a way to realize a gravitational Casimir effect. We have christened such
wormholes “self sustained traversable wormholes” because they are sustained by
their own gravitational quantum fluctuations. The good news is that the sus-
tainability is possible.
the nature of gravity in the extra spatial dimensions naturally gave rise to a violation of the energy conditions. Once those conditions were broken, wormholes became a natural consequence, they said.
