5 Ways To Improve Your Focus with Dr Anders Hansen

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In the always-on age of notifications, emails and the news cycle, it's easy to waste the majority of our days mindlessly scrolling. But according to mental health guru Dr Anders Hansen, being tethered to our devices 24/7 is taking its toll on our mental wellbeing. Sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and burnout are just some of the consequences of feeling digitally overloaded.

In The Attention Fix, Hansen shares an informative guide to what unrestricted social media use is actually doing to our brains, and the practical steps we can take to break the addiction cycle. Unpacking the latest scientific research on the brain, he explains knowledge to cure your smartphone addiction and foster deep, single-task focus. By taking control of your screen time, you'll feel happier, healthier and more productive.


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Рекомендации по теме

1. Don't multitask
2. Stop picking up your phone
3. Sleep is incredibly important
4. Exercise increase your ability to focus
5. The brain: use it or lose it


Anders gave a speech at my high school. Glad he's going international!


As a teacher, I find this so interesting. I can see why students' attention spans are getting worse and worse, and there are so many examples. I have students who don't remember something I've said on an exercise about 1 minute after I've said it! Had a suspicion some technologies were behind it, but I had no way of really knowing.
I'll definitely buy the book :)


Thankyou for such valuable information.


Great information! My grandchildren are at the age they'll be getting phones soon. I'm going to share the information with their parents about leaving the phones out of the bedroom at night. Super advice! Thank you for the video.


I was watching this video in my bed on my phone 😅


I was immediately distracted when Anders said to climb a tree to look for bananas 😆


Literally all of this was debunked a decade ago, and he even sites some of that work, and contradicts himself. Do you guys not believe in the scientific method, or peer reviews?
