Do Christians NEED to go to church?

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The churches today have played a large role in turning many people away from God - myself included. Let's dive in!
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Yes there is a lot of bad churches today, but there is still some diamonds in the ruff. I pray that God will lead you to the right one sister in Christ!


Just got baptized today, Feeling great


I’m a Jew and I’m now joining a Church and about to get Baptized. I believe the end times are here and I have no income, I live with my parents who don’t believe me. I want to know how much time I have we have to repent. I don’t want to die and go to Hell. Jesus cured me of my addictions and I lost a lot of weight.


We definitely need to go to church and the online stuff is not to ever replace the actual gathering in the assembly the body of CHRIST


I think church is important. Since I got into a protestant church 2 months ago, I felt my faith growing and my church is always based on what the bible says. Then, in my opinion the church is good because we can get into the Christian community and get into good biblical studies. I'm not saying that you need a church to get saved, but it is important to live in communion with our brothers and sisters in Crist.
Happy Sunday, and God bless the channel because it's working in the kingdom and God's glory.


It's important to keep in mind that a church is not a building, it's a people. You are in church when you are with a group of people, discussing religion.


Peace be with you. He is alyways with you, even if you don't feel Him.


Taylor, I'm with you when it comes to feeling like my local church was a wrong fit but, since I live in East Tennessee, I took a different route to a solution. I went out on my property and cut a few trees down so I could build my own chapel in the woods. That was 2 years ago, I now have 11 neighbors I never knew coming to my chapel every Sunday for fellowship and Bible study. 😁👍 Keep spreading the word!


I'm a parishioner in the largest Catholic Church in our diocese. I go to Mass on Sunday's and sometimes during the week. At Mass I worship our Lord, get my moral compass checked, lift up my spirits, and have some coffee and donuts after Mass in the Social Hall mainly to socialize with friends. Our parish has numerous ministries that include running a food warehouse that feeds the poor families for the entire county; a food pantry that feeds 200 poor families in our local community; 5 Bible Study programs; and the list goes on and on with around 50 ministries. That is the Church in action, doing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and giving us the opportunity to commune with God. It's a wonderful experience.


Hebrews 10:25 - not giving up meeting together,  as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


Sermons are great because we are hearing from a person of wisdom but I have found so much growth through small groups where I get to participate in the discussion and hear others thoughts! I pray that everyone find that small group! ❤ the message today!


I am Catholic and I struggled in my teenage and young adult years because I was often the only one my age going to church. It wasn't until I was in seminary that I realized that the importance of going to church isn't just what I receive from God, but I actually have a vital exercise of my baptismal priesthood when we join our offering to the ONE sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the moment the priest says "lift up your hearts". Changed my life and I have such a more rich experience of God and the Body of Christ, the Church


Happy LORD'S Day.
I stopped attending a church after 2020 and only were watching online services and in the year 2022 when i read Hebrew chapter 10 (it says to not forsake the gathering of the saints, because for some it has become a habit)
i was convinced by the Holy Spirit to start attending the church. Found a good church by God's grace. Don't forsake the church gatherings on the Sunday.


You shouldn't stop going to church. Honest truth. Go back or visit another truthful church.


I've heard this many times but if you put your faith/ trust in people (the church) you will always be let down, but if you put your faith/ trust in God you will never be let down


Yeah, Christians grow when they do things that are uncomfortable. We are to deny ourselves daily.

Christians are to be crucified to this world. “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world”‭‭(Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬, King James Version).


Cool thing I've found in my community who have all had burnout on the Sunday experience: we do House Church every 2-3 weeks!

Instead of going to a church on Sundays, we found another night out of the week to get together with about 10 others (15-20 max) to have our own service at someone's house. We change it up every service by cycling who hosts each time and who's volunteering to lead worship/discussion, and sometime we'll break out into smaller groups after the sermon/worship to talk about the scripture we're focusing on. This feels especially nice to be in a home/apartment setting as opposed to being in a mega church or chapel, and still leaves Sundays to be a day of Sabbath for everyone


"Forsake not the gathering of yourselves together"


I live in Farragut/Knoxville, Tennessee, and I know some good churches. If you, or anyone, lives in or around there.


I'm about to turn 22. I've been saved for 15 years (accepted Christ at 7 years old). The church where I grew up, my childhood Pastor retired when I was about to turn 20. After he retired, I was hurt by staff members who mislead people in the church, I was hurt by the fussing and fighting by other church members where the church became divided. I actually considered not going to church, but I knew that is not what God wanted me to do. So I ended up leaving that church, which was very painful since it was the church I grew up at.

I'm very thankful that God lead me to the church where I'm at now for 15 months after visiting several churches. As a matter of fact, there are three core truths of the church I'm part of, one of those is Genuine Family, along with Global Missions and Great Grace. I agree with Taylor, we need fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. If you quit going to church, you may never have "Genuine Family."

To all my fellow brothers and sisters, don't give up on going to church because of being mistreated. You can always find another church if that's what the Lord wants. If I stopped going to church. I would have never found my "Genuine Family!"
