Book of Enoch Explained

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The Book of Enoch Explained offers an in-depth analysis of this ancient text and its connections to ancient Mesopotamia. Although evidently widely known during the development of the Hebrew Bible canon, 1 Enoch was excluded from the formal canon of the Tanakh, the canon of the Septuagint and subsequently from the writings known today as the Deuterocanon. Why?

The first part of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the angel-human hybrids called Nephilim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's revelations and his visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions, and dreams. Most scholars believe that the five sections of Enoch were originally independent works (with different dates of composition), themselves a product of much editorial arrangement, and were only later redacted into what is now called 1 Enoch. However, the narrative is much older than even modern scholars acknowledge.

00:00 Introduction
06:26 The Book of the Watchers (consists of chapters 1–36)
14:44 The Book of Parables of Enoch (consists of chapters 37–71)
24:35 [Book of Noah within the Book of Parables]
33:26 The Astronomical Book (consists of chapters 72–82)
35:11 The Book of Dream Visions (consists of chapters 83–90)
44:05 The Epistle of Enoch (consists of chapters 91–108)
51:16 Enoch and the Anunnaki

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Affiliated Links:
The Book of Enoch Paperback (R.H. Charles)
The Complete Apocrypha: 2018 Edition with Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees

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For those who come across this, take comfort in the knowledge that God is always with you. He goes ahead of you, He's by your side, and He guards your back. Embrace your challenges with assurance, for God's presence is your source of strength. Amen! 🌈🙌❤


I just wanna add that Enoch was chose By the creator due to his Love and dedication to our Creator. He was Lost for over a century and during this time all he did was Praise the Most High, at the time no other human had such dedication to worship, mind you this is around the time the Nephilim was already roaming earth, therefore he was chosen to be the median between our Creator and the terrestrial species. He Tried to warn the Nephilim and Watchers to stop their doing, they turned away from him because they saw him as an inferior being, just a human. Our Creator is just and his work is always greeted to goodness 👏


I think most of the books kept from the bible was not by divine making but due to politics that arose in the early church.


The ability you guys @ AAA have to break down these complex texts and allow someone like me to understand them thoroughly is truly spectacular! Very grateful for all your videos.


this is great summarization and commentary.
i could listen to the whole 4 hour audio and still not really get it, ya know ?


this book actually makes sense of the entire bible and definitely should be canon


Jesus directly quoted the Book of Enoch while putting the Pharasees in their place. The early Christians def knew of the Book of Enoch and they considered it cannon. If Jesus considered it cannon then i guarantee his early followers did.


Ive read the first 3 books and wow it ties in with Gods words, i recommend every true beleaver to read them. There are over a hundred more books to be translated yet.


I've been listening to the three books each night for the last few months while I've been sleeping. Yes, I have been having some odd dreams! Anyway, I'm more than a bit excited about this. Such a unique and strange text... Sure makes you think!


luckily i found this book in time. it has set my life free from all this vanity.
and especially because I now understand very well what awaits us. they are very blessed words indeed the book of enoch:
enoch and a few more people who have never found dead by the Word. for through man (Adam) sin entered into the world. and through sin death came into the world . so it's not the other way around. Sela

tens of thousands is more than thirty-six. that's something to think about.

Thx brother.


I listened to the Whole Book of Enoch on AAA to prepare myself for this video


There are so many books missing from todays bible it’s insane


The narration is simply wonderful I'm glad I chose to watch this granted it's a couple of days after release
Thank you for the hard work


Thank you. I really enjoyed this and I appreciate you sharing the knowledge. And anyone even in the comments sharing their thoughts as well. It's astonishing that information like this would be kept from us. But as it says in the Bible

My people perish for lack of knowledge.... - Hosea 4:6

The double doesn't want us to know the truth because he wants to keep us blind that we would stop searching, loving and serving the Lord


Missed the live show unfortunately and just finished up now. Awesome work my man. Awesome.


Actually it is known how the calendar was reconciled with the tropical year of 365.2 days. Every seventh year (a sabbath year) one uncounted week was added, and there 28th year, two uncounted weeks were added. This perfectly adjusted for the difference. Also, until the Seleucid rule over Judaea and Israel, and the replacement of the priests in the Temple to non-Sadducee lineage, this was the only calendar the Israelites used. The Jewish/Hebrew calendar used today was created after the destruction of the temple with the explanation that the old solar calendar cannot be used for liturgical purposes anymore since there is no temple to worship in.

Today’s Hebrew calendar is a perversion of the original solar calendar explained in this video. It was very accurate and very precise regarding Hebrew/Israelite worshiping and festivals. All festivals occurred within the first seven months. The first day of the first month was always the day of the spring equinox, which was always a Wednesday. The festival of pass over was always exactly 14 days after that. And East festival always had a precise and specific date counted by the number of day in the number of month.


Brilliant... Thank you for a most encouraging video.
And thanks to the Abbah Aluah (of host) for his mercy, and his Hamashiac Akkah Aluah for his grace.
ENKIME was correct... 7 seasons of disobedience, evil, and sin does come to an end. HALLELUJAH!


Nowadays, prophecy watchers consider Enoch as an honorary book of the Bible


Thank you for this excellent summary of this important yet understudied scripture from ancient times.
