Shingles - You Don't Want This! #shorts

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Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in the nerve tissues near the spinal cord and brain. In some cases, the virus can reactivate years later, leading to shingles.

Shingles typically starts with a tingling or burning sensation on one side of the body or face, followed by the development of a rash. The rash consists of fluid-filled blisters that are usually confined to a specific area or "dermatome," corresponding to the specific nerve where the virus reactivated. The rash can be accompanied by symptoms such as pain, itching, and sensitivity to touch.

The primary risk factor for shingles is having previously had chickenpox. The virus can reactivate when a person's immune system is weakened, such as due to aging, stress, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. Shingles is more common in older adults, but it can affect people of any age.

Most cases of shingles resolve within a few weeks to a month. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and includes antiviral medications to help shorten the duration of the infection and reduce the risk of complications. Pain medications, topical creams, and antiviral drugs may be prescribed to manage pain and discomfort.

One potential complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which is persistent nerve pain that can last for months or even years after the rash has healed. Vaccination against shingles is available and is recommended for individuals aged 50 years and older to reduce the risk of developing the infection or to lessen its severity.

If you suspect you have shingles or have any concerns, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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Yes, once you've had it. you never forget it. I know.


My husband had shingles. It started out he thought he got bit by a spider or bug because he had pain in one spot on his back while in the woods. 2-3 days later the spot looked worse and painful. He went to the dr(which he doesn’t do usually so I knew it was bad) and they said it was shingles. He got a medicine that was supposed to stop it from spreading. It went from his spine to side. It will still burn years later.


Shingles follows your nerve root that’s near your spine and usually travels all the way around front. It can occur from the top of your head all the way down to Mr. Happy and his nutty neighbors (your groin and bottom area) Sometimes it follows two nerve roots at the same time (two dermatomes).
It’s most dangerous if it gets near or in the eye.
It’s infectious but you don’t give another person shingles, you give them chickenpox. In the next generation it will be less common because many of the next generation have had the chickenpox vaccine. Get the vaccine. While shingles can be mild, it can be severe and cause blindness (rare if treated). Patients may need to be in the hospital if it’s real bad because of pain and swelling, especially if it involves the urethra (pee outlet tube)
The thumbnail photo might be misleading because the rash is only on one side of the body, not all over like the picture.


I had it and it was painful. I was miserable. My advice would be if you think you might have it get it checked out right away. I got mine on a long weekend and couldn't see the doctor until I had it for a few days. The sooner you see the doctor the sooner they can give you medication which shortens the length and severity of the virus.


I did not get a rash but had extreme pain under left breast. Since I’d had x Covid shot 10 days prior I thought I had a liver issue so contacted the dr for a liver panel . Once that was ruled out she mentioned shingles . The pain was so intense I was crying. Nothing stopped it and it lasted for two months.


The rash can show up only on the back & I've seen it on the face, as well. It's a really ugly, painful virus & the pain can stay around.
Shingles is often preceeded by stress.
Please get the shingles vaccine shots (there are two in the series). You won't regret it.


I was just diagnosed with shingles yesterday.. serious pain for a week that just didn’t seem to get better, and then later on came the rash. The rash for me isn’t painful at all. It was the nerves in my muscles or something that was most painful


So glad to have found your channel. With so much overwhelming information out there it is reassuring to see your videos and know the information is correct. Thank you for what you do and for your work as doctors. ❤


A friend who had shingles said it was cry-out-loud torture. From his forehead it crept toward his eye. Finally persuaded to go to a ready care health facility, who sent him to an ophthalmologist. One more day of procrastination would have meant the loss of his vision in that eye. He took the antivirals faithfully, and recovered, but has a deep divot in his forehead between his eyebrows. Scary!


Can you prevent? What do you take to get rid of it?


I watched your full length video on this subject yesterday. I promptly made an appointment to get vaccinated on Monday morning. Ironically, I was informed this morning that my aunt is suffering with this right now. Thank you for this information!!


Thank goodness my shingles did not spread, just 7 spots on my abdomen and small spots on my back and I did not get sick nor headache.


I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck by my ortho doc. I had a severe burning sensation in my hand and the skin going down my arm was extremely sensitive to the touch. I was prescribed Prednisone and my arm started feeling a little better, but my hand still felt like it had been hit by a hammer with some shooting pains into my thumb and forefinger. Then I started getting vesicles on my thumb, which were not only very painful, but somewhat itchy. My wrist felt broken and the burning in my thumb turned to numbness. The vesicles also appeared on other fingers. While going through all this, I was on vacation and sprained my ankle! When i went to the ER, the nurse practitioner diagnosed me with shingles, but there was no blood test. I was prescribed 1, 000mg/3x day which I am now taking and the vesicles are drying up and the pain is not as severe, although it's still very uncomfortable. I never want to go through this again. I did not have a lot of vesicles like shown in your picture. How can I be sure it was shingles and not something else. The thing is, while the vesicles really hurt, my skin hurt, I can't stand to touch anything or to be touched because it's so painful and I still have pain going up my arm. This all happened while I was away and I'm not sure if I should contact my primary care physician.


Experienced shingles before… true, it was devastating feeling😢


Eye discharge, small lesion on liwer right eyelid, itching, pain, and tingling of scalp. Three urgent care consultations, two primary care visits, and two opthamology visits later, I figured out that it was shingles. PCP said that it was an atypical presentation; and deferred to the opthomologist. When I told him what I thought it was, he agreed.


You forgot the mention the worst pian you ever had! It felt like I pulled a muscle in my back and dislocated my shoulder. then I saw the reash. I am only 47.


I have just had Head Shingles which then I got Ramsey Hunts Disease & still have it. I have it since July 2023.
I never had a rash on my body at all so didn't know I had Shingles I had a swab done which told us I had Head Shingles
etc. The pain & the drooping of my mouth & face on my right side of my face have been unbelievable. This is the Ramsey Hunts Disease I don't I t wish this on anyone it can last a lifetime I do believe
but I am a lot better at the moment & only hope it goes completely as I am biting the
Inside of my mouth all the time as I have no feeling on my rightside of my mouth etc.


I was diagnosed with it this morning on my right tricep.


Chances of shingles are less or none if a person increases their immunity level...meaning eating healthy and exercise and don't get stress.


I have shingles right now and it’s hurts bad!!!! It burns it itches it’s all over my thighs legs and Butt cheeks and belly! The only relief is to sleep in the bathtub with cold water! Even room temperature water burns my skin. Now all of my blisters have popped and scabbed over so its very itchy. I couldnt sleep for days because all you can do is stand up naked in pain. Any kind of friction from sheets or clothes hurt.
