What if Palpatine was a JEDI MASTER? (Part One)

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I actually got this idea while reading Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover. In the beginning of the novel, Mace Windu and Yoda are meeting with Palpatine, and Mace thinks to himself that Palptaine’s direct speech and love for the Republic are qualities that could have made him a great Jedi, if only he could touch the Force… It’s a brief interaction that gives insight into Mace Windu and Chancellor Palptine’s relationship. But it got me thinking… What if Palpatine was a Jedi?
#starwars #whatif #palpatine
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Holy smokes dude!!! That kid you used as child or young Sheeve was incredible 2:04 2:14. Top notch skills however you done it. It looks like it could really be a young Ian. Hats off man.


Nice i like it cant wait to see what part 2 has to offer.


What color would Palpatine’s lightsaber be if he were a Jedi?


What if Palpatine was a sith spy in the jedi this story could be a good base


I see Jedi Palpatine have both a blue and green lightsaber


People say Palpatine wouldn't be a Jedi because he's a Sociopath, but people forget Ki Adi Mundi was also a Sociopath and he was a great Jedi. However we must remember Palpatine is naturally Gifted in the dark side. Maybe just this once, we could have a Jedi who is able to harness the dark side without succumbing to it. I just don't want to see another "what if Palpatine became a sith through different means" like we always get with these what ifs lol. Anyway at worst Palpatine becomes like Dexter, uses his Sociopathic tendencies to kill those who would do harm to the galaxy, and at best he would become one of the greatest Jedi Consular's in History. Also keep in mind, Palpatine's charismatic nature and public speaking skills, would make him a GREAT spokesperson for the Jedi, and it would definitely put the Jedi in a much greater public Image by the time of Phantom Menace.


A Jedi Palpatine...

I would think that this could then set up a different sort of sect within the Jedi. It wouldn't be quite that Palpatine would be as attracted to the Dark Side as in canon, particularly with what you've already set up... but more that he wouldn't be able to get away from the political side of things. That in many ways, he would be like Windu and Yoda in wanting the Jedi to stay close to the Republic, but that he would take it a step further. That the Jedi should stand for office and assure actions to show them being more accountable to the people and as part of a sense that the Sith are trying to buy influence in secret and it's that corruption he senses.

It would be something that Jedi Palpatine would see as necessary to try and block the Sith by providing a strong voice for fairness and for the Jedi in the Senate and allowing for a voting block that he would feel wouldn't be as easily corruptible. It wouldn't necessarily be the most popular thing with the rest of the Jedi, as I'd also get the sense that Yoda and others would see that as trying to take over the Republic, which wouldn't quite be what Jedi Palpatine is aiming for, but it would be something that would push along when Dooku leaves the order and begins consorting in ways with the Senators that either dislike or distrust the Jedi or with those most suspected of being corrupted by the Sith.


Plagueis being the villain would arguably be better. He is not as cruel as Sidious imo and makes his murders quick at the very least. Unless he wishes to make me a science project, I would rather be killed by Plagueis instead. Lol


Here is a beast whatiff :-: Luke, Leia(around 12-18) and Obi-wan travel around galaxy training, helping, and hunting ancient and high Republic era Jedi and Sith secrets. Along the way the meet a certain (infamous future Dr Aphra) Chellie Aphra whose pops is already looking for Jedi shit but Ms. Aphra having ran away from momma keeps leading them to powerful Sith artifacts and Leia no longer a princess is instead a scoundrel'n wild child young lady, with young Mr. Skywalker having no shot with young Ms. Aphra isof course head over heels in lwuv while
Darth Vadder and the emperor's hand Ms. Mara Jade battle back and forth who will get infamous Skywalker twins


Palpatine trains qui gon and they both learn balance just like qui gon learn in the comics qui gon Obi-Wan until episode 1 the three Jedi who discovered Anakin Skywalker a slave boy on Tatooine who is the chosen one Qui-Gon and palpatine both realize why he was why they're brought there they see Anakin Skywalker as the chosen one and balance between light and dark so they both decided training using both the light and the dark Anakin Skywalker real the purple lightsaber
