Charger port not working? This tip could help!

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How to fix a charger port which won’t connect using a simple cleaning method.

If you are having issues with your lightning, micro-USB or USB-C charger port where it won’t charge, or it keeps connecting and disconnecting, then cleaning the lint and dirt out with a toothpick might help you fix this problem.

In this video, I fix my iPhone 6S by clearing out a surprising amount of dirt and dust from the charger port.

Note - take care when using this or any other cleaning method. Do not use liquid or anything metallic.

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Pov: you're watching this as your phone is on low battery and slowly dying...


This man is still hearting and replying to every comment till this day. What a legend


I almost took my phone to the repair store because I thought my charger port was broken. Then I found this video! You saved me money, time, and a lot of energy. Thank you so much!


Hahaha, this really works! I spent the entire day worrying about why my lightning port wasn't connecting as it used to. I began to wonder if my charging port might be damaged, or if it was simply the fact that I've been using this iPhone for three years, and its components might be showing signs of wear and tear. So, off to the supermarket I went, where I purchased a rather pricey wireless charger. To my dismay, the Chinese wireless charger, despite being touted as "fast, " only managed to charge my iPhone up to 59% in four hours.

Later that night, curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to seek guidance from online tutorials on how to clean the charging port. Lo and behold, I Came across this video which held the solution. Following the instructions, I replicated what was suggested, and now, my charging port is back to its former glory. The culprit? A tiny piece of my jeans had somehow managed to find its way inside the charging port, causing all the fuss.😂📱👖


Thanks a ton for this dude. I've been sitting with this problem for years and it never occurred to me, that it could have been a bit of dirt that needed to be simply cleaned out. I honestly thought they were designed to intentionally break or become faulty after a set period of time, - regardless of how well you take care of your phone - so that it forces you to buy a new one. I could have saved so much in the past if I knew this beforehand.


I've been using a wireless charger for almost a year because I thought my charging port was toast. Ordered a new phone and realized I need to backup the 200+ GB of photos etc from my "broken" phone. I somehow stumbled upon your video and my broken phone is now fixed. All my photos are being backed up as we speak. Cant thank you enough, so simple, but worked perfectly.


This does actually work! No visible debris came out of my phone but I brushed along metal connectors and phone has started charging again. I didn't have a toothpick so improvised with a wooden skewer and it seems to have worked. up to 18%, fingers crossed this sorts it! Thank you Pete!


Just cancelled my $600+ order on a new phone because I thought mine was at the end of its life... Thank you so much! I started picking at the port with toothpicks before watching this video as a last ditch effort to see if it world work but felt like I was just grasping at straws. But then I watched this and it gave me the motivation to keep at it for a few more minutes and after a while it worked! The port even makes the nice little *click* noise when plugged in which I haven't heard in months. Again thank you sooo much!


Fun fact: Yt will never recommend u such useful vdos


Been battling my phone for weeks.... Did this and it immediately resolved my issue... Such a simple thing, yet genius.


I can’t I’m gonna cry
My phone isn’t charging
The cable thingy isn’t even broken
Idk what to do now-


Thank you so much! You saved my life, because my mother was probably gonna beat my ass because this iPhone was gifted to me by my stepsister, because she got a newer one. I thought it was almost broken at first, but I remembered that I went to the beach, dropped my phone a couple times and more things, so I cleaned out the port. It worked! I'm so relieved, because I was battling this charger for HOURS! Youre a life saver man! Thanks so much!!


I’m watching this while my phone is on 5% send help


100% worked for me. Thank you!
I used both a plastic toothpick that has a 45 degree end and a wood toothpick. The plastic pick got further in and cleaned better. The wooden pick grabbed material better for removal.


Omg thank you so much!!!! I changed like 5 chargers and nothing was working . I thought my charger pot is broken and i literally started CRYING because my parents cant afford me a new one . Now all the chargers are working thank you thank


You have just saved me from having to get go to a repair shop or get a new phone, so simple but worked a treat, my phone is 6 years old and still going strong thanks to your fix, awesome. Thankyou


Phone wasn’t charging anymore. Decided to try this out before buying a new phone. And man I had sooo much cotton jammed in the charging port. Phone charges without wiggling the charger!! Appreciate you man!! 🤝


Yep, I thought my phone was broken. I've had many iphones and have cleaned my share of lint but for some reason did not think of this. The toothpick got some out but I ended up using a needle/hat pin and got a lot more out. At first, with the toothpick, I thought "that's not enough to have made a difference." But when I used the needle and started pulling out bigger clumps I knew that my problem was fixed before I even tested it. Thanks Pete!


Pov: ur scrolling down the comments and all u see are funny ones and none of them tell u that this works


This is amazing! I was about to bring my phone to a repair shop, then found this video. I couldn’t charge my phone/put in head phones without it buzzing on and off.

Grabbed a dental stick and pulled out a massive lint ball. I’m am writing the review while charging my phone with no issues. Thank you !!
