Should Christians be Rich? | James 5:1-6

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Should Christians be Rich? Or should Christians live some very modest, meek, financially struggling life? Is that a better representation of a Christian? What does the Bible say to answer the question, "Should Christians be Rich?"

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If God bless us with wealth, please do not be selfish with it, learn to share, help those in need, use it in a way that brings joy to people and to God. Wealth=Responsibility.


I have wealth thanks to Jesus and I love to bless my family and friends who are poor. I know I can't take anything with me when I die anyway.


Brothers and Sisters we are rich in Christ Jesus our king is priceless love you Jesus


Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is. Greed and deception is wrong.


Since I accepted Jesus money is not important to me like it used to be


When I was younger I wanted to be rich but that was before I truely realized that this life is temporary and these eartlhy riches don't last forever and isn't the key to happiness. Now I can be fine with just making enough to be comfortable. Not struggling but also not loaded. But should God make me wealthy one day I have plenty of plans to bless others with it. Admittedly I may buy a few wants like a classic muscle car, motorcycle and maybe a nice house but I would not spend millions on a huge mansion i don't need or a private jet or a million dollar Bugatti either. That's way excessive when those millions could be going to charities, church, and several other better uses.


I don't believe God has a problem with Christians being rich. As a person who comes from a middle class background, it is tempting to look to money as comfort and identity. God had to convict me of this when I was struggling to find work. I went on mission trip to "underdeveloped countries" the poor were content and trusted in God. In America, we are conditioned from childhood that money =success, happiness, power, love. But God is greater than money.


These scriptures are a direct correlation as to what is going on in our present day society and government. God's Word isn't void!!! Thanks for this video!!


Honestly I want to be rich because I want to make other people happy and travel the world and tell the word of God


it is good with God for christians to be rich as long as they put God & His Word Jesus Christ 1st


I once heard a pastor say that God does not increase our income to increase our way of living but to increase our way of giving.


i want't to be rich not just for my self but i want to help other peoples i need like homless or poor etc.But my first priority in my life is God


I recently find out about your channel and I'm glad I did. I'm a nurse who work the night shift. Its usually boring during the night whenever patients go to sleep so I use most of the down time to listen to your videos to grow my faith. It also helps me to better care for my patients.


I want to be rich for these reasons
- Give to those in need
- Help churches and those in Gods ministry
- Break free from the rat race (matrix)
- Be financially free so i dont struggle anymore
- Retire my Mother who fights so hard for the food my family has


There is nothing wrong with a rich Christian. God warns us not to put money as our god. Money is not evil it is neutral. It depends on what we do with it that makes a person generous or stingy.


I believe we can be rich especially when we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can
ever ask or think


I learn more from your vidoes than i do at church . Love them thank you.


I was reborn almost two years ago. In the midst of a struggle which isn’t too surprising now that I understand His purpose for my life. One thing I’ve noticed is this. Worry about money and riches and there will be no provisions. Pray that the Lord supplies you and you will be provided for. I’ve learned so much from the Word and through your channel brother. I pray for the day He trusts me with a surplus that I can do what is asked. Peace be with you all.


A true believer and follower of CHRIST, I mean one who heeds the HOLY SPIRIT is already rich. However there are those who equate having worldly riches as to being blessed of the LORD.
I don't know that might be all good, fine and dandy but I just want what GOD has for me so I can better serve HIM and be obedient to HIS word.
So I'm just gonna rely on HIM to supply all my need according to HIS riches in glory by CHRIST JESUS. It is written so it is true, thank you HEAVENLY FATHER for the honor and privilege to serve you. In YAHSHUA (JESUS) name.


Christian's can be rich as long as they didn't get it from doing evil. People think that they're saved simply by being poor but that's not the case. It's harder for a rich man to be saved but not impossible. If you put God first in your life then it doesn't matter how much money you have. Remember Job, he was willing to give up his riches but God knows the heart so he made him even richer. Riches can be good for a Christian if God gives him the grace not to be consumed by his riches. Many people desire to be rich but riches can become a stumbling block. What kind of God will give a person riches if it will prevent him from serving him? What many people who desires riches need is money management skills.
