Why Did God Create the World?

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God created and sustains everything in this universe to display his glorious grace in Jesus.

Sermon by John Piper

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Thank you for that sermon. God Bless you and keep you and your ministry flowing throughout the world.


Oh Lord God, this is the most God-Glorifying sermon of all. It brings me closer to you, Oh Lord, each of the many times I come to it.


I have yet to disagree with anything Piper teaches. I can truly say he teaches the Bible, correctly in all its truth. There are others that do the same, but none of them take the Sovereignty of God to the degree it needs to be taken according to what the Scripture demands. Piper does it without apology and I am so thankful for his teachings. I believe he is truly a messenger of God and goes into God’s Word, where most won’t. Thank you Mr Piper and most of all, thank you Father for opening our eyes to your absolute Truth. Never forget; only the true Biblical Jesus Saves. God bless🙏🏻✝️


It is truly to Your Glory and Majesty, my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Enlightening! A truly inspiring Christian, those words that are uplifting, food for the spirit, full of Hope, just as God has designed


Pastor John Piper reveals to us the importance and meaning of our lives in this wonderful sermon, yet the comment section is ablast with people in denial of the truth.

I understand now. The point is whatever you achieve in life is insignificant, because the Glory of God comes first. We must do all we can to glorify His name. We must do all we can to deny ourselves and point to Him! We live our lives because of Him! Praise God!


wow! how he says the word of God it is so powerful!


Look at the very fine detail on the trivialities like the flowers, fruits, the nature and so on. Its just outta logic to say earth or even the universe just popped out without the design of an engineer or to be more specific, the Lord. Look at the heaing mechanism and all the things around us, only an expert designer and engineer could achieve such perfection. Just big bang is like saying that programs for Operating systems are coded by its own.(That was unnecessary, I know). So there!


The Bible says God created the world for His glory. What does that mean? So what if life sucks and you finally need God? Is he gonna let you suffer because your desire for him isn’t 100% because he’s awesome? There are many things I don’t understand


Interesting Larry David. Jesus is the answer


Why did God need/want humanity and how did it go bad? God was alone and didn't need anyone or anything. I love God but I have a hard time understanding this whole movie we are living throughout history


Why this world? Because God’s Holy Spirit will one day take the form of His incarnate Son, Jesus Chris, and live among His people. That is the Gospel. All glory to God. Come Lord Jesus, come! ❤❤❤ 23:37


God does exist, however god cannot be seen by us nor the angels in heaven .

God is a being of love light And consciousness and gods light is so pure that we can't see god .


Love radiated several billion years of light, warmth and love to create this paradise planet lifeboat so that her miraculous works of fine art called "life" have a beautiful place to "be".

Not to be devoured in a brief moment by the ignorance (greed) of a few filthy rich counting corpses thinking that they never get enough. And love did not create us to be slaves for lifeless corporations either.


And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Yes it was all part of his plan. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isaiah 46:10 Oh you don't like him? It does not matter. It is not about what you think it is ALL about GOD! Did you listen to this sermon?


Maybe the greatest oversight in this sermon was omitting the giving of an explicit definition of the word "Grace". Unchurched people very likely have no idea of what is meant by it in this context. It does not refer to elegance or refinement or courtesy. Most simply,
*Grace = unmerited favor.*
It differs from mercy. Mercy is when you don't get the bad thing you deserve. If a policeman or a judge extends mercy to you, you are not going to get the punishment your actions deserve. *Grace is being given mercy.* You don't deserve mercy but are nevertheless offered it. Mercy is never deserved or it wouldn't be mercy.


"You know the most important thing about everything" Wow


I am a man seeking faith. I understand that God created people so that they can benefit from his glory, and to benefit from his glory, you simply have to worship and believe in his existence. what I don't get is when it comes to people who don't believe in him, getting condemned for that, like being sent to hell in the after life. He chose to create us to benefit from his glory, I understand that. But why does one need to surfer for choosing not to benefit from that glory.
Because if He didn't create you in the first place, you wouldn't have to struggle in trying to believe in his existence, let alone suffering in the afterlife for never believing in His existence.


Isn’t that the description of an ultimate narcissist?
Our culture isn’t that far off from wanting “glory” and attention and praise for every little thing. Selfies and self praise galore....wanting likes, follows, etc.

We were created to amuse and be at the mercy of someone who didn’t need us for anything...as he’s complete without us. So why do it?
Why do you need glory and praise when you are already full aware of your glory and capacity? A being like that wouldn’t need to create people, to illuminate, to other people, his greatness. He could just be. He would be greatly secure in just that.
But to create a game of sorts, to amuse oneself...a version of ‘the hunger games’ or some warped elaborate video game, just to prove you can...sounds more like an insecure, controlling, narcissistic, ego bound person.
Additionally with knowing all....why would you create a tree of knowledge anyways (and create humans to be curious) ?
That’s like putting a pile of candy, or worse guns in a room for children and say they can have anything but that...if they do that they’ll get in big trouble. Why set them up for failure?!??
As a parent, with more knowledge than my children...I give them kinder and more loving parameters, not ones that direct their demise when I could seeingly and knowingly prevent it!
That’s like setting up a train wreck to be amused...like I’m bored and don’t truly care about anything other than my glory (and amusement).

It also seems like free will is a farce. You don’t believe in a god you can’t understand...who seems like an enraged narcissistic bully in much of the Old Testament and you’ll end up in hell. You sign up to be a puppet to his whims which are all self directed & you’ll be fine.
How’s it any different than a gun to one’s head. You don’t have a real choice.
Being placed on earth, with a sinful nature and all the horrors too, isn’t anything any of us signed up for. We are just created and placed, willing or not.

And why would a god have “chosen people”? Why can’t he truly love them equally?
Instead he plays at a narrative with the promised land and chosen people at the epicenter to fulfill his dynamic and dramatic story line.

We are mere pawns.

Why too does death HAVE to be the answer?
It’s not like anyone else came up with the rules of life...other than the creator.

This rant of a sermon just reiterates this perplexing game we are all part of. Life seems pointless unless you chose to be some sort of pawn...and to avoid cognitive dissonance you convince yourself to not look deeper and that you’re happy about it.
Or the fear of death is so great, you need anything, something to hang on to.

I do love Jesus’ character in most of the New Testament. But again, why was death the key. Why so violent?
Why have sacrifices at all? An animal that god created being killed to atone for a person?!? Are you kidding? And then just switch out Jesus later?

I love the fruits of the spirit and kindness and love of 1 Corinthians 13...but it all seems light years from a god who would have had it with his creation, to have a do over (except for Noah and his family)

That’s like me being so angry at my children.::I just decimate them out of frustration...maybe picking a favorite to stay.

I don’t like the god of the Bible at all.
I don’t like most of the confusing nature of it, the speaking in riddles...
I try to be straightforward with my children, so they know what I expect....not play verbal-beat-around the-bush games.

I want to believe in god...and i believe there is something more than me for sure. The world has some incredible beauty that causes me to know this..I just am not sure it’s he god from the Bible.


When he sees children die without hearing his name and the ultimate power he possesses. Missionary work is meant to show those people that there is an all loving God that despite the pain of sin he loves us all the same. I would do anything to trade places with someone less fortunate than me so they could be saved.