Understanding pain & what to do about it in less than 5 minutes

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11 weeks ago i slipped and fell at work, injuring and fracturing my ribs and spine...

i started off in agony 24/7, pain killers did nothing except put me to sleep until it was time to wake up in agony and start the whole process of meds all over again...

I've transitioned from agony to chronic pain 24/7.
struggling with the pain is very real and I've existed in a pain bubble for this entire time ...

some moments are better than others but I've given up the idea that i want to be 100% Pain FREE, in my time frame, RIGHT NOW!

i have accepted that it is going to be a journey of small steps... but that's ok! because I'm changing the way i think about my injury...

thanks to my physio therapist for recommending this video
I'm going to watch it every morning before i start my day...

looking forward to my first pain free minute... hour... day... week... month... life...
baby steps...


Thank you for this informative & entertaining video. I've begun the treatments a pain clinic referred me to last month. Three decades of pain, approx 75% of it being chronic pain. 😕


What about degenerative diseases where the tissue and or bones are continually being damaged!!


What if it’s from work and they hurt me not once but four times spread the pain from neck to bicep/down arm and into lil finger and thumb and then wait 2 years for surgery and full of nerve pain and on lyrica for that.
Physio told work I’d never need surgery then the next year having surgery on my neck to replace a disc and a fusion. Ripped my shoulder when I had surgery and I woke up to drugs I was allergic too. Workcover stresses don’t help always under pressure to hurry up and recover. I also got sacked one year after major surgery. There’s so many problems I have a lawyer who deals with it for me. I can’t grasp this video sorry with all I have going on and what my doctor says I’m disabled for life and nobody telling me how to deal with it!!!


Could you please elaborate on scar tissue/pain.

Having had multiple surgeries in the one area and almost a dozen times.

I’ve developed CRPS which is apart from the above issue & entirely something else.

Okay so what id really like to understand is why 4 yrs on and the level of pain in this one particular area continues to be so acute?

I don’t think this is mind over matter. What l actually believe is that the opening and closing of my skin and more is the REAL cause to my continuous pain and ongoing restrictions.

If you could please…I’d appreciate some of your advice and input. Thanks


Pain from EDS cannot be treat like this! I agree with J Hines, one approach does not fit all !!


If you want to learn more about the biopsychosocial model of pain and how to move towards reclaiming your life from pain (even without getting rid of the pain) here are some resources:
• Managing Pain Before It Manages You (Revised Edition) by Margaret Caudill, 2003, The Guillford Press, New York, NY
• The Chronic Pain Care Workbook by Michael J. Lewandowski, 2006, New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA
• The Pain Survival Guide: How to Reclaim Your Life by Dennis C. Turk and Frits Winter, 2006, The American Psychological Association, Washington, DC


14 titanium plates and screws in neck and the screws are backing out, A neuro pain stimulator in my back, a fake knee, let me retrain my brain!


This is very condescending to people with chronic pain. The danger is, many doctors adopt this idea dismissing people with chronic pain who do have conditions that effect their tissue long term. Some people's soft tissue doesn't heal. They are living with degenerative changes that not only don't heal but degenerate over time. You cannot think your way out of a connective tissue disorder. You can become increasingly isolated and invalidated by the system that has chosen to abandon people with chronic condition. The wrap up "make sure you are doing your part" is exactly the slap in the face that people with chronic pain don't need. Do we tell depressed people to just pull your socks up and get over it? No. Even though all these strategies would apply more readily to the treatment of depression the marketing of antidepressants is one that is supported. The war on pain sufferers however is a different story. "Get over it" is the message here. It may be argued that this is not intended for people with such conditions, but the reality is, this campaign has left many people with rare and life long conditions, and their families, suffering a life that is empty and void of dignity.


This video might be true for a percentage of people, but herniated disc and disc with lesions and multiple disc that are bulging more than the rest are not in my head and i didn’t telepathically put them on the mri. That pain is sent to my brain. the noise that others can hear from the grinding and pops isn’t created from my brain either. Very misleading video and if you’re not careful youll drive someone insane trying to tell them its all in their head. If i go to pick up my dog and something moves just right and causes me drop to the floor in pain, thats not in my head. Ive walked off being kicked by, stepped on and even rolled over by a horse, a dog isnt whats going to flip a switch in my head and say pansy mode enacted lay on the ground.(Im a bit of a clean freak, the floor isnt were id choose to lay)


Nerve pain can not be treated this way! One approach does not fit all for pain management!


so, if you get kicked in the nuts, it's just your brain that causes the pain....LOL!!


Thanks a lot.


This video fails to take into account long-term, complex injuries including brain damage as it can take YEARS for brain injuries to build new neuro-pathways to replace the pathways damaged or killed.

Twelve years ago, my car was T-boned by a city bus. They had to cut me out of the car with the Jaws of Life. My injuries included a Traumatic Brain Injury, messed up my eyes and my knees, along with one hip, and both shins, along with a LOT of cuts and bruises. There is scar tissue everywhere.

There are places on my left knee that still have no feelings. Over the years, I have infrequenty felt what seems to be small electric shocks in that knee, which I believe are two parts of a neuro-pathway reconnecting. It’s still happening after 12 years of “healing.”

I have abnormal saccades which means my eyes don’t do everything in tandem as they’re supposed to, one eye or the other will stray from what I’m looking at or trying to read, which means each eye is sending different signals to my brain simultaneously. This confuses my brain, makes it hard to read words or music, makes retention and understanding VERY difficult/almost impossible. It started out as double-vision, got a little better, but now that I’ve developed cataracts, the double vision is back. Whatever causes this did not “heal after 3-6 months.” I still have frequent headaches, fogginess, double-vision, and comprehension. I was told by several doctors that 90% of TBI survivors do heal and can resume their old lives, but 10% do not. I fall into that 10% category, which the makers of this video apparently chose not to take into account. It’s very disheartening to see that I (and many of my TBI Survivor friends) don’t appear to matter in their lame attempt to overgeneralize and oversimplify our lives as they have done here. Suggest they return to the drawing board for us as we matter too!

There isn’t a time when I am completely without pain, EVER. All day, every day there is pain. I only take arthritis-strength Tylenol at night, to try and take the edge off the pain enough to be able to fall asleep. I’ve suffered from insomnia for 12 years as well.

The accident also caused a type of sleep apnea where my body occasionally forgets to breathe, do I have a CPAP that makes sleeping harder as the air has to be forced into my lungs.

My eyes haven’t healed, my knees are worse, and my brain may never heal according to two neurologists. Wonder what pat little answer they would have for me?


I think this video provides some misleading information.  The video states, “Pain is 100 % of the time produced by the brain”.  This is leaves out the fact that the brain receives nerve impulses from the organs and tissue throughout the body.  To simply imply the pain is all in your brain doesn’t address the source of the pain. 

The video provides an incorrect definition of the word “chronic”.  The video states ”In chronic pain tissue damage is not the main issue”.  Acute and chronic refer to the duration of pain and to the speed of the onset of the pain or condition.  Acute and chronic do not address the source of pain or the cause of the condition.

The video states “You might have had it for 3 months or longer and this is generally called persistent or
chronic pain because in this type of pain tissue damage is not the not the main issue”.  Again, the video is assuming chronic pain cannot be caused by tissue damage.  The chronic pain can very well be caused by tissue damage if the underlying cause has not been addressed and resolved. 

The video finally addresses the underlying cause of pain in the statement, “Having a brain that keeps on
producing pain even after body tissues are restored and out of danger”.  The key part of this statement is “after body tissues are restored and out of danger”.  But the video continues to assert that you can retrain your brain to get rid of chronic pain.  You must first resolve the tissue damage issue.

Again the video weakly mentions addressing the underlying cause of pain in the statement “Once everything dangerous is ruled out, health professionals can explain that most things in the body are healed as well as they can be by 3 to 6 months”.  The key fact is you must first rule out everything dangerous, i.e., the tissue damage.

The video tries to steer the reader away from surgery with the statement, “Some people also might think surgery might be the answer but when it comes to a complex problem like chronic pain, surgery may not be helpful”.  Surgery is certainly not the right option in all cases but in some situations it may be the best and possibly the only solution.


what do you call this kind of video tutorials?


they say im lucky to be here, honey I miss you, im trying to retain my brain from it.
