Flats Reacts To 'Overwatch with Limited Ammo'

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As a programming nerd and game modder and someone who's dabbled in the workshop a bit, everything Marblr does is *_super_* interesting to me, and it's extremely impressive what he pulls off with how horribly limited the workshop is 😭


( 40:20 - 40:50 )

Hearing Flats talk about playing a game that combine all of Marblr's concepts, as well as dropping ammo on kill, makes me yearn for the day he tries out Team Fortress 2, just for like a day, and see most of these concepts on display and where Overwatch got many of their concepts from.


What Flats is saying by pushing everything into the Workshop seriously needs to happen. Giving people more creative control over it!


Former programmer here, here's some fun tech guy facts
(1) 26:34 it actually isn't uncommon to build to tools you need in programming, before using them. Creating program extensions is a huge part of the job, and understanding how one program interacts with another is a tough skill to work on
(2) believe it or not but Marblr's reload script is pretty optimized for what it's trying to do. The key to optimization is not to make the program do exactly as you want, but to cut the path from where it is to where you want as efficiently as possible.
(3) programming sounds like Chinese until you take few classes on it, a lot of these words become common vernacular after almost no time. In fact I've always though a tech vocabulary class wouldn't be a terrible idea in public schools


I want them to improve the workshop so bad


10:00 Blizzard won't do that because Kotaku will write an article about players finishing the pve campaign for them


This is not to be rude, but I feel like you should pause the video when you talk during the video or to chat. You missed a lot of stuff while talking over it and made it hard to hear what he was saying.


fun fact: th reason hazard worked for ammo reading is because its needed fore hiis block since it regenerates ammo


Hearing Flats talk about team-up abilities kinda is interesting, cuz I consider Anas Nano to be in a way that. Sure, it's not hero-specific, and its an ult, but things like nanoblade are just iconic and like an unspoken rule when you have an ana and a genji. It would be fun to have more 'and now we two make something cool happen' buttons.
Also its just funny to play ana and hear your genji spam their 'my ultimate is ready' button and crochspam or stare at you. Need more interactions like that.


I want Overwatch with the Battlefront 2 (2005) kill pack system. Every time someone dies, they drop a health pack, an ammo pack, or a dual ammo/health pack.


“What if we had a hero that could put down a health pack to heal themselves or others?”

…So, Soldier: 76?


I am sprite ramattra


limited ammo could work for overwatch but marblr's gamemode just needs one more thing that he did thought of but scrap cause of how hard it would be to implement it with all the different modes and that when a player die they would drop an ammo pack which is why games like tf2 or cod you can go entire matches without running out of ammo cause players you kill will drop ammo packs for you to replenish with


It can be really easy to miss how fundamental decisions like limited ammo are to the way a shooter plays. When was the last time you played a shooter that didn’t have reloads? It changes a lot more than you’d think.


Half of what Flats wants is TF2 in a nutshell. Get this man on an Uncle Dane server!


If you haven't watched it yet, Marblr has a great video about how Cassidy's ult can miss and how it's a result of a series of interconnected line-of-sight checks and it's just a fascinating look at some of the complicated nuts and bolts of what seems like a very straightforward ability.


38:40 they did this but made it only heal allies now😭😭😭


I just thought with a limited ammo game that would finally give us the opportunity to make a 4th role maybe called re-suppliers they’re like a support but instead of health restoration it’s ammo restoration


@36:27 I would love to see teamups in OW. Little things like giving Sym a temporary Shield Gen for having Lifeweaver on the team or Pharrah getting the bigger boop field she had in the junkenstein mode if you have a Zarya. If Devs cooked they could make a real fun gamemode


So i put some thought into this while watching and here are a couple things I came up with to smoothen the experience (if we had a more flexible workshop):

- Enemies should drop ammo. It would greatly affect tempo of someone who's on the roll.
- Certain characters should be giving ammo to their team. It's how health is a key mechanic in the game and you have supports to interact with it. The same way if ammo is a key mechanic, then characters should be able to interact with it. Allowing Mei to restore ammo in her ice block instead of reloading. Letting Brigitte give out ammo just like her father used to give armor. Ana nano would give ammo bc it just feels intuitive, considering that she also heals. Etc. Characters were designed without that mechanic in mind so some of their power budget would need to be sacrificed in favor of ammo mechanic. (Mei doesn't reload but instead restores own ammo, Brigitte doesn't give overhealth but gives ammo).
- Entire characters sould be designed around that mechanic. Again, like someone placing down an ammo pack. This would be a good support but imagine them also have bad healing in favor of allowing your team to have better ammo economy.
- You shouldn't be able to see when someone is out of ammo... BUT! Sombra can hack a player to see their ult status. Same thing should happen with ammo, allowing you to see 3 different symbols depending on their ammo: above 50%, below 50%, no ammo. After all, information is the same resource as health and ammo is in games. It just so happens that devs haven't put much thought to it and only made 3 heroes interact with it. (Hanzo sonic, Widow ult, Sombra hack). This again could be used for a hero, and that one could be any role. A hero that can reveal current ammo of enemies same way Widow and Hanzo can reveal enemy's position.

As an afterthought, this mechanic would need major rebalancing of the entire hero roster to work and with the way workshop currently works... Definitely not possible. I wish blizzard put more resources into workshop. It was the sole reason i even played overwatch since Sigma's release, because my pc at the time didn't allow to play anything competitively. Seeing that they even put a restriction to hosting games is like another nail in the coffin of workshop 💀
