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Sharing ways to make the right career choices in this video.



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If you already know what you want to do in your life - what is it? When was your 'a-ha' moment when you realized you wanted to do it?


one day I was sketching in my notebook, I spent 4 hours sketching and it felt like 10 mins, that's when I realized I wanna do this this is my passion. Now, all my walls are covered in sketches and sold some of them.


Learning languages, travel all over the world, getting to know people from different parts of the world. Getting to experience different cultural aspects like food, customs traditions, that's my passion


My advise is don’t listen to others. Once a colleague told me that I should only focus on activities related to my career/profession. How would you discover what you want if you don’t try different things? Please people listen to yourselves and your own intuition not the judgement of others.


I'm 28, and I'm going to finally finish my BA. It wasn't till I was 24 that I realized what I was passionate about and 28 when I decided on how I was going to make that a career. It's never too late or too early!


I found my passion 2 weeks ago. I found 1 company in Mumbai who is into Renewable energy who is going to make bio fuel from all the waste. They are also going to help me to setup a factory to make India clean and self sustainable for fuel.
It was a A-ha movement for me. Now I can really contribute towards society, environment and towards my country


It took me a long time to figure out exactly what I'd like to do for the rest of my life. I'd been working for companies in administrative's areas since the beginning of my career. I don't regret doing that. I've learned a lot. But last year I had the opportunity to teach and then everything has changed. I've noticed that I could work as a teacher for free because it was something that I really loved to do. In August of this year I decided to work as a teacher full time and it was the best decision I've ever made.


I edit pictures.. simple picture.. but when I do it, I lose track of time! Even if I've had a long day at work.. editing pictures is like meditating for me..I love it!


I love the point you made about self-study. Whenever I take the time to study, I feel I am taking control of my life and doing something that will lead me to a better situation.

My passions are renewable energy and learning to speak French and for energy, I was inspired to get involved in the industry after watching a documentary on the topic.


Very inspirational 🤗lady...!! I follow all Ur video when I'm low. 🙄 Love from India🇮🇳


Back then in college there was actually i felt like really passionate about writing code. i spent so much time in that kind of things and now look i become a software developer. I'm glad i did. But recently i realized something i need to improve as a software developer and that's my spoken english. i found your channel is really useful as resources to imitate the way you speak. i hope in the near future i can get fluent in english as fluent as yours. :)


Thank you Marina, these are the best career tips!!! I’m going to forward your video to family &friends 🙏❤️ those from my generation and countries like Italy believe you have to accept any job, hold onto the first exploiting traditional job (paid by presence) and be miserable with it till pension... they discourage you to follow your dreams and passion as these usually don’t pay.., only the old traditional exploiting jobs are worth doing and considered serious and secure, my experience actually proves the opposite is true. I wasted all my life down that traditional soul wrenching route, and only ended up exploited and burned out. I am much older than you and you figured it all out already, you are 100% right! And yes, also contrary to old traditional beliefs, age shouldn’t stop us, we are never too young or too old to take charge of our lives and happiness. I’m trying to switch career now at my old age (late 40), not familiar with technology and social media but I can learn. We can always learn anything we want and education sets us free.


Marina!! Thank you so much for another helpful video! You’re an amazing motivator due to your advice for people who have questions about life! This video has helped me as a college student. I’m someone who is a film major that loves movies. However, I am conflicted about what I want to do with my life. But with what you explained about the future, you’ve made me realize that there’s more time to consider about your own self:) Based in what you said about doing things for free, that’s a goal you read my mind about! I’m someone who actually wants to learn almost any topic due to my curiosities of the world! When you make videos about life’s mysteries, I’m always engaged! Thank you very much Marina! You’re someone I can relate to and you’re SERIOUSLY THE


Hi Maria, I am from India. I just love your videos and am a big fan of you. You guys are doing extremely well and motivating lot of people to learn new languages. I am also learning English, at the beginning I was finding lot of difficulties in learning English but now I am very much confident about my English and all credit goes to you. Thank you so much for all your excellent videos.


Already doing what I love. Watching your video is a micro-step on a way of development in the chosen area. Thank you for the video and see you soon, Marina.


this video makes me feel so positive! we should do what we like in our so-short lifetime
i want to study in germany, so i am hardworking at learning german. learning languages always makes me feel closer to my dreams. :)


Nice advices. Your energy is so contagious. Keep bringing those perspectives on life, career and so on. It's really refreshing to hear. Thanks for that


This is really inspiring and exactly what I needed! Thank you, Marina!


I love how most of your videos are focusing on helping people.


When you said that you were doing something and you lost track of time because you were enjoying it, gave me the aha chills! I had this same feeling when I designed a website for a company sometime ago. Now I’m at a telecom company doing something I don’t think I really love.
