What If Palpatine Created a Jedi Clone Army in Secret

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What If the Empire Successfully Cloned Jedi? Let's explore the depths of it in this video.

As Palpatine watches Anakin being treated for his injuries, resentment builds inside him. Anakin was the chosen one and would have made an ideal apprentice.

But after these injuries on Mustafar, his connection to the Force would be severely weakened and he would become more machine than man.

Palpatine must adjust his plans to create the ultimate apprentice. As the droids begin to operate, he orders them to gather DNA samples for research.

Once the samples are collected, Palpatine hands them over to a trusted doctor, Royce Hemlock, with orders to clone Anakin and find a way to replicate the M-count in these samples.

If he cannot have the original Anakin, perhaps a clone would be better, being untainted by defeat. This project is like nothing ever attempted as Palpatine pours countless resources into it , claiming it's success is critical to the survival of the Empire.

Despite countless tests, Hemlock is only able to identify one individual whose blood can accept this level of midi-chlorians, Omega. He manages to track down Omega through Cid, a former employer of the Bad Batch who sells them out in exchange for an imperial pardon.

With Omega under his control, Hemlock wastes no time studying her, trying to replicate her unusual condition. He conducts months of experiments that finally discover a way to create clones whose blood can be enriched with midi-chlorians.

When Palpatine hears of this, he orders that Hemlock transfer the data to him immediately, not wanting to leave anything to chance. This was a prudent decision as not long after, the Bad Batch storms Hemlock base on Tantis and kills all the researchers.

This is of little importance to Palpatine as he already has the data. He begins using Force-sensitive individuals to provide a steady stream of midi-chlorian enriched blood.

At first, he uses the Jedi corpses housed in Fortress Inquisitorius. When those are depleted, failed inquisitors and captured Jedi are his next option. They are taken to Project Necromancer's new headquarters where their midi-chlorians are harvested.

Soon enough, Palpatine finally manages to create a stable clone with an M-count nearly as high as Anakin Skywalker. As the cloning process finishes, the figure who emerges from his chamber looks identical to the Jedi before his injuries. The Emperor is ecstatic at his new apprentice.

However, while he might look the same, he lacks Anakin's skills. Palpatine begins to secretly train this clone while maintaining the illusion that Vader is still his apprentice. For the next decade, Palpatine sends Vader out on missions to consolidate the Empire's control while he trains the clone on Coruscant, teaching him lightsaber combat and harnessing the Dark Side.

Like Anakin before him, the clone proves to be naturally adept in the Force and quickly becomes a powerful asset. Rather than reveal him publicly, Palpatine has the clone join as an Inquisitor, keeping his face covered at all times. The clone is made Grand Inquisitor and acts as Palpatine's assassin. He entrusts this Grand Inquisitor with secret orders that should be carried out in the event of Palpatine's death.

That comes sooner than expected as during the Battle of Endor, Palpatine meets his end at the hands of his apprentice, Darth Vader.

When the Grand Inquisitor learns about his master's death, the Empire is in disarray with warlords fighting over territory and influence. The Grand Inquisitor pays little attention to these squabbles as he reaches for his holodisk to learn his secret commands.

Palpatine: Ahh, my apprentice, if you are hearing this then it means the unthinkable has happened, I am gone. My empire is likely no more as those fools fight over the remains. Your orders are simple. Execute Order, 67.

To ensure his Grand Inquisitor's loyalty, Palpatine installed an inhibitor chip with its own set of command codes. Order 67 was simple, the continuation of Project Necromancer.

After a short pause where the order sinks in, Palpatine continues.

Palpatine: After the destruction of Tantis, I relocated Necromancer's operations to the ruins of Tipoca City. You are to secure this facility and restart the operations. Do whatever is necessary to ensure it's completion.

The Grand Inquisitor gathers what few soldiers he has left to secure the planet. Tipoca City is abandoned and Kamino has little military value, allowing them to secure it with minimal difficulty.

As he looks through the data banks of Project Necromancer, he begins to understand the true scope of Palpatine's plan. Palpatine said that it was the key to securing the Empire's future and he meant it in more ways than one. Phase I had been to clone a new apprentice, but Phase II was to clone a new emperor.
Рекомендации по теме

Honestly I think palpy having his nap cut short is the most badass Palpy I’ve ever seen


What if darth vader went to darthomir to learn. New suit or perhaps more unique powers.
Resurrect talzin maybe.
what if Vokara Che became a mentor to anakin as anakin was being treated for bullying and trauma from being a slave.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan.
What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia.


This Alchemy of Sidious is quite primitive in compare to the midichlorian magick of Plagueis. It's a bit blood and gore!


What if anakin was found by jedi belonging to another sect like corelia or those nomadic jedi who allow attachment.
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What if yoda decided to swap the masters of ferus olin and anakin.
So anakin with siri.
Obi with ferus
What if ahsoka and anakin crash landed on bendu's planet. Also what if darth vader joined thrawn in meeting the bendu and went on a spiritual journey back to the dust ball tatiotene.
What if the whills turned padme into a literal force angel to save vader.


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


Legends did the clone and revive the Emperor plot too, and even back then I was in the camp of it was just a clone who THOUGHT he was the reborn Emperor. Legends did leave it somewhat open too.

I don't like the idea that this can be done as a story element. It just turns Star Wars into Dragon Ball. Where death becomes just an inconvenience.

Legends also has a bunch of cloned Jedi. Luke, Mara, Kyle, C'Baoth and others all end up cloned. In Legends it wasn't that it was harder to clone the Jedi, it was that the cloned Jedi usually went insane. At one point Luke had to fight his clone and describes a sort of mental static when being in the same room as him that goes away once the clone dies.

But it's a problematic plot point because it simply being possible means why isn't it done at this point or in this context or at that time and by that person and so on. You need a really, really REALLY good reason why there's not just a Jedi clone factory and why there isn't just endless Sith coming back from the dead.

Again, Star Wars is a setting in a galaxy with a population measured in the hundreds of trillions to QUADrillions. The idea that only like 15 people in the whole galaxy matter is bad writing. From Canon, Legends or Fanon.


i always thought project necromancer was the link to how palpatine gpt clone bodies. i was so glad to see the lab get blown up with hemlock dead in the finale of the bad batch


Imagine he said execute order 66. I would've been dying


What if after the incident on coruscant with Vader hunting the rogue inquisitors, instead of giving them a base near mustafar, palpatine completely disbands the inquisitorious?


4:27 yeah of course breakdance is easy😂😂😂 lego star wars the skywalker saga


What if the Jedi went back to Tatooine and bought Schmi to set her free.

What if Luke and Leia got married and had children BEFORE learning they're brother and sister.

What if when Anakin went to ILUM to get his first kyber crystal he found the first NATURAL RED crystal.

What if JarJar had a kultz attack and knocked over the vase revealing Palpatine's hidden lightsaber.

What if due to childhood trauma Palpatine developed a split personality thus Palpatine DIDN'T KNOW he was Sidious.

What if while tinkering with machines Anakin accidentally created a force sensitive droid.


What if anakin spirit in the world between worlds saved padme by making her a force ghost or new mother if the ones. She could make him help ben solo and others saying you got to help people who are suffering from your past actions.
What if anakin was piloting before attack of the clones and sensed ventress fall to the darkside as her master died and took his ship to the planet to investigate. Perhaps starting a romance as they are very similar in their stories.
Also what if ahsoka taught ben skywalker as she saw him as history repeating itself.
What if anakin was a jedi watchmen or wayfinder.
What if anakin went with kenobi to face maul and savage instead of adi gallia.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara or your own version of aayla secura romance.

What if oppo rancis trained anakin.
What if anakin met and fell in love with ventress just before the clone wars just after her masters death.
What if anakin became a jedi sentinel like a watchmen or one of those who find younglings.
What if evan piel became a mentor or second master to anakin.
Or anakin became a healer either before or after his mother death could be related to his friendship with offee or alternatively what if he was trained by tra sa who taught windu and actually did not forbid attachment as shown by her relationship with tholme, they could become like a pseudo parents to anakin and train him away from the temple in azati martial arts and from trasa the living force as she is a plant lady so imagine anakin controlling plant life.


Darth Theorist My friend, my brother, as your fan and as you're subscriber like all others, when can we see the what if alternate scenarios me and others have given you that you already know?


What if Anakin drank the magical ichor of Dathomir?


What if leia on board the tantive 4 escape from the empire successfully and made it to tattooine encountering by luke skywalker and Obi-wan kanobi. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.


Homie you’re getting a tad cocky w the ads
