What is a Normal Blood Pressure Reading?

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Dr. Oz says, “Your blood pressure is supposed to be under 140 over 90, optimally closer to 120 over 80."
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When measuring dont wear clothing under the inflatable cuff, second sit down for three to five minutes without talking, listening to music/watching tv, just resting and calming down.
Than take three measurements, the second you take 30s after the first, the third 30s after the second. Forget the first measurement and calculate the average of the second and third. Now you have an accurate measurement of your blood pressure.


Putting the cuff over clothing can throw off the reading.


186/107 is stroke territory. He got understandably excited. Taking it over a business jacket and a shirt, while she's talking and laughing and using her arm is probably why it's reading wrong. Manual mercury is still the gold standard.


I usually like Dr. Oz but c’mon!! There’s so many things that were wrong here.

1.) Putting monitor cuff over any piece of clothing can throw off BP
2.) You’re supposed to wait a few minutes if you want to remeasure
3.) You’re not supposed to talk or move yet He’s asking her questions and she’s yapping away while BP is measuring. 🤦🏼‍♀️


two tsp of Apple cider with 6 oz of water in morning on empty stomach and don't eat after 8:00 pm And at night before bed 1/2 lemon with garlic two pods with six oz of water...( boil it ) exercise a little


When blood pressure is taken, the body shud be in a relax state and not moving coz even emotions like laughing will definitely make the reading inaccurate.


Good job telling her that it's elevated because she took it OVER HER CLOTHES and not directly on her arm. Solid DOC...solid.


Her legs were crossed, she was talking, she wasn't still and the monitor was hooked up to her pretty much as soon as she sat down. These are all no no's when taking blood pressure.


Taking BP over her clothing, while she is talking and laughing and has just been standing up/walking around, and while she might be a bit stressed in front of the cameras...brilliant! That Dr. Oz sure knows what he's doing! Also, bp really should be close to 120 systolic. Oz's 140/90 is about a decade out of date. Great stuff, highly informative.


She's talking and laughing and did not sit quietly for even 30 seconds. Plus, the cuff is over a fairly thick jacket. At least he told her to put her feet flat on the floor. But, in my experiences, nurses do the same thing. Even I know the rules, and I'm not a nurse. Rachel...go to your own doctor.


Please know that people that have white coat syndrome like me need to do this at home and then bring their cuff with them to the office and take it again. My blood pressure when going to the doctor runs up to 200/100 but If I take it at home it’s 120/80. I take my Cuff to the doctors office and it agrees with his cuff. I actually had to take pictures of my Cuff readout That showed the date and time before they believed it. Needless to say I try to avoid doctors offices. The only trouble is insurance companies insist I go in.


Starting to believe that normal blood pressure for one person may be different for another person. A set number for normal blood pressure for everyone seems unreal because people are different, have different bodies that react differently to different stimulations, etc.


Thank you for the video. I'm 28 years old and already use medication for blood pressure. I started with this problem early in life.


This is a great example of how not to check your BP. Pt is talking, legs crossed, moving all over the place.


Sleep is a big big factor. I use to sleep one or two hours a night. Doctor gave me sleeping pills and now my BP is much lower. I feel better too. 140 and over is way too high according to the new standards


BP changes in minutes. Take 3 times in 15 minutes & you'll have 3 different readings. Do exercise & it goes up. I was on medication for 15 years & it never went Below 135/79. I'm trying to keep it lower with the right food & supliments. I quit smoking & am loosing weight. We'll see how things go in a couple months.


No talking by patient during measurement. Also, never put cuff over clothes, cuff to skin. Most Dr offices take BP wrong. Sitting still in chair, back supported, arm on table, feet on floor, cuff chest high, cuff on skin gives most accurate readings. In addition, 30 minutes after eating.


Her talking and moving around was definitely messing with the reading.


The biggest problem here? is that she never stops talking while having the blood pressure taken! And that's why I ask every nurse to do it for a second time, 'cause it always comes out different! Not good lecturers...by the way...


I believe the manual BP cuffs are more accurate than the digital machine
