Why Your Pain Matters

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom, and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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“The cure for pain is in the pain” - Rumi


That analogy is exactly how my family of origin dealt with pain, problems, etc.


Sometimes, the greatest act of love isn't shielding you from pain but allowing you to experience it, because it's in those struggles, in the moments where you feel lost and broken, that you truly discover your strength. I know it’s hard, but every challenge, every heartbreak, every time you feel like you can’t go on—that’s where your growth lies. I want you to know that this pain isn't here to defeat you; it's here to build you, to help you become the person you are meant to be. And as much as it hurts to see you go through it, I believe in your ability to rise, to heal, and to find a deeper strength within yourself. You’re not alone in this, but sometimes, the journey through pain is the only way to truly grow.


Get away from the toxic people especially if that's your family ..💯🌎🙏💙👀☕️


What a timing. Amazing. Whenever I think of my mother in law insulting me I fly into rage mode. Then I will tell myself that anger will get me in trouble and is not good. Patience is a virtue. I have to be kind and forgive her. Though it worked for the time being, the insult memory popped up and played frequently and my the intensity of response of my rage was increasing progressively.
Today I sat and pondered over it. I sat with my revenge and asked myself what I want to do to her. I wanted to yell at her and make her ashamed for what she was doing. Then it dawned on me that sheade me feel shameful about myself. She triggered my shame. That's making me behave that way. After realising this truth I told myself there is nothing I have done to be ashamed of. After this even though the memory of the insult keeps playing. The response is not rage. The response I feel now is " who cares".


Please say more and really drill this point home... your perspective on things shifted something in the back of my mind. I feel this is a message the world needs to hear.


Wow what an insight and it feels so right. Coping mechanisms can only do the temporary first aid, but after that the wound has to be given at most care and attention for it to heal completely and faster.

So beautifully put.
Thank you Teal!


Thank you for this, Teal. It’s exactly what I’ve been needing to hear. I appreciate your succinct candor very much.


I love how you speak, you always find the simplest and most effective way to say things. You are so elegant ma'am💜💜💜


You’re so brilliant. I so appreciate your out of the box, high level perspectives. Thank you, Teal, for your work in the awakening efforts 🙏🏼


The pain in our life is an indicator that you need to make a change.


I agree with this stone cold, loving logic.


So true Thank you Teal and you are looking really sharp !


Even for physical problems/post-op, its better to 'feel' the post-op pain, so that you have real-time feedback for the healing process. Also makes it less likely that you'll move in a way that could damage your body further, the way you might do because your pain is numbed.


I feel so bad that we are usually surrounded by people who want you to ignore your problems because other people have it worse. Some do sure, but we can't just invalidate peoples pain and problems like Teal says. I agree with her again completely..❤


I'm always in pain, I always feel it, I hope it will get better, meditation is hard for me, yeah I want to run away from toxicity , loneliness is hard, I'm trying Ms swan, immobility is hard, God bless you 🙏💕🙏🙏🙏🙏


One of my the best advices that I ever heard.


It's time to set the cards right.. Pain is indeed the indication that can lead us towards great insight.. It's not a good idea to be a pain junkie but.. The harsh truth is the school of suffering is the first level of initiation on earth..


. If we only knew how much pain we endure for a follicle of hair to push its way out of obscurity. You cut, it grows. You sleep it grows. Trying to stop the process is futile. We are amazing creatures. Love the process.


It reminds me of a american saying when your fridge starts leaking water put a towel in front of the door and hope the problem will go away
