Should Christians Play VIDEO GAMES?

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Video games are huge part of our world. But with so many games available, how do Christians know which games to play or if we should play at all? In this video, we offer 4 tips to help you decide which video games to play and when to play them.
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My son and a friend built a church in Minecraft. They invite other players, and take turns reading the Bible. Games can be used for good.


Choose your games wisely, play with moderation and don't let it consume your life. These advices are perfect fort both Christians and non-Christians.


Ironically, I always try to spread the word of God in Video Games.

I say things like “God Bless Everyone Have Faith In Christ Amen 🙏✝️❤️”


I was literally preaching the gospel in war thunder on EU server.
one guy was was in my team
i asked him where is he from and
he is from Europe, Poland, region my city AND MY SCHOOL.
we started to message to one another, met one time, and i invited him to my church and he gave his life to Jesus and became saved

Testimony i believe will inspire christians to use everything for God.


Hey, Christian video game developer here. It is sad to see the current state of the video game industry that is so deeply rooted in the world. We have been attempting to incorporate biblical messaging into our future projects not only for believers to play, but to help nonbelievers. Although it may not be seen all of the time, there are plenty of good game companies that are attempting to use video games to help spread the gospel. Please pray for us and the game we are working on currently.


I met my husband from Canada, while I was living in Florida. We were on a website that built a community around a PS2 game: Dragon Quest 8, fell in love and married. God delivered the both of us out of loneliness. Married 15 years strong and we have grown closure to God and still game.


Believe it or not, videogames actually helped protect me from the abuse of my family growing up, and taught me values that ultimately led me to my faith in Christ.

In this sense, God USED video games to save me and bless me. I don't play anywhere near the amount I used to for the same reason. I also prayed that God would lessen my addiction. I no longer feel addicted to video games. I still enjoy them, but I only really play them for a week or two at a time about two to four times a year when a game I really looked forward to came out. Otherwise, it's become so easy for me to ignore


Basically moderation and discipline are necessary.


Good video! I used to play video games a lot. It consumed me. I used it to escape from my problems before being saved and found myself doing it after God saved me. I would play exclusively single-player bc I didn't have friends who played the games I enjoyed a lot (Monster Hunter, Divinity 2:OS, ...), and didnt particularly care for multiplayer. I can't honestly say its sin outright for everyone, but I can say that for me to live a life that is serving the Lord with zeal, RUNNING (not walking) the race, and storing up for myself treasures in heaven, my life couldn't include video games. I found that when my life was consumed by video games, I had given up drawing, something I used to genuinely enjoy doing. I also neglected any semblance of nighttime devotions. I now enjoy that, and the Lord has shown me ways I can use it directly for Him, as you have Impact


I am a Christian student currently studying game design. It heavily demoralizes me when Christians make it "us versus them." Games are an art form. Treat people who enjoy them like people who enjoy art. If they're using art improperly, treat them like someone using art for evil. Don't treat all "game enjoyers" as the devil.


Thanks so much for this :)

My story is sorta unique; as a child I adored video games but as I grew older I began to see them a lot more as art forms and appreciating them for what they were; I began to thank God a lot more for allowing video games in my life.

Now I'm genuinely getting the sense that I want to make video games for God's glory. I'm an artist and a musician myself and I want to use those gifts to show God's work in my life. My goal is to create games with plots and characters with the Gospel at its centre (kinda like the Chronicles of Narnia).

This video helped me and I'm sure it'll help many others. Whatever happens, I'm holding fast to God's promises 💕


Video games can be great works of art, but the greatest & most important work of art ever put together is the Bible. Great video ❤


Im Catholic, and I really like playing video games, and this vid helped a lot! Video Games can also teach lessons such as perseverance!


I’m 23 years old. I still play video games. They’re just a passion of mine. But lately I’ve been playing them a lot less. Mainly because I work full time now and I don’t always have time. But also because I’m part of Church community and I wanna continue to grow my relationship with God. So while my love for gaming won’t go away, I have learned not to give all my time to them and make time for the more important things in life.

Also, no game that I recall has caused me to sin. I could be wrong but I’ve kinda been the one to always make the distinction between gaming and reality.


This is so absolutely wholesome for those who struggle with not knowing how video games fit into their Christian life, may God bless this channel abundantly.


Spread the Word of God in video games❤


I litterally just prayed for help with this, opened YouTube, and saw this video, thank you, Jesus loves you all❤️


I'm willing to bet a lot of gamers (including Christian gamers) would have some difficulty accepting what this video says about video games, but as someone who's enjoyed them since childhood and still plays them at the age of 32, it seems accurate enough to me. Video games can be a blessing or a curse, depending on which ones you play and how you play them.


I love how God uses our testimonies to speak to others! Thank you for sharing 💯🙏🏼


As a gamer I've personally followed your advice the past few months because I knew it was an idol, so I've decided I wouldn't play games until I've achieved certain things in my life and it definitely helped me to grow spiritually. That's true that games has been a blessing for me but indeed we have to be careful it doesn't superside everything else or we end up serving the flesh.
[17] For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.
Galatians‬ ‭5v17‬
