Should You Upgrade Your Camera?

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Should you upgrade you camera?
If you are watching these 3 reasons why you should upgrade your camera, chances are that you are already lusting after something. I also write for fstoppers and there is a constant conversation about the best camera 2019, the best photography gear and the camera gear that people are currently using.
It is easy to get bogged down in the anxiety of having the latest and greatest gear. So in this video I go over exactly how I work justify and camera or equipment upgrades that I make.
In my bag I have;
If you are watching these 3 reasons why you should upgrade your camera, chances are that you are already lusting after something. I also write for fstoppers and there is a constant conversation about the best camera 2019, the best photography gear and the camera gear that people are currently using.
It is easy to get bogged down in the anxiety of having the latest and greatest gear. So in this video I go over exactly how I work justify and camera or equipment upgrades that I make.
In my bag I have;
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Don't upgrade your camera... until you watch THIS!
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Watch This Before You Upgrade Your Camera Body!
STOP! Don't Upgrade Your Camera Until You Watch This!
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Consider THIS before Upgrading Your CAMERA!
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