What REALLY Causes HIGH Blood Pressure

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What REALLY Causes HIGH Blood Pressure

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I’ve been eating more fresh foods, and making fresh fruit juices to lower my BP. I highly recommend drinking one cup of tart cherry juice. I was at 154/94 two weeks ago and now my BP is 125/82 drinking these juices.


im a nursing student doing a presentation on chronic hypertension this video was really helpful...


I’m 21, physically fit (ran half marathon 1 week ago and have a good amount of muscle mass) my blood pressure is 140/90 :(


I'm 37. for more then a year I'm suffering with hypertension. it goes till 200 sometimes. every evening it goes up. very high. 160-180 very usual. sometimes I feel it, sometimes even don't. All my tests are absolutely great. Doctors say its genetic :( feeling so bad. sometimes I think that's it. I will not last long :(


My cousin, who is 70-something, lowered her blood pressure with the DASH diet, which I understand is basically 4 vegetables and 4 fruits per day. There's a book called the DASH diet, or just google it. I try to do the Mediterranean diet myself, but I try to get in 4 & 4 per day --- don't always manage it, but probably just trying to helps.


Meat, veg, eggs, small amounts of fruit, apple vinegar, no refined carbs, sugars or starches( except on the odd cheat meal) fasting for 16/18 hours every day and quite a lot of walking exercise. My blood pressure is still over 130/90. I can do no more really. It must be age.


I am experimenting being a vegetarian for two weeks. One week result: from 153/94 to 121/75. I am 25 and my bmi is 37 (I surely lost weight, but I didn't check my weight because I want to keep it as a gift for myself when I go back to the clinic in a week).


I quit smoking and drinking alcohol. I'm working out more


Thank you Dr. for the information yes each time my blood pressure is high I try your breathing technique always work thank you and God bless you🙏🏻🙏🏻🌷


Im 21 and I just got a reading of 153/93. I don’t eat good and I don’t really exercise so that’s probably why. But food is kind of like my drug. I’m trying to eat better and do better tho I’m just very worried


Hi, doctor!
Must a hypertense patient really take pills for their entire life?
Can you explain to me the role of potassium & sodium in lowering or increasing blood pressure & what effect(s) can these two elements have on our kidneys?
Thanks sir !


I have high blood pressure since 2010 !


thanks doctor
1- ginger for one month could open the narrowed arteries from inside.
2- kito diet as life style continuously " no sugar no carb could lower the numbers to the normal levels by experiment"
3- i did the kito for 3 months the results was amazing even my doctor said all what we studied in university was crab after he saw the results.
- blood pressure numbers were down
- liver enzymes numbers were down
- knee pain and headache were disappeared
- weight loss 30 pounds in 3 months
- bad cholesterol numbers were down and good cholesterol numbers were up
- diabetes numbers were down and A1C was down from 7.1 to 5.3
- what i want to say is whats enter people's body from their mouths is the only problem, i gained weight after i abandoned the kito diet and gained the same weight i lost because iam a truck driver and eat from the truck stops stores
then after i saw that its hard for my case to control the food i eat, i decided to do the stomach operation "cut it" to get rid off this problem for good, because when diabetes is present its hard to burn what i eat but easy to the body to store what i eat.
what i forgot to say is people must do intermit fasting with kito if they have access weight, but if they just want healthy body and they have no access weight there is no need for i- fasting.
i hope the give his opinion about that.
this was my experiment.


Moringa got me off chemicals from my doctor nutrition is a big must


Because I am a school bus driver, I had to get a sleep study. So since May, I have been using a CPAP machine. I hate it, but it is helping my blood pressure. I also have been adapting a fasting with food. Do to covid 19, I have been cooking and eating at home. I use the box dinners, but add herbs and spices.


My father died in his 50s but he drank heavily. Neither my sister or mother made 71. Im 65. This isnt what I wanted to hear.


Ayah saya menderita tekanan darah tinggi usia 57, tetapi tekanan darah saya normal, usia saya 32, apakah tekanan darah tinggi itu benar berasal dari genetik atau tidak?


my BP goes up when I eat foods i`m sensitive too.. like gluten and sugar and dairy, ..also im repairing a leaky gut.


My blood preasure was 95/150 For almost five years . Imagine, Sefering five years. Finally causes of that was found ( kidney stone) after removing by urotroscopy i became normal. 120/80 .normal stage. Thanks God.


I thought it was stress from the start
