The Book of Enoch Examined

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Should Enoch be included in the Bible? How old is Enoch? Is there any truth in this book?

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1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation - George W. E. Nickelsburg and James C. VanderKam

Why the Pseudepigrapha? - James Sanders

The Ethiopic Book of Enoch - Michael Knibb

The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research - James Hamilton Charlesworth and Patricia Dykers

Judaism Outside the Hebrew Canon - Leonhard Rost

An Introduction to Early Judaism - James C. VanderKam

Outside the Old Testament - M. de Jonge

Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah - George W. E. Nickelsburg

A Companion to the Book of Enoch - Michael Heiser

The Old Testament Canon of the New
Testament Church - Roger T. Beckwith

Josephus: The Life, Against Apion
- J. Thackeray

The Book of Enoch - R. H. Charles

The Apocalyptic Imagination - John J. Collins

The Son of Man in the Parables of Enoch and in Matthew - Leslie Walck

A Teacher for All
Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam - Eric F. Mason

Reversing Hermon - Michael Heiser

#Bible #Nephilim #Giants
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It was an honor to work with you on the script for this video, IP! I hope people are blessed by it.


Dude I need to start financially supporting this channel. We often reference these videos as extra education at my Church. Great stuff my friend.


Having now listened to this lecture in its entirety, I must express my shock and delight at your scholarship and your reasoning. Well done to both of you. Best examination on 1 Enoch I have ever had the privilege of enjoying. I am a fan, sirs, and now a subscriber.


Glad you did this subject. I've been learning more about the Ethiopian canon recently and saying that Enoch is the Messiah definitely seems like a trump card for the 'no' side.


One of the most valuable insights we get from the book of Enoch is a look into how 2nd Temple Jews thought about the title "Son of Man". This is important context for Jesus' use of the title in the New Testament.

This, of course, does not mean Enoch is authoritative. Just that it provides interesting and useful historical context.


Thank you so much for making this video!!!
As believers, we are to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-12.
Thank God that He alone can keep His Word Pure and Truthful through time, which is also made by Him!


What I find interesting is so many will rather read the book of Enoch than the Bible. They will find any and every excuse to claim it to be canon when the vast majority of scholars and even Jewish doctrine do not consider it inspired


This was an Excellent deep-dive into the subject of The Book of Enoch. Very in-depth, and something I definitely needed right now. All to often people seem to want to treat Enoch as scripture or proof that the canon was altered. But it’s great to have the mostly full picture here while also not completely condemning the book itself. Excellent work guys


I’ll ask Enoch himself when I get to heaven . 🙂


The narrator: "James Charles--"
The narrator: "--worth writes"
Me: ohhh


Enoch the most mysterious biblical patriarch.


The production quality of the video and the sources you bring to bear make this to be one of the BEST teaching vehicles on this topic I have ever encountered - you did an amazing job and at around 10 minutes in I was looking to join and support you more. Incredible content and truly inspiring. I could go on and on - I love your work.


Don't forget Dr. Heiser asserts Enoch is not inspired but also that not being inspired doesn't mean it can't refer to real mytho-historical events (with cognates in pagan theology no less).


You have helped clear up so much confusion and anger that I felt when I went through the first chapter of Enoch, it went against everything else I knew, it caused me tremendous pain, thank you with all my heart ♥.


Very very good content! This video offers an enormous amount of clarity as to how much weight the book of Enoch should carry in the minds of modern believers. Thank you very much for your diligent study on this topic. It was truly enlightening!


Thank you so very much for this clarification. I so wanted it to be authentic yet I was left with a nagging due to 'rain' being mentioned. Selective truth searching seems to be a well sought after rut of ignorance for my itching ears. Thank you for keeping 'it' real, all glory to God and the Lord Jesus, our saviour, & true teacher.


Thank you for all your work, IP. I love watching your videos and it has helped me so much to better understand the Bible, faith and arguments for God and Christianity. You are an amazing role model which I aspire to be like some day!


I'm glad you did this.
can you please do the examination for the book of Esdras too.
because 2 Esdras 7:28 mentions the messiah as the Son of God...
2 Esdras (or 4 Esdras) is considered cannon by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
It is widely cited by the church fathers.
and most scholars agree that it was originally written in Hebrew.
so please....thank you
and it was in the Greek Septuagin.


There is also a HUGE difference between the description of Heaven in Enoch, compared to John's Revelations....


From a cultural view I really like the book of Enoch. I highly doubt that its cannon but it's a fun read. Thank you for the video.
