Ancient Humans Melted Stone

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The Earth has many monolithic marvels, which makes us question how they were made during the distant past. While I traveled through South America over the past 6 years, I researched the multiple building methods and construction techniques from the ancient stone builders that built their marvels. There are many ancient stone structures that were created using primitive methods sophisticatedly, but there are some places in South America where ancient humans melted stone to create them.

How do you think ancient humans created these monolithic stone marvels?

#melting #ancient #stone
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Archeologists have found homo sapiens remains in France which are almost 300.000 yo, that means that the modern human have been around for at least that long. Our civilization is only 8000 yo. What humans did 290.000 years? It is totally reasonable to imagine that multiple civilizations have risen and fall before us.


The ancient writings tell us, the ancient people used a plane based paste form of hydro-floric acid as a mortar, that softened the surface to a stone to the softness of paste, and when the hydrogen evaporated, it left the stones as hard as they were before the procedure.

With joints are so perfect that nothing can go between the stones. The knobs were electric discharge nodes to draw off the natural electric charge of the earth from places people frequent.


Those H blocks from Bolivia absolutely look like poured & formed concrete.


So nice to hear explanations that don’t involve Aliens, thank you.


Some people don’t like the idea ancient cultures knew more about stonework than modern humans do today, yet we have lost the knowledge how to go to the moon and return safely back to earth, a knowledge that took only 50 years to disappear.


I am a super huge "Ancient High Technology" person and this video is nothing short of a revelation. AHT doesn't mean "aliens" it means "We dont' know, yet." There is SO much stuff here that stretches and challenges my mind. This is nuts. Dammit. They did this, and yet this is still only scratching the surface


Ancient civilizations had more advanced technologies than we do and our civilization makes the biggest mistake when we think we’re the top of the crème… Stone would change its color to a dark charcoal if melted and it would become porous and brittle. What the Ancients did is Use Sound to change the molecular arrangement of stone and mold it to any shape they wanted like when a high frequency note is played next to a crystal wine cup and if you slow down that FPS (frames per second), you can observe the crystal structure vibrate along and bend with the sound waves and if the frequency is amped, it will break. Sound properly ‘modulated’ has the power to restructure any material, Lift its weight by reducing it “mass weight” so it can be handle and transported and Sound can cut like a laser beam although is not visible to the naked eye just like a dog whistle that only a dog can hear but is imperceptible to the human ear. That’s how the pyramids got built and many other monoliths and construction wonders around the world and yes, the Sound Catalysts Tools were of Alien Origin.


I suspect that they used sound vibration. The note high C can break a crystal glass. Everything in the universe vibrates.


When the evidence shows a decline in technology to a point were the method is lost, there is only one explanation: The technique did not start and evolved in that population but was given by another civilisation and the details gradually lost. A clear example of this devolution is the embalming method in Egypt.


Stone (Granite, Diorite, Feldspar etc.) cannot be 'melted' unless kept in a temperature controlled vacuum, why?
When certain types of rocks or minerals are heated to a high temperature and then rapidly cooled, they can turn into a non-crystalline, amorphous solid known as glass. This process is called vitrification. The rapid cooling prevents the atoms in the material from arranging themselves into a crystalline structure, resulting in the formation of a non-crystalline, transparent or translucent material. This is how volcanic obsidian, for example, is formed when molten rock cools rapidly.
Also because the other component minerals in the stone react with available Oxygen in the air causing Oxidation.
Try making an autoclave, a Vacuum Chamber, big enough to hold a 100 ton block of granite, it would be absolutely HUGE!!


If they did have the ability to make stone like cement, then they probably would have used a mold to pour the mixture into. In this case all the stones would be the same size.


The oxalate observation I've made myself a few years ago.
While reducing birch sap to make beer I noticed that when I skimmed the top with a spoon the material I banged out on a rock had a caustic reaction with the stone. Chaga, which grows only on birch trees, has the highest oxalate count of any other living organism. It was very satisfying to me to hear of this observation from others.


Big assertions require big proof. I'm from Missouri, show me how it was done.


Amazing the further you go back in time, you find advanced building methods, much of today's mathematics are from thousands of years ago, and complex languages were used. We had a great start then messed it up. One can only wonder how advanced human society would be by now if we listened.


For those saying a molded approach would use standard shapes, think about molding in-place. You just create a mold off of the prior pours. Much more versatile and the fitment is automatic.


I always thought that the stones looked like cement. If they pulverized the stone, then it could be carried to the place they wanted and pored into forms. This would eliminate the need to move multi ton blocks of stone.


A very comprehensive collection of theorys. Ive been interested in ancient peruvian stonework for years now. And love hearing new ideas to how this could have been done.
One phrase i always try to keep in my head. Is an awnser to a simple question: "why did they take the time and expend so much effort to create this stonework?" Well ... its only logical to assume it was not such a monumental task for them.
Its a problem when we view ancient civilizations... while looking through a pinhole sized keyhole. So to speak. There is so much we can not see.


Congratulations 👏🏼
Although there are many mysteries still to unveil it's an amazing research you have done 👍🏼


That entrance was old school fire! Love it


I think the better question is why do we find the same building megalithic methods all around the world? Peru, Italy, Egypt, Spain, Bolivia, Easter Island. I thought there was no contact between them?
