Scared to be in a Relationship - Afraid of Getting Hurt Again

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I’m afraid to give it my all again and be hurt like I am now. It’s scary. At times I’m hopeful but then I get scared again. I don’t want to be negative but experience makes you cautious.


As a grown man. Sitting in a parking lot and crying. Thank you so much. My life has had crazy turn. I switch schools, degrees and even jobs. Im very vulnerable and I absolutely hate it lol 😂. But it discovered the cause of why I don’t have a relationship. I have always been a relationship guy. I just want to find a good women that wants to share in the stuff I like and do. Thank you again for this video. Healing takes time.


This is a godsend.

I've been avoiding relationships since 2016 after a series of bad experiences with one person.


Mediocrity and middle of the road feels safe, but not fulfilling. Jumping off the cliff can be scary and feels vulnerable. But it is absolutely the only way to experience the depth of love that we all crave.


That’s my entire family. Even my extended family. My aunt and uncle have never told me they love me, never hugged me, never complimented me. My mom is the most affectionate out of everyone in my family, but we’re not a hugging family, no one shares their feelings, no one compliments anyone, it’s so exhausting. I am so full of love and affection but I just can’t express it to people. My last relationship felt freeing because I could be affectionate and loving like I want to be, but he was emotionally invalidating when it came to arguments/me getting mad at him. I’ve never felt free to be affectionate or vulnerable with people; but I want to be the one to change that. I can’t change my family or my last relationship but I don’t have to become them


I was having a lovely relationship for 4 months- suddenly I had a trigger and just ended it! I quickly realised that I had become disregulated and was fearing vulnerability after narcissistic abuse! I have explained this to him and I really hoping we can move forward from this! I have also booked on some more therapy to help me more 🫶🏻 he has every right to be cautious now! - I felt like the abuser this time! That’s awful! X


yeah, I have completely shut down from relationships, the trauma is too much to overcome for me, the worst part is that most women, don't want normal friendships, once they see you are not interested in dating or in a relationship, they really don't want anything to do with you


Yes, I am off relationships as well for now - just until I put my life together a bit, I am a big mess now and so being in a relationship is not really recommended! Loved your presentation, great points!


I've been struggling with emotional abandonment from my parents since forever. They never even apologise when I point out how their actions hurt me. They just ignore me. And that hurts like hell coz now I always see myself as a burden to them.


My childhood wounds have constantly caused problems for me in my adult life. Up until a couple years ago I never knew the root of my insecurities and co-dependency were started with my relationship with my dad. No affection, not caring about my feelings, no words of affirmation, no emotional support. Thank goodness through counseling I was able to understand what has plaques me my entire life. I am working on myself to become a better me for a better future. Great topic Stephanie. Thank you and be well.


I sure love your channel Stephanie! You present difficult topics in such practical sound ways that encourages ppl to take back their life again and then feel safe enough to open and share their lives with others. Many blessings!


Thank you Stephanie for bringing sun☀️ in my everyday 😊


I'm going through this now after getting out of an 8 year relationship in December. Now that I'm dating a really nice man it's so hard for me to accept his kindness. I really keep talking myself out of the connection. Trying to pray and stay positive but it's rough. Definitely have abandonment issues from my father as well 😢


This really helps. I have abandonment issues due to an ex and haven't been right ever since to where I just can't stand relationships or sex anymore. But this actually helps a lot thank you a lot!


Unfortunately I can relate i tend to unknowingly self sabotage my relationships attach the wrong people 💔


I'm 16 and never been in a relationship, I don't know why I'm so scared. I've always thought there's sum wrong with me


When you said you never learned not to abandon yourself I bursted into tears. So relatable. Thank you for being a light house in my better understanding of myself.


Thank you so much. Just yesterday, I was feeling tender and a bit sad. And a few of my favourite youtubers (yourself included) happened to just upload new videos with titles that were exactly what I needed. It's like the universe answering my call <3


Stephanie, your content is always so helpful. Thank you ❤️



I'm so thankful for this video.

I always was aware that something was not right.
But it is actually now that I am growing in relationship with God and am struggling in my trust & faith that I am met with these videos.

And that my family dynamic and past friendships and relationship with self are being confronted that there is a reason why it is so new to trust when you've never felt like you could trust someone.

The trauma needs to be confronted at the root, to move forward and learn that you can grow and learn from these traumas
There is a way forward but it starts with unpacking it all
