Will Your Disc Heal. It Depends. Bulge? Herniation? Protrusion? Extrusion? Sequestration?

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Will Your Disc Heal. It Depends. Bulge? Herniation? Protrusion? Extrusion? Sequestration?

Bob and Brad discuss if your disc issue will heal.

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Being 24 with a herniated disc as a dancer and yoga instructor has been really hard on me unfortunately I was hit by a car on my bike and now my life has been changed I hope everyone can find some healing with their discs
I still try to exercise everyday but man does it hurt after doing anything.


You guys gave me some hope. I'm gonna continue exercising everyday better than relying on surgery or medication. I will not give up, and for those who needs to do surgery or take medication for it, guess what, you are still alive and you will be fine.


I wish my doctors would explain things the way you two explain. Thank you


I should get a commission. Ive been referring my patients to your videos since 2019. You guys really are the best in the business. Thanks ❤


Almost 6 months from being bedridden for a week or 2. It was the worst pain. Now back to playing basoetball. Thanks guys.


I wish you both all the success in every category that can mention in this life because i was suffering and stressed out because of this herniated disc but your advices giving me hope. God bless you BOB and BRAD


I too had sciatic pain for the past three months, even single day it seemed like the pain level was the same until i started doing some exercises that are on this channel, and I also switched to sleeping on the floor with minimal cushioning and I can tell you today, it’s been four days, I haven’t had a challenging sciatic pain in those four days. It feels great. Thank you Bob and Brad.


I was in serious pain for years because of my sciatica. In fact, that’s how I found this YouTube channel. Ended up in near paralysis and had an emergency micro discectomy surgery due to severe disc herniation (kept getting worse and worse). Been free of nerve pain for five months now! Still recovering from the surgery and learning how to walk normal again. It’s embarrassing to be 32 years old walking like an old man


Yes please do a 50+ disc video. I have most of my neck herniated and my doctor recommended surgery. I have faith in PT though


This video was very informative. I was able to follow along and reference my MRI results. This helped me understand that what I have is a disc extrusion, and that it is a 70 percent chance of it healing without surgery. I feel much more hopeful and informed. Thank you.


this video totally gave me HOPE...still waiting to get in for an MRI. Fingers crossed. Doing McKenzie exercises every 2 hrs. Sciatica improving


I suffered a bulge 13 years ago that took almost one and half years, now two months ago I experienced disc extrusion and that's painful like hell you can't move your head or hand because of pain. After MRI I met doc and he told about surgery I was in shock, then I met a therapist and told him about the case he assured me it will be done without surgery. Now after 1 & half month alhamdulillah I am walking sitting and I feel 70-75 % better than before.
Here I would like to tell everyone that even you are going with surgery your 70% problem will not be solved without therapy.


Praise the lord, I thought I had the worse type of herniating but I actually don’t. Thanks so much


You guys are the best and you explain things in layman’s terms which is so appreciated. Thank you for all you do and the positive impact you’re making !


I had to have an operation age 34. The pain got worse couldn't walk. Now 37 I still have pain in the L5 area not as bad tho thankfully. A day without thoughts of back pain would be a huge surprise.


I am a 51 year old male, been in the HVAC industry all my life. I have experienced sciatic pain periodically through the years. I had a major bout with it this evening after and before the end of the work day. I looked up things to do to help with it and you guys video came up. I have to say I am impressed with the knowledge I have gained and i am feeling less pain now after doing some of the excersises that you have shown in your videos. I never knew about any of this stuff. Just know I have to keep working, and your resource I believe will help me. Thanks for what you do!!!


I have an L5 herniated disc that is pressing on a nerve so painfully, I can hardly walk, and I need a wheelchair in stores. I've had it for 3 months with nothing done, because of "office politics" at the pain clinic! I'll soon have a steroid injection, but every day is agony! I want to start your videos on physical therapy, but where do I start? You guys are lifesavers! You gave me hope, so I'm pushing off surgery as long as possible..
Where do I start? I'm 68. 🤯


You have given me so hope after I just found out I have 9 herniated disc’s! 😞


I don't know what kind I had, but it was so bad I lost the use of my right leg and had foot drop. And I had never been in so much pain in my life. The doctor said if I hadn't had the surgery when I did, I would have spent the rest of my life in a wheelchair.


😂😂 This is how school should've been man. Thanks, prayers to everyone healing.
