Oxford ATHEIST Professor says Faith in God is INSANITY-John Lennox Brilliant RESPONSE #god #debate

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#johnlennox #debate #god

Here are two reputed oxford professors Peter Atkins and John Lennox discussing on the subject of religion and science. Atkins presents his case that religion is nothing more than hallucination and calls coming to faith in Christ as the early stage of senility. Watch how John Lennox brilliantly responds to his arguments.

About John Lennox
About John Lennox
John Carson Lennox (born 7 November 1943) is a Northern Irish mathematician, bioethicist, and Christian. He has written many books on religion, ethics, the relationship between science and faith (like his books, Has Science Buried God and Can Science Explain Everything), and has had public debates with atheists including Richard Dawkins (this video is one of them) and Christopher Hitchens. (Wikipedia)

About Peter Atkins
Peter William Atkins (born 10 August 1940) is an English chemist and a Fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford. He retired in 2007. He is a prolific writer of popular chemistry textbooks, including Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Atkins is also the author of a number of popular science books, including Atkins' Molecules, Galileo's Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science and On Being. (Wikipedia)

The video is fully scripted and edited by Naga Seminarian channel.

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I came to Christ and the early stage of senility at age 19, 50 years ago.


John Lennox is so polite, thorough and intelligent. I'm glad he's a Christian. The other professor was quick to be defensive when John turned the tables on him. There is a significant intellectual capitol he's invested in Atheism. His personal identity is on the line but it has fatal flaws. The fact that he resorts to insult is a tell that he cannot defend his position and may not really believe it. He's holding these objections up to God so that, in his mind, he won't have to deal with a holy all powerful God because God did not provide a specific answer to him.


With today's technology and power, mankind needs the wisdom of God now just as much as it ever did.


I really love listening to Dr.John Lennox a great mathematician and a believer in Christ Jesus.


What Peter Atkins really means is, "Even if God the Creator Himself showed up at my front door, I wouldn't let Him in, because I want to be my own god, no matter what."


Watching the response from Peter Atkins reminds me of the response I gave to a pastor at the age of fifteen, who I argued with for an hour, proclaiming that there is no God. More and more I hear those say science should be believed, the more I am convinced that these people who hold "degrees" in education toward science appear to be rather ignorant. It is not that they do not believe in God, it is that they want to be god. That fifteen year old teen came to faith through Jesus Christ over forty years ago and though my walk with him has been a very bumpy one, it is not because He was not with me, it was that I strayed from Him. I can only thank Him because He left the ninety nine and brought me back to the flock.
My intolerance for the educated, or should I say the uneducated who have been given a piece of paper that stipulates they have fulfilled course requirements to be given a "doctorate" only means that when their life is over, it is a meaningless piece of paper that will not save you. I on the other hand have something far greater that a piece of paper, I have the assurance, along with my faith I have been redeemed because the sacrifice Jesus made for us all and the difference between those of us who accepted that sacrifice and the atheist is through the water and the blood, my soul has been sealed by the Spirit of the Most High God allowing me through His grace to be redeemed. My science through the Almighty is far greater than any atheist science. BTW my formal education stopped at the sixth grade. Anything after that has been through the grace and mercy of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I still, at this stage in life, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but with the blessings and mercies of God I have succeeded and now enjoy my family and praise my God every day for it.


If a "scientist" states upfront that the sufficient arguments won't convince him out of his position, it makes him a fanatic


Atkins and Dawkins famously said no amount of evidence would prove the existence of God. So by their own admission, science (the acquisition of knowledge) is fine so long as it suits their own belief !


It’s a shame the narrator has to regurgitate what is being said by the scholars. Let them speak for themselves.


Thanks for the video!
Thank God for John Lennox
Christ is King!


There are none so deaf as those who refuse to hear.


A world without God? Just take a look around, yo. Madness. Rage. Hate. Confusion. I'll stick with God.


Peter Atkins is a brilliant chemist. I own two of is text books; physical chemistry and general chemistry. That being said, Mr. Atkins is blinded by the enemy, and will never believe in God even if there were irrefutable proof. He simply refuses to believe. But, on the other hand, one day he will bend his knee to Jesus and declare Him as Lord. Then unfortunately, it will be too late.


"No amount of proof will suffice" is the first tenet of the religion of New Atheism.


Atkins resorts to insults and pathetic narcissism when he can't refute a point.


One of the best responses ever. A child, perhaps age 8 or 9, said to me years ago he didn't believe in God. I looked at him and said, "God believes in you."


C.S. Lewis wrote his most brilliant, incisive, and entertaining literature after he became a Christian. He was also happier. If that is early stage senility, give me that!


"Early stage of senility..." that's a doozy of an insult! I see others here have leaned into it as something to be proud of (being a Christian, not being senile). Good for them!
It does represent how some atheists view the belief in God. And they'll only accept scientific proof for God's existence, as though scientific proof is the only valid proof there is, all experience is suspect. Apparently completely unaware of the hypocrisy contained within that attitude--denying that everything they know came into their consciousness via experience... Experience is everything. Knowledge is nice, truth is great, but they all depend on experience to validate them.
My experience of God's fantastic LOVE sure did validate my knowing he exists.


This atheist has raised himself to the level of God deciding for everybody what is and is not true. Only God can make that decision. Without God, he must believe in something from nothing. And as a scientist he should know that is impossible. Yet he refuses to accept the possibility of something from something and that something being God. It makes no sense at all.


Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47, 000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12, 000 and got my payout of m $270, 500 every months, God bless Chloe Linda Henderson🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..
