Barack Obama's farewell to spokesman Jay Carney

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After more than three years of jousting with the White House press corps, President Barack Obama's press secretary, Jay Carney, will step down next month to pursue yet-to-be-named opportunities, President Obama announced on Friday.
The president interrupted Carney on the podium, where he was answering questions during the White House daily news briefing, catching reporters by surprise.
"One of Jay's favorite lines is, 'I have no personnel announcements at this time,'" said the President.
"But I do, and it's bittersweet," he said.
Mr Obama called Carney one of his closest friends and advisers, and said he was "not thrilled" when Carney first told him in April that he wanted to leave.
"Jay came to me in the Oval Office and said he was thinking about moving on and I was not thrilled to say the least, but Jay had to wrestle with this decision for quite some time," Obama said. "He has been on my team since day one, for two years with the Vice President and for the past three and half years as my press secretary and it has obviously placed a strain on Claire, his wife, and his two wonderful kids Hugo and Della."
Source: Reuters

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