Enter The Astral Realm | Astral Travel Lucid Dreaming Music | Binaural Beat Lucid Dreaming Music

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Astral Projection Lucid Dreaming Music, Enter your favorite dreams every night with this soothing deep sleep music for lucid dreaming and astral projection. The music is tuned to 432 Hz and we use 7.5 Hz Theta binaural beat brainwaves - Out Of body Music & Lucid Dreams.

A fully lucid dream is a dream where you are aware and in total control of your dream, rich and visually detailed. Because all of this takes place in your mind, the dream world is only limited by your own fantasy, no boundaries. You can literally take control of your dream and warp The Matrix like Neo. Fly and soar over cities like Iron Man, Travel through time like Dr. Strange, Fight like a ninja, Re-live childhood memories, Base jump, ANYTHING you can imagine!

✦We infuse our sleep music with theta binaural beats. Theta binaural beats are linked to REM sleep, there are three stages of REM sleep we cycle back and forth to when we are asleep and those are REM, Light REM, and Deep REM. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the most conscious stage of the three and the stage of sleep where your dreams typically happen. Many people believe theta binaural beats can assist with longer REM cycles and more dreaming during sleep

✦432Hz Solfeggio Frequency: Aligning with Nature’s Heartbeat:
We don’t always hear a lot of music tuned to 432Hz because almost everything we hear on the radio or at concerts is tuned to 440Hz (the accepted standard). However, when we do change that tuning, even by a measly 8 wave-cycles per second, the change to our consciousness and our bodies is dramatic.
A 2016 study about listening to music during dental procedures found that music at 432Hz relieved anxiety, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, and improved perception of pain levels during surgery. But what is so magical about 432Hz?
A key scientific factor in why this particular frequency has the power to calm us down and improve our state of mind lies in something called the Schumann Resonance. German physicist, Winfried Otto Schumann first documented the Schumann Resonance, which is the frequency of the magnetic waves constantly resonating between Earth’s surface and the ionosphere (upper atmosphere). This frequency is about 8Hz and is sometimes called the heartbeat of the Earth because of its constant vibration.
8Hz is connected to 432Hz because the two frequencies resonate with each other.



The Astral Circle loves to provide you high-quality content for deep sleep and meditation. Our content is directed to all the people that are interested in Solfeggio frequencies, Binaural beats, lucid dreaming, and astral projection.

The music on our channel is tuned to solfeggio frequencies and has binaural beats embedded to enhance the experience of a meditative and relaxed state of mind which can often be a gateway to entering altered states of consciousness and experience profound experiences such as lucid dreaming, astral projection or deep meditation.

We believe that meditative music, in general, has the potential to assist the listeners in reaching these altered states of consciousness. In our channel, we put together the frequencies that we believe are the most harmonizing, healing and rejuvenating.

The real ability to astral project or lucid dream comes from you, not the music. It is just a facilitator for yourself to go into the right state of mind.

✦You can read more info on our website:

#BinauralBeats #LucidDreaming #SleepMusic #FallAsleep
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I wish everyone who clicked on this video the most love, peace and abundance. You’re so much closer than you realize. I love you♥️🤞🏾


Hi im faded asf but I wish everyone a happy life and keep moving forward <3


This comment section is so blessed, honestly good luck to you all on your journeys 💞


to whoever clicked on this video and is reading this, i send you the most love, care, peace, and all that good jazz. i hope you have a good and peaceful night with dreams that make you smile in the morning when you wake up. we may not know each other on a personal level, but i love you. all of you. <3 now, please get some rest, you deserve it.❤


This comment section reminds me that our separation is an illusion.

Thank you.


remember to look after yourself. remember to sleep, eat, drink. remember to get up in the morning. keep fighting. I see your hard work! I'm proud of you <3


Rest easy my friend. You are strong, but remember even the strongest things break eventually. Just know that defeat is not shameful.


sleep tight little ones I know you're all tuckered out from doing your best, just know I see you and I love you and I'm so very proud of you!<3


The first night i listened to this i had 3 separate lucid dreams and i haven’t dreamt in years, i love these ❤️


We are all traveling together my friends, im very happy to be here ❤️


I listen to this channel every single night for the past 6 months now? Maybe longer? I can't sleep with out it now. It helps drown out the voices I hear every night. Keeps me calm and dont even have to take my anxiety meds before bed. Thank you so much for this.


I like how there’s no bad comments. It’s great


I was just woke up from sleep paralysis. It's happened to me before and my other experiences with it were so scary! Tonight was different.. While I still felt that sense of fear because I couldn't move, talk, or shake my partner awake, I felt a presence with me this time.. It felt just like my departed loved one Kerry I felt his hands on my shoulders and on my arms I even heard his voice! I've read that when we are about to fall asleep.. We are closest to the spiritual realm and the veil is thinner to connect with the other side/departed loved ones. I looked up sleep paralysis on here and this video popped up as I was scrolling.. I'm going to try falling back to sleep with with beautiful, relaxing music. First I'm saying my prayers and asking for God's protection. I don't know much about sleep paralysis but another video on it described evil entities/spirits. Sending everyone love, peace, & good vibes. Have a blessed night, or day wherever you are in the world 😴❤😇🙏✨


The fact that you’re here means you’re on a path. Your path. Keep going, it gets better with each step! Sometimes it gets tougher too.. not gonna lie.. but it always gets tougher right before it gets better! And it will, get better- I have faith in God and he in you- so long as you in he :)


Hi, I wish you all the best in life. You deserve it all. Why?
Because you are infinitely beautiful, loved & amazing. You are the whole universe.
Love yourself, be yourself & look within. I love you.
Peace & Blessings to all who are reading this message. 💙


These comments give me hope for humanity. Which is very much needed in a time like this.
I'm glad there's still good people like you all out there somewhere.
Always Remember to spread positive vibes everywhere u go.
Life is too short to be negative all the time. It's just not worth it.
Sweet dreams my friends. 💜💙🌙 🌟 💫


We got this fam! YOU got this! Don't be bullied into silence and don't accept anyone's definition of yourself!


This is one of the most positive channels I have ever seen. Thank you everyone!


I just had a lucid dream where im in a different reality where everyone doesnt remember me and went back in time to meet everyone over again. Even though the things happening arent real and never happened irl, i felt deja vu like everything happened before. It all stopped cause i cant handle how everyone forgot me and when i woke up i was already crying.
10/10 would try again


Respect to everyone reaching this 💚 blessings to you all 🧘‍♂️
