Have you ever been scared of your child? Ask a Parent

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We all know someone with psychopathy.

But few know the truth about it. We’re helping change that… by helping you know the signs. Know about treatment options and resources. And know you’re not alone.

Lillyth Quillan was the first parent to publicly use her name and her face and say she was the mother of a child with Conduct Disorder. In 2014, she created and founded Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder (PCCD), a Facebook-based support group for parents and other caregivers of these children. Over the last six years, Lillyth has personally spoken or communicated with thousands of families. She remains as dedicated to the cause of including non-intimate partner violence in the national Domestic Violence conversation, early treatment for our children, and political action as the day she started PCCD.

Lillyth joined us on Zoom to discuss what it is like to have a child with Psychopathy.
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When an adult is so emotionally abused and traumatized by a "psychopath" infant, imagine the damage a normal child gets from a psychopath parent. God bless us all 🙏


The headbutt... That's how it felt for me. I'm in a reversed situation. Mother is a sociopath and whenever you would cuddle or open up to her you would have it used against you later in the most disgusting way when you least expect it. It's what hurts the most indeed, you have this illusion of closeness but it tears you apart when the next moment you're being attacked and your whole entire being is being devalued.


This reminds me of the movie “we need to talk about Kevin..”


The psychological abuse and cognitive dissonance from her explaining her thought patterns is just wow. This women is so brave!


My son used to headbutt me too. He chipped my tooth. I know the fear. You want to play and engage with them but they don't know when playtime is over and they've gotten to rough. He beat up his older brother constantly and there was 5 years between them. When he was about 10 he asked to get involved with a hockey program. I wanted to say yes, but I could foretell the lawsuits from other parents when he beat them to a pulp with the hockey stick.


My son has been diagnose with sociopathy AND schizophrenia, it is terrifying and hard for people to understand what you go through. At one point, you're the one who's going crazy :( I am in C-PTSD and I thought I was weak but since I have the diagnosis, I realized that I am the strongest person I know and that it is a miracle to still be alive. If you are going through this, don't feel guilty to take some distance.


Lol, how about when they are 6'2 and 200 lbs . We have a 14 year old who is acting absolutely insane these days. He's quite scary.


My son headbutt me as well. Now I'm pretty sure is a sociopath. He is 16 now. All positive emotions exhibited towards him are used to enable his behavior. Any vulnerability or anger is mealy used to justify his behavior. He has no concern for any hurt he causes. All interactions are a means to his own ends. He lies and gaslights to the point I'm afraid he is truly delusional. I'm at the point were I am truly scared of him. I'm living in hell. I rather be at war.


The sheer HORROR I felt through my entire body when I realized she was exactly describing somebody I know... I hope it's just a coincidence


I feel so bad for you poor person it is such a misery when psychopath is close to you and live with you.


24/7 being scared for yourlife from your own child must be stressful, sad and scary 😨


I don't think accepting a head butt is the way to go here.


The trying to break down the door 🚪 while you are on the other side holding him the door, is bringing back a LOT of traumatic memories of watching my own Mom do just that with my brother. In our case he was using a hammer on the door. Threatening to hurt or kill us if we don’t give him what he wants. This happened more times than I can count, but I still can’t remember what it was that he actually wanted from us. The demands were always about something petty, or out jealousy about something I got that delusionally believed wasn’t fair despite everyone in my family meticulously arranging every gift and favor for us to be “fair”, so that he wouldn’t get triggered. But he always did anyway, no matter how much you did to placate him. He was an ungrateful jackass.


Where I live these kids get institutionalised. They need to be separated from other populations.


The fact that a child that young is manipulative enough to know how to rewire your nervous system to an anxious pre-disposition (by appearing to seek affection but then purposely responding with violence) AND gaslightng you by makibg sure you feel guilty for "misreading" him on the occasions where he didn't act out is WILD. Absolutely terrifying, i cannot even begin to imagine what these latents are going through .


Tubes tied reminder when I get older ❤


Honestly i wouldnt have blamed her if she put him for adoption or smthing, he for the streets lol


Wait to you get grandkids and then have to stay in the relationship with your child in order to protect your grandchildren


I can feel her struggle just from listening. I can't imagine how she live with that on a daily basis.


I sympathise with you, there is nothing worse than not being able to relate to your own child. I hope you have found a way to put yourself together again.
