Why GOOD employees quit... 5 MISTAKES to avoid..

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I’m Leila Hormozi…

I’m a full time CEO, part time investor, and my side gig is making content to show others how we do what we do.

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I honestly can't believe I live in an era where this woman's mind is available for me to peek into. Also Alex. The future is looking great. I'm learning so much I feel like I been stuck in the 80's hearing you guys. And I was born in 92


"is my employee onboarding as much of a priority as my *client* onboarding?" <<< Question every biz owner and leader should be asking themselves


I thought alex video is only very informative. However, I was wrong. Today, I watched your first video and realise that you are also sharing very informative And very much valuable content. Thank you leila you guys are doing amazing work. Please don't stop sharing content like these, it really help people like us.


Great video.

Much of what you said is done in the military. In fact, it is frown upon for Sergeants (Non-Commissioned Officers) to not onboard (also known as "counseling") Soldiers upon reporting to their unit/department/detatchment. The one-on-one counseling sets the expectations and barries, but also achievements set forth. It's a GREAT management tool, but waste of time if management doesn't understand it. I've seen MANY cases where Soldiers fight lack of promotions or recommendations due to lack of counseling. Hell, there was a few times where I defended Soldiers to their supervisors/NCOs about their promotions despite lacking "counselings" or expectations (or "onboarding" ) as you called it. It makes a HUGE difference. But it all come downs to....the supervisor's TRAINING. If they lack structure, they'll resort to firing. It's stupid. You want to retain, and TRAIN talent. Otherwise, you'll become turnover city.

Anyway, thanks for the great videos Mrs. Leila. Take care.


Hiring our first Operations Manager next week. Taking notes and implementing now. Thank you!


I got pen and paper in hand XD. Techover is doing their first ever batched onboarding (4 people at the same time) this summer. As usual you material is invaluable. Thank you for this Leila! #keepPreaching


Thank you so much for your videos. I am close to launching my fashion brand. I only have freelancers working with me, but I apply the same principle of interviewing and retaining or not. I love learning from you to avoid mistakes as I grow my company. You are a blessing. 😘


Oh wow, these are so specific and valuable, thank you very much Leila


This channel is slept on. Amazing content. You don’t miss. Thank you


Again - one of the best videos on YouTube! Especially since we're onboarding next week.


I do love most of the points in this video, but I have personal experience setting my own 30-60-90 kpis as an executive & I think this practice needs improvement. In my opinion, it should start with the company as a review of the kpis the previous person who occupied the role was pursuing so the new executive has a realistic starting point. The idea then would be for the new executive and the company to co-create their initial goals so they’re not coming in blind. The company and the new executive can take old goals, and collaborate on how to make them higher quality goals. The company has a much better perspective of historical data, cultural nuances, etc than the new employee. Despite being an executive, I do think the initial goals should be guided for the most successful outcome.


Wow completely underrated content, this is so valuable. Thank you so much!


You're 10x-ing my todo list Leila!


Your timing could have not been better I needed this


YES!!! It takes 18 months, for an accountant, and granular buy-in from internal partners. I have to say out loud..."have you dedicated a budget to the onboarding briefing process?" And, "Which internal partners will I be working with as we move through the 30-day, 90-day, 1-Year, and 1st Audit checklists?" Our brains are expert "expectation machines." It should be in the job description, so saying they have no time to create it is a non-starter.


I want to start a company.

I will sell people a product they'll never get.
Tell them the more money they give, the more happiness they'll receive.
I will always tell them that their promise is behind the corner.
I will get them to feel good about losing money to the company.

Gotta love churches.


Fantastic insights as usual. Thank you Leila!


Thank you again for your informative video!


Absolutely great video! Thanks for this break down!


I haven’t been onboarded properly on a job since I was in college lmao. They just let you shadow them for like 3 days and they throw you to the wolves. You feel unprepared, not confident in your job, you’re burnt out bc of understaffing, you quit within 6-12 months
