Tips For Doing Hard Things | DEEP DIVE | Episode 178

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Cal Newport does a #DeepDive on #TipsForDoingHardThings. Cal talks about #BrandonSanderson. Doing hard things have intrinsic value. They will make me a better person even if I fail.

There are 3 tips for doing hard things.

- Tip 1 is to make better goals. Cal explains lead and lag indicators.
- Tip 2 is to learn how you work.
- Tip 3 is to break it down

0:00 Cal's intro
0:24 Cal talking about advice from Brandon Sanderson
2:00 Cal talks about the flaws of following your dreams
2:54 3 Tips for doing hard things
5:18 Cal explains lead and lag indicators
6:06 Tip 2, Learn how you work
10:28 Tip 3, Break it down

Connect with Cal Newport:

About Cal Newport:
Cal Newport is a computer science professor at Georgetown University. In addition to his academic research, he writes about the intersection of digital technology and culture. Cal's particularly interested in our struggle to deploy these tools in ways that support instead of subvert the things we care about in both our personal and professional lives.

Cal is a New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including, most recently, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. He's also the creator of The Time-Block Planner.

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#CalNewport #DeepWork #DeepLife #DeepQuestions #TimeblockPlanner
#WorldWithoutEmail #DeepQuestionsPodcast
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3 Tips for Doing Hard Things:-
1) Make better Goals: Goals shouldn't be way too long term. Instead make Goals that you can track, control & those which give you a clear course of action for tomorrow.
2) Learn how you work: Learn how you get yourself to do that work. Also associate it with Rituals(schedule), environment.
3) Break it down: Break Big goals into manageable ones by making a rough Roadmap.


I tell my students to not have “beauty pageant “ goals. these are goals where someone else gets to decide whether they reach that goal, where the selection process can be quite capricious, with shifting goal posts. setting goals that they can actually reach, like getting through all of their classes with good grades, or participating in the robitics team competition, those are what will create more opportunities for them in the long run.


I can do hard things,
Doing hard things has intrinsic value, &
It will make me a better person even if I end up falling.


Love the part on how writer's block is just the physiological feeling of the writing experience! I've "forced" myself to write two novelettes and every time I sit down the beginning is the hardest. And same for meditation too, the mind calms down three quarter into the meditation 😊


Sanderson did not write Name of the Wind. It was Patrick Rothfuss.


I have been following Cal Newport's work for the past several years and have found his videos here on YouTube invaluable. Such great content.


The magic of these tips is that; they can be applied to anything in relationships or complex goals.


Watching these short takes from the podcast has basically become a part of my daily routine at this point! Thanks for providing such valuable insights Cal


Cal & team, I’m so glad you have started podcasting and putting your stuff on YouTube. Definitely has helped and motivated me on an ongoing basis with practicable actionable advice.


Damn there are 69 comments now and dont wanna change it but I gotta write this. Amazing content. Plain background and clean. Same with the content. Video has sections outlined, short intro and you get straight to the good stuff. Subscribed immediately. Keep up the great content !


So thankful to see Anna looking so much better. 💛☺️God bless her and God bless you for helping her. 🙏🏻


Thanks as always, Cal. I've developed an appetite for your contributions. Keep up the great work.

One note: 'Name of the Wind' isn't Sanderson; it's Patrick Rothfuss.


Sanderson is a beast! That he has put out an entire fantasy universe - The Cosmere Universe of more than 20 plus novels (I think) - finished Robert Jordans WOT Series and let us in to the behind the scenes process in such a raw form is just creative mastery 🤩


Glorious. The famous Name of the Wind episode.


I like how you always wear the same shirt. Very minimalist.


Thanks for this video Cal. It’s truly obscene that advice, such as what you’ve given in this video is completely absent from our educational systems.


Loving the Smurfs references/comparisions.


I was writing many unfinished novels trying to become a author but i was annoyed having so many unfinished stories so i stop but i should have kept at it. But I wanted to learn outlining so my stories can get completed —-but like i could figure out how to resolve this issue so i stop well actually i tried to create comics instead. Another problem i had is “the story gets in my head” and i feel no need to online writing because im already watching the movie in my head. So i figure comics/manga will be more suited for me


Thank you for the strategies!

Recently I have found that proper breathing, meditation, and mindfulness are very helpful for me to manage monkey-mind behavior.


Best one yet! Do you have a link to the original talk?
