Flats reacts to Overwatch 2 Tiktok Advice from Gold Players

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Love how smug Ryan sounded about his advice when Flats proceeded to systematically demolish every point he made


I think the problem with Mercy is that her boosted damage value isn't shown on the stats screen for other players. That screen is what Tiktok players care for the most. They look at the stats and think: "Oh, she only healed and did nothing else", completely ignoring damage boost and revives.


As a gold do not listen to us

Edit: man's now in plat, although got a Moira player in my lobby so us plats are pretty brain-dead too


"you can mechanically out muscle yourself to diamond easy" my self esteem is shattered lmao


The reason Brig is "so bad" is because you really only play her when you're getting dove. There are so few supports to play that not being able to play her unless the right conditions are met makes her feel a million times worse, even if she is technically not a weak character.


"If I was blind, and I wanted to know what something looked like, I wouldn't ask another blind person."
I really like that analogy.


Gets final blow with Ana sleep dart: "OH MY GOD I JUST HIT A CLIP!"


Literally half the support roster can only heal one person at a time lol. That guy just didn’t like mercy.


Very relatable flats. I used to coach people up to masters because I was gm and was comfortable with that and holy shit the egos on people are insane. I would just be like dude you're paying me for advice and you're not even listening. Do you just want me to sit here and tell you you're the best?


Flats: "We have 28 new tiktoks"
Also Flats: uploads a video showing 3, still ends up being 16min long


I love how Flats describes the Mercy Flying.


Love seeing flats pop off lately with his viewer growth, deserves it


As a TF2 Player, I can agree with the fact that it is hard to get into the higher levels of a new game you play, especially when you have been mostly playing a different game. Like, I have played Team Fortress 2 for about 2000 hours, and could play Medic pretty well. But once I went over to Overwatch, support became very hard to play. My job was no longer as simple as “Heal big guy, heal other people when they are very low, and then use Ubercharge (invincibility) or Kritzcharge (damage buff) as soon as possible. It became “Use your damage output and utility to aid your team while also keeping them alive by healing.” I honestly debated not playing Overwatch anymore after playing a bit, but I sticked with it and am now a Jack of all trades, being able to play Overwatch decently as Tank and Support, while still being able to fluently play Team Fortress 2.


I was in a bronze match playing Lucio last night and I'm working on getting the mechanics down better. Tried to use speed boost as much as possible, with occasional heals, got ripped a new one pretty much the whole game by my team. We stop their payload a bit short so on our turn, it's just cap 3 points. My team gets stuck and everyone just starts cussing at each other. I said fuck it, and just ran damage won, you can absolutely muscle through bronze 😂


I have been playing quite a bit of Brig lately in quick play cuz i like the style of the hero, and i gotta admit, she is incredibly fun and rewarding


I just love the Mercy movement analogies because it's honestly what it would look like to anyone but the person playing her 😆

Also, all it takes is for the last poster that played Ana to say they were in Silver to have things make sense. It really does hurt watching them frontline like 'oh, that's why you're in Silver and probably blame your team or Blizzard MM for why you can't climb'.


On console, I can say that you can muscle your way to mid-plat with raw mechanics. The reason for this is that after plat 3, you hit the people who use the 3rd party connectors to use the mouse and keyboard instead of their controller and now you have 2000% sensitivity hitscan ruining your games


"If you gonna play comp please go into quick-play and learn a few different legends"

Flats: "They said legends, oh god they're not even one of us"


I can't believe how long I been subscribed to both Flats and Flats Two to see the main channel reach over 300k and now this one is about to hit 100k absolutely crazy you love to see it


Yea as a plat support I’m starting to realize how important it is to be versatile. Trying to learn and expand is hard but it’s actually fun. Good luck out there.
