How does an Evangelical Church go woke?

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After the tragic death of George Floyd, we began to see that doctrinally sound evangelical churches began to embrace this kind of wokeness that the progressive church had embraced for quite some time. Why is this? In this short video, Dr. Lutz gives his point of view and talks about the danger of critical race theory in culture and, sadly, in the Church.

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I was just fired from my management position for saying Pride is a sin. Totally slandered. The agenda is dark and deep. Be not deceived.
Keep your finances in order. You will be dragged into the fight. Stand Firm. God is Sovereign and Faithful. He already got me a new job. I am ready for opposition.


It is so good to hear Dr. Lutz speaking about the history (incl. Saul Alinski's part), I think many people don't realize what is really going on until they know the history behind it. It happens slowly and then very quickly.


In my mind, Woke is one of Satan's greatest lies. Remember what Jesus said of Satan. John 8:44 "He [Satan] was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."


Dr. Adrian Rogers once said; anytime you go to look for the devil in the church house, don’t forget to look behind the pulpit!”


Quick answer, faith requires courage, indeed God gives courage to speak against sin! The church is asleep. Bonhoeffer tried to warn the German churches to speak out against Hitlers fascism, but they remained silent. Re-reading this amazing book.


I see the Churches downfall starting in 1968 when Prayer and Bible were taken out of Public schools. The Church instead of standing up to this and fighting it said we'll build our own schools and teach how we want to, but that left 90% of Christian kids (like my two) still in Public school to receive ungodly teachings that us poorer Christian parents couldn't do anything about! Now we have lost the USA and there will be no turn around to this, Sin will abound more and more as the Public schools come after our children


These ideologies are destroying but also exposing.


The death of George Floyd also affected me in a way that my compassion was manipulated and I started to embrace social Justice to the point I voted for B. Then I realized my emotions were manipulated! I’m back to my normal self now. I feel compassion and bad for him but I don’t let that affect my decisions.


I left a once good/sound church for these very same reasons. Very sad.


I was shunned as I spoke out while my first church fell to wokeness.

The devil came in through growth books and worship music the worst. Also, being seeker sensitive leads to cultural appropriation.


Because to many people. Including preachers are more worried about offending people than offending God.


Passivity is how’d we’ve arrived in this mess.
A true believer is not passive.


Love Dr. Lutzer. Love you too Alisa. Brave Bold and loving of you to do this. I'm black btw.😊


This is the best time ever in the 53 years since my coming of Christ to be a follower of the Lord. What we do, who we are, and what we believe are all (and more) being challenged. The process will and filter and strengthen us beyond what we ever could hope for. Shields will be shattered, swords will plunge, and the believers will ultimately triumph.
To the leftist I say, "Bring it!".


Thank you, Dr. Lutz! This has been so helpful!


I’m conservative. I worship and fellowship with people from all ethnic backgrounds and I am Christian before I am black. But I’m still black. Something about most evangelical Christians make the hairs on my neck stand up. It seems to me that most believe that Jesus can only be worshipped properly in a white American conservative context.

If 100 black and brown people joined your local assembly with no agenda, I guarantee most congregants would fear that the “culture” of the church was changing. So the only way this works is if we assimilate in terms of worship style, dress, and speech. And ask yourself, do you feel like this is synonymous to being transformed to the image of Christ?

I think radical leftism destroys everything. But I also think that if a multicultural church has an all white staff for years and no one thinks that’s a not result of leadership being “asleep”, then that church has been equally deceived.


When an evangelical church goes woke it is turning it's back on God.


Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin is Christian.
Hate the Sin, Hate the Sinner is Fanatical.
Love the Sinner, Love the Sin is Woke.


A church goes WOKE when it loses sight of its mission. And that mission does not include in it the notion that we must have the approval of the world; rather the opposite, Romans 12:1-2.


Hi Alisa Childers, a little typo in the description: "Dr. Lutz."
You full vid has his correct name, Dr. Erwin Lutzer.
Good interview, BTW.
