Raspberry Pi Linux LESSON 2: Formatting SD Card and Installing Operating System

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This lesson gives a tutorial on getting started with the Raspberry Pi. It shows how to properly format the SD card, how to download the operating system, install the operating system on the SD card, and then boot the Raspberry Pi. For these initial lessons we will focus on operating the Pi from the Linux command line. Our objective is to learn Linux, and control the Pi via Linux. In later lessons we will learn how to use the GUI interface.

Details of the lesson are on our site at:

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i am such a rookie, I dont have any kind of computer knowledge, but I am wiling to learn. So far, you have been the only one I understand. You take your time....Thank You, You will help me pass this class


as a grown man I'm embarrassed by how much this high school teacher has taught me lol thank you sir for you work.


I had followed other youTube instructions even though I am using the raspberry pi 4 and the camera could not be enabled in the raspi_config, but when I followed your instructions then I WAS ABLE TO :) I havn't tested the camera yet but so far so good. Keep up the good work.


Since the last comment was a while ago, I'll add a few comments.
I followed these steps exactly as you said and everything worked the firs time through.
The download steps and install steps have changed just slightly in a few steps but they are common sense differences, nothing to be concerned about. I did have one moment of panic. After installing Raspian on the Pi zero w, the gui popped up and I was thrilled, it then updated the software and when it was done updating my screen went black. I waited and waited, I checked all my connections, checked the green light was still on but the screen was black. I finally gave in and unplugged the pi fearing I would corrupt it and have to start over. Fear not- it booted up fine and everything is fine and I immediately made my backup.


Thankyou Paul.
Dug out a spare PI i brought back from a customer with some paersonalised settings on and had to wipe it and start again.
So good to refresh on the SD Formatter and clarify which version to download from the Pi website,
I will be watching more of the videos,



I finally got the gear I needed to get my new Pi4 up and running tonight! I'm looking forward to adding Linux proficiency to my Arduino and Python studies. Thank you for all the guidance you've provided to me on this journey.


Thank you for the lessons. It's awesome! Please keep recording more lessons. It is very helpful and useful. I am glad that there are people like you who spend their time and record grate videos.


Just what a beginner needs to know. Thank you.


Wow, good stuff sir! I was having trouble booting up my pi with a mobile mini keyboard and when I saw your video and followed the directions worked to install raspbian.


Thanks, this was great for me. It really helped. The other videos were by teenagers for teenagers and I am a senior.


These are great first principle lessons and build layer on layer.


Some observations from my setup which might help others: I've backed up a couple images as described in this video.  When using Win32DiskImager to write a backed-up image back to the SD card, the images could not be seen by Win32DiskImager because I did not know to include the .img extension when originally saving the image for backup.  Of course, the simple fix was to add the extension to the already-created file.  Also, I received "error 5: access denied" during the writing process.  The fix was to use the SD Card Formatter tool to format the "Recovery" volume on my SD card, then use Win32DiskImager to write the backed-up image to the card.  Everything is working well, now.  Thanks for the series of vids!


You're a life saver! The SD Card Formatter was the key for me. Thank you


Very clear step by step explanation. Thank you so much.


nice3 courses... i've just finished the last 2 on arduino....good job man! hope alright with covid there...


Paul, at 13:18 you describe the SD memory card socket as being the "press in / press old" type.
These days, Raspberry Pi computers don't use that kind of socket, the current ones have no latch - just slide in or out.

Terry Thomas
PC Tech Support
Atlanta, Georgia USA


Thank you for being so generous with your time and knowledge. I am learning a lot from your videos. What is the screen capture application you are using?


Thank you sir for your sessions....I just love them....


Your lessons are very well explained.thanks


i did everything you did and i got no image in my screen
what can it be?
