4 Steps to Reduce Insulin Resistance [Practical Things to Do Today]

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Insulin is an important hormone for regulating the movement of nutrients into and out of your cells. If your cells resist its effects, insulin cannot do its job, creating inflammation and making it hard to lose weight.

Insulin resistance is a common condition, but you can do things to make your cells more sensitive. Instead of just telling you to sleep better, eat better, and move better, this video will share practical things you can start doing today to reduce insulin resistance. And, the best thing is, it won’t cost you a dime.

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Deceived by Irene Hannon
Vow of Justice by Lynette Eason
Mind Games by Nancy Mehl


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Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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On May 31st I recieved blood test results stating that I was pre-diabetic. I found your channel on that same evening and began implementing your low carb diet and lifestyle suggestions. My A1C levels tested back in the normal range two weeks ago and I've lost over 30 lbs as of the date of this comment. Thank you SO much for the helpful and informative videos.


I’m a reformed former type 2 diabetic. Changing my diet was the smartest thing I ever did. :)


I went carnivore diet at 63. 5 nths later, ive lost 60lbs, and cured every chronic illness I had. Im now incredibly vital and healthy mentally and physically. Its simply zero sugar, zero carbs, zero plants. I only eat once a day, a fatty steak. Im never hungry, and never fatigued. I was t2 diabetic, now non diabetic. Arthritis gone, ibs gone, gastric reflux gone, joint pain gone, prostate issues gone, depression gone, anxiety gone. I wish id known about this years a go. Forget the salad and vegies; everybody says this, but we all end up sick and fat. Insulin resistance is also the driver of cardiovascular disease, not cholesterol. Sugar is death.


Thank you, four years of high fat diet, now started to run 10k, three times a week at age of 57! BMI 20!! Thanks to keto diet! Key success to keto diet is learning how to cook and be creative!!!


Thank you Dr Becky....I'm a 68 yr old who decided to join my son-in-law on a weight loss journey for better health ( he is recovering from back surgery and needs to get healthier). Boy, what a journey we've embarked on. This way of eating has changed my life....no more sugar, and processed food ( nothing out of a packet lol)., and for me, no wheat. He has lost 18kg, me 7kg in 2 months. Loving your recommendations and help. That you are willing to help us without huge costs, to achieve health is wonderful. Thanks again..cheers from Australia.


I have been helped immensely by your videos Doctor.
I have been able to loose almost 34 kgs I 16 months and I am enjoying the benefits of IF, Fasting, OMAD and 2MAD.
Exercise added to this definitely gives the edge.
LCHF indeed helped with more veggies, eggs.
Thank You.


I love this wonderful summary video. The information is not new but I do need to hear it over and over. I should watch this video every morning.


Thank you Dr Becky. I eat 9am to 3pm and it’s the best schedule for me.


I have an eating window of 12-6 which suits me down to the ground! However, I am going to shock my body by changing to 10-4. I find it a lot easier to eat early on dark wintery nights. Thank you Dr Becky for all your invaluable information and encouragement


I enjoyed learning from you, I’m pre diabetic and have a sugar addiction


I’ve been looking for information like this for over a year now. Thank you food not getting to charge $7, 000+ for information that can save my life!


Excellent content, presentation & talk Dr. Thanks a lot. Many people eat multiple times in 8 hours window which is not much helpful. Eating only twice in 8 hours & nothing in between except water is extremely effective. Many people in my groups benefited. Seven essentials for good health. Food is one for balance people are not much focused. Create right conditions for good health


I'm insulin resistant with severe reactive hypoglycemia, so am unable to fast without getting low blood sugar symptoms. I tried the Weight Watchers diet and actually gained weight. After watching this channel it appears that the WW diet penalizes too much for healthy fats, thus my failed attempt. So frustrating. If I go too low with carbs I feel terrible as well. My body is so sensitive. I decided to just eat clean, and not count calories, sticking to complex carbs, lean protein, veggies and fruit, while cutting down on packaged foods since they're laden with inflammatory oils, and making sure to walk/run every day. I'm hoping that works. Going to try to learn as much as I can from this channel, thank you!!


Not close to diabetic, but wanna optimize early in life, thanks!


I found Dr. Lustig about 5 months ago, His videos where describing your eating plan, which I have been doing far 5 months. 68 years old 5 foot 1inches tall weighting 196 pounds, had gained 30 pounds in 6 months. Already new I was prediabetic, now I was Diabetic A1C 6.1, With eliminating all ultra processed foods with High Fructose Sugar, eliminated all seed oils, no juices, but eating whole fruit. The plan was basic Mediterranean diet, except included eating red meat three times per week, because my iron was really low, start with having to go far iron shots and taking iron pills daily. With proper diet have lost 36 pounds, my A1C 5.6 now, no longer Diabetic, My iron is up to normal now, But my Doctor wants me to continue eating red meat, have been having problems over last several years with iron running low. I found your video informative. I do no this has to be far rest of my life, need to loose 30 more pounds, and I will.


An interesting tip I heard is to eat dinner in a specific order.
Veggies -> protein -> carbs


Listening to you Ma’am, it really calms my mind and your videos are the most informative and straightforward when it comes to lifestyle change. Thank you 🙏🏾


I’m am beyond tired of eating healthy and not losing weight for about 3 years now. Total hysterectomy in 2017 and now I’m unable to lose. I am going to try your suggestions that are clearly outline and I will check back. Not sure how many carbs to cut but I’m going to start at 40 -50 think that’s all I can manage without feeling carb crazy. Nobody wants to quit or restrict carbs but at this point I think it’s the only logical solution.


Dr. Becky Gillaspy ALWAYS has solid information well worth taking the time to digest and practice.
