8 Signs of a Healthy and Happy Relationship - Matthew Kelly

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8 Signs of a Happy Relationship

8 Signs of a Healthy and Happy Relationship - Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

“Have you ever seen or been a part of a terrible relationship?

Fighting all the time over meaningless issues, each person blaming the other when something goes wrong, and taking all the credit when something goes right are just a few hallmarks of such toxic relationships.

It’s easy to point out what’s going wrong in a terrible relationship and promise ourselves we’ll never be like that. It’s much harder to identify what’s going right in a great relationship, and strive to achieve that for ourselves.

Here are 8 signs of a healthy and happy relationship:

#1 Common purpose. What is the purpose of a relationship? To help each other become the-best-version-of-ourselves. Everything makes sense in relation to our common purpose.

#2 They define what makes a relationship great. How would you define a happy and healthy relationship? If you’ve never thought about it, now is the time to define what it would take for you to consider your relationship “great.”

#3 Carefree timelessness. When was the last time you spend an afternoon, without an agenda, with the most important person in your life?

#4 Hopes and dreams. Knowing the dreams of the people you love and helping them fulfill those dreams brings indescribable energy and enthusiasm to your relationships.

#5 They follow through, because they want what’s best for their partner and their relationship more than they want anything for themselves.

#6 They are accountable. Great relationships take hard work. Lovingly holding each other accountable is an essential element happy and healthy relationships helping each other become the-best-versions-of-yourselves.

#7 They don’t give up, no matter what.

#8 They never stop growing, reading books, and seeking coaching and guidance whether their relationship is in trouble, or seemingly perfect.

Pick one thing from this list, and work on it to help make your relationship the best it can be. You’ll find that even striving for a better relationship, makes your relationship better.

Have a great day, and remember, don’t just be yourself… be the-best-version-of-yourself.”

The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.

#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #BestVersion #ThoughtLeader
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I am envious of couples who are on the somewhat same level of spiritual journey. My husband finds Sunday mass is plenty, which is great. I desire daily mass and prayer group which frustrates him. I know God has a plan and I continue to 🙏🏻.


My husband has dementia so it's a struggle many days and son has two mental illnesses since childhood, he and his wife and children live with me so we deal with helping him through the days and weeks as well...she's an ICU NURSE and the pandemic is still raging here yet again ...right now she is home helping with both our men ....God's blessings always come through ❤🙏


We are all on our own spiritual journey, but the path is better together than divided. (Division is satan’s greatest tool.)
About 5 years ago, I began to pray the rosary each morning during lent. (I had a little brochure on how to pray it and kept it and holy water in our sunroom.) My husband, a cradled Catholic saw what peace this gave me during times of trial like my mother’s death, and a questionable health diagnosis. During covid he began to pray it with me. Each morning. Now we have a routine. We pray it together every morning. If we’re up early driving somewhere, we pray it in the car.
Since we began this practice, our relationship is stronger than it has ever been.
Many people know we do this and ask us to add prayers to our rosary intentions.
I’m so touched to by this. One small step I’d taken to get closer to God, got me closer to my husband and to members and friends within our community.


i love your videos Matthew Kelly get back to me when you can I love jesus I wanna get my faith back and I wanna stop struggling


Thanks 🙏🏼 again Matthew Kelly, as I wake early each day I surrender all to the Lord, my mother, and other family and friends. . . Who ever is in need. The Devil seems to always get between my mother and I. At times it’s hard to remain strong, but most times I do. Because I know deep down inside my heart ❤️ the Lord owns it. He owns the work of my hands. And I trust in Him, that what ever happened He will be there to help fix it. It’s never easy, sacrifice I know is required. From my perspective, When you love 💞 you don’t care to much if you lose.


I am very blessed to be in a relationship as you describe. My husband and I respect each other very much and are always looking out for the other's best interest. He always says to me, "If you're happy then I'm happy." The same is true for me. I've been a practicing Catholic all my life. My husband has never been baptized. Even with this big difference he is very supportive of my faith and even appreciates it. My biggest prayer is that one day he'll be baptized.


For me, trust is the biggest and most important factor of any relationship. Unfortunately, I've been hurt by biological family members more often than not. I feel blessed to have complete trust in my husband and kids!


I really needed to hear this today! Without realizing it, I’ve been slipping down into a slippery slop pit of hurt, anger, resentment and bruised feelings from the past relationships with family members and friends. It can happen so quickly that we’re not even aware we’re falling into this self pity destructive thinking just from one recent betrayal of trust from a friend or relative who have hurt or wronged us today, yesterday or many years ago. The devil uses these opportunities to fester and grow discord separating us from one another and the Power of His Love and Mercies and the healing balm from the Divine Healer. It doesn’t take long for depression and negativity to begin to set in if we don’t stay on guard and alert in our prayer life. Thank you for helping me to refocus!


Thank you I needed a pep talk this morning


I hesitate a little on making my comments and thank everyone for theirs because now I know that I am not alone. I am now going on 83 yrs old and I was in a 54 yr marriage that was not a good relationship. I have 3 grown children, 5 grown grandchildren and 1 little great grandson. There was never any physical abuse, but a lot of emotional abuse. I made it through and am now learning to become the best version of myself. We were all just possessions and things that he owned and should obey him and be like him. One time he said to me that he commanded my respect and I asked if he thought he was God and his reply was that he knew he wasn't God, but he was a benevolent dictator. If I were good to him then he would be good to me. I figured out how to live my life and be me through all of this and I think I realize now that was all he had in his playbook. He was my cross.

He passed away 8 yrs ago in a skilled nursing home with no family around him and I hope he spent that time with the Lord working things out. Thanks to Dynamic Catholic it is good to know that I am Perfectly Myself and trying to become the best better version of myself. Thank you Matthew for all your wonderful group do.


so true. I'm trying hard Matt. each day I mess up though and think he is disappointed and disgusted with me, then it's a spiral, I stop my prayers because I think we'll he will be mad anyway. I'm trying hard to be a better version of me.


Love this Matthew. We are collectively sore in need and it would be enriching and delightful to have a marriage series ❤


Great insight starting with Common Purpose and a Commitment to each other's success, Matthew. Thank you.


I hear the message intended for spouses but these principles can also be applied to family relationships. Despite all the love in the world, families can be complicated and in need of these too!


Just listening to you makes me want to be better. Thank you.


So wonderful, thank you for your wisdom and knowledge. My husband and I have a blended family and it can have it's difficulties and trials. Thank you for some great points and ideas. May God bless you Mr. Kelly.


Matthew, although I'm not in a couple's type of relationship; I totally get it. 1 thing is for sure. No matter what each person in the relationship is going through, they both have to be there for each other. It is a 2-Way street. Yes, unconditional love is a beautiful thing, but both persons need to express their love; otherwise, that's not a relationship. That's just loving a person. Anybody can do that and we should all do that, especially with our neighbors and enemies as scripture has taught us. However, the moment someone is in a relationship with someone, they need to both work at keeoing that relationship together or else it's over. Thank you. God Bless. - Juls


Thank you for your wisdom. I share your messages.


My husband and I are not even on the same planet when it comes to religion. I was raised mostly Catholic, and would like to return to the church, but can’t. My husband won’t let that happen. He seems to not really like Christians much at all. He will take me to our local Baptist church once in a while, but not every Sunday. I guess I am actually lucky that I am at least allowed to attend a Baptist church occasionally. It’s better than nothing. I honestly don’t think very many couples are compatible. It’s rare that two people can actually have the type of relationship you are describing.


I’m new comer having picked up a copy of LIFE IS MESSY in a hotel guest book exchange in Barbados. Great practical wisdom I will take back to my ‘real’ life. I’ve started listening to your daily tips for life on YouTube but not sure how to get the key dot points in text?? Help appreciated and thanks for being there.
