The TRUTH about Divorce after 50!

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My husband and I have been married for 46 years on January 11, 2021 we have no children at home anymore we helped raise grandchildren and now it’s just us and we have fallen in love all over again it’s not about sex for me although it is for him I love him with all of my heart and he loves me more than he ever has he is kinder and more loving to me than ever I love him as much as I did the day I married him sure we’ve had our ups and downs but we love each Luther tell death do us part


56, 15 years together, but fell out of love 10 years ago. Companions and roommates not enough to expand and grow.


I'm 70 years old, 10 years divorced, 20 years married, two boys and I don't think my wife ever loved me but I worshiped her.
She divorced me and it turned out to be a new wonderful life.
I have good friends with benefits and more love than in my 20 year marriage.
It's a lot better than you think..


Laughter is a lubricant to a relationship 😂😂😂


Married for 33 years. Separated at year 28. Still married by living apart. It was the no communication, no quality time, and the no concern for my feelings that was the reason I had to finally stop colluding in my own self betrayal! It was a slow and lonely death of our marriage that gave me to courage to move out and not look back. Took my savings and bought a townhouse. He can file for a divorce and pay a lawyer, but l rather use my money to travel and invest. I’m healing and feeling better everyday. 🧘🏽‍♀️


It is important in a relationship. If you aren't someone else is . Don't go for the I don't want it anymore BS. This is why more and more are choosing not to marry or have kids.


I'm 63 going through my 4th divorce. Respectvwas gone he is a narcissist abusive and very toxic and he caused us to become homeless. When I found a way to get a place to live I told himbi was done and to just go. I also financially supported him for 3 years. 17 years on and off with him. I an do better alone.


In the midst of my second marriage. Feel content at times, but relationship has zero intimacy beyond holding and kissing. Tired of fighting for affection. Will likely separate within the year. Just being honest.


In 2024 with the economy the way it is, divorce is financially impossible for anyone except the wealthy. Thus, you accept being with a person for the rest of your life knowing money is the only thing keeping you together. The alternative today could mean a very horrible lifestyle and maybe becoming homeless.


On many occasions men want sex but they are not romantic or complement wife every day with little details man are let the relation fall.


The man notices you cost more to upkeep than the 25 year old.


Sexless marriage for over ten years and after she moved into another bedroom I bought a life like sex doll and now she’s accusing me of cheating on her


I know many, like 20 Gen Y and Z couples who sleep separate during the week.


I'm 50. I get curious on how someone can leave their spouse after so many years. My marriage is not perfect. I often describe my husband like an achy elbow. He is part of me after all this time. Just like an arm. Just because most days my elbow aches I don't want my arm cut off. I love my arm. And an ache isn't enough for me to amputate. Loosing my husband seems like it would be equivalent to being amputated. Sure I could go on living. But, I would never stop missing what it was like having my arm. And in some ways perhaps a prosthetic arm would work better but it would never be truly part of me the way my husband is. I love my arm and it isn't achy all the time 😂❤😊.

This is scary though and I hope me and my husband don't have signs we headed for divorce. I wonder what an expert would say? Are we good? Or is there some serious signs that we don't have a permanent marriage?
Listening to this video we still sleep together and have sex. He laughs more than I do. He enjoys being around me more than I do around him. But I feel so connected to him. And he takes care of me when I am sick which is quite often. He is my lover and my family. How do I know if the imperfections we have are what lead to silver divorce? Is there any guarantees?


She looks great for her age, very pretty 😍


You just said that sex was the number 1 reason then you say it isn't the number one reason.


You can't blame people for needing love yet abused by the legal judiciary system. It's not the divorce it's the spouse that refuses to stop being the aggressive victim using hatred control that during the marriage never had good luck on your extortion tactics of victim mentality while together all you did was steal


I'm 54 married 29 years 27 years sexless ( less than 5 times a year ) cant afford a divorce.


I cant wait to find a woman over 50 to listen to said no man ever.


If you divorce after 50, that's going to be the end of that. Little late in the day, wouldn't you say?
