10 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins In The World

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Hi everybody! From cities built into the sides of mountains to armies of stone soldiers hidden away for centuries, here are ten of the most amazing ancient ruins in the world.

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10. Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is known worldwide as one of the most impressive archaeological achievements of all time. However, it wasn’t all built at once; different parts of ancient China constructed different sections of walls which were then combined by Qin Shi Huang, the first official Chinese emperor. After this, dynasties continued to combine and expand the wall into the one that we know and love today.

9. Stonehenge
The granddaddy of all ancient ruins, Stonehenge holds a special place in the human imagination. Made sometime between four to five thousand years ago, Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric English history. It is made of a number of large standing stones, each of which weighs some 25 tons. How did prehistoric humans make this structure, and why would they do it in the first place?

8. Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is one of the most revered archaeological sites in the world. Built high above sea level atop the Andes mountain range, it stands as a testament to the intelligence and ingenuity of the Inca Empire or perhaps the people that came before them. To date, it’s the most sought-after spot in Peru, and it also earned a spot among the New Seven Wonders of the World.

7. Bagan
Bagan is an ancient city in Myanmar(formerly Burma) that’s been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and for good reason; between the 9th and 13th centuries, Bagan served as the capital of the Kingdom of Pagan. At its peak, around the 12th century it housed almost 10,000 elaborate Buddhist structures, such as shrines, temples, and pagodas. Sadly, most of these have gone into decay over the past 1000 years.

6. Terracotta Army
When Chinese workmen were building a well in 1974, they came upon a shocking discovery; they had uncovered the remnants of thousands of ancient terracotta soldiers buried under the ground. This accidental discovery is recognized as one of the greatest discoveries of modern times. These now famous figures are located in Shaanxi, a city in Xi’an, China, and they were built for the first Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang around the 3rd century BC.

5. Ta Prohm
The Ta Prohm Temple is nestled deep inside of the Cambodian jungle, and it has the wear and tear to attest to it. However, that’s ultimately what gives this unique temple its charm. It was made in 1186 AD by the great Khmer Empire, which lasted into the 1400s, and was originally intended as a Buddhist monastery/school.

4. Pyramids of Giza
I can't talk about ancient ruins without throwing some love to the pyramids in Giza; they’re some of the most enigmatic ruins on the planet! Due to their popularity, it might seem like we know all there is to know about them, but these pyramids are still shrouded in mystique. While we do know that they were intended to serve as tombs for Egyptian emperors, we’re still not quite sure how these gigantic structures were built.

3. Pompeii
In 79 AD, the great volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted and left destruction in its wake. In particular, it annihilated one of the greatest Roman cities in the world, Pompeii. However, this led to one of the great contradictions of history; even though the volcanic eruption eliminated all life from Pompeii, the cooling ash preserved everything as well, which means that the city remained perfectly frozen in time after it met its fate.

2. Ellora Caves
The Ellora Caves are much more than your average caves; inside, there is a lush array of temples and sanctified areas with intricate associated artwork. The caves themselves are located outside of Aurangabad, a city in Maharashtra, India. They were built with a particular religious purpose in mind; Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists all worked together to carve the space out, and there are temples for each religion.

1. Petra
Some millennia ago, nomads sculpted an entire city completely into the side of a giant cliff! Not only is this an impressive feat in its own right, but it’s incredible to think that nomads accomplished this before the development of contemporary tools. Petra is situated in between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea in the country of Jordan, so it probably won’t be the only thing you see if you decide to travel to its location.
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Which of the ruins on this list would you most like to visit?!


There is ZERO evidence that Khufu was laid to rest there


Before I die I definitely wanna see the pyramids in person


I've been to Machu Pichu about 5 years ago funny enough I am from peruvian descent but had never had the opportunity to go, it a beautiful place just be wary it is a bit on the high side but there are higher places in most of peru.


Love the pyramids but they definitely weren't burial Chambers


I enjoy your history lessons, thanks 😍. What about" Teotihuacán"? And, nabateans, being Arabs it's just a theaory as far as I know. Arabs tribes didn't come so far north.


Id love to see the pyramids and Pompeii (all of them really but those are two of my personal favorites), but jeeze, look at those crowds. Kinda kills the wonder a little.


I am a recent subscriber. I love your content!! Keep up the fantastic work!


I've been lucky enough to visit Stonehenge twice. However, I wasn't able to go close to the stones like my now wife - something about her being blind and all... I'd love to go to Machu Picchu, but considering my poor health I know it isn't going to happen.


Stonehenge was an astrological calendar that served both religious and practical function functions. The stones line up to show the beginning of summer and winter solstice perfectly....this was discovered like 10 years ago lol


Great video Katrina. I would of course like to visit all of them. I would start at Petra then the Pyramids then the rest.


"The grand daddy of all ancient ruins"😂


Those are cool but i would love to see the parthenon and the mycynae ruins in Greece specially the mycynae they are really old


Loved it, thank you Katrina. I'd like to see several of those places, most notably Petra and the caves in India.


The Cambodian temple's name is "Angkor wat" and is built by king "Suryavarman II" who is a Tamil origin king, , looks like Ur giving too many wrong information 😕


The “Treasury” at Petra has been shown to be a funeral complex with additional cut tombs Under the main complex of three rooms.


What if Stonehenge is just the world first blueprint? Like a bunch of kids building a city out of Legos


I would love to visit any one of those places. Thanks Origins Explained for another great video!!


#8 shows a picture of teotihuacan...and then machupichu....no where near together.


Pompeii is probably the most intriguing to me just cause how u said everything was frozen in time
