Enter The Astral Realm | 432 Hz Deep Lucid Dreaming Sleep Music | Theta Binaural Beat Brainwaves

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Enter the astral realms tonight, 432 Hz deep lucid dreaming sleep music infused with theta binaural beat brainwaves in the background🌛💜

A fully lucid dream is a dream where you are aware and in total control of your dream, rich and visually detailed. Because all of this takes place in your mind, the dream world is only limited by your own fantasy, no boundaries. You can literally take control of your dream and warp The Matrix like Neo. Fly and soar over cities like Iron Man, Travel through time like Dr. Strange, Fight like a ninja, Re-live childhood memories, Base jump, ANYTHING you can imagine!

✦We infuse our sleep music with theta binaural beats. Theta binaural beats are linked to REM sleep, there are three stages of REM sleep we cycle back and forth to when we are asleep and those are REM, Light REM, and Deep REM. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the most conscious stage of the three and the stage of sleep where your dreams typically happen. Many people believe theta binaural beats can assist with longer REM cycles and more dreaming during sleep

✦432Hz Solfeggio Frequency: Aligning with Nature’s Heartbeat:
We don’t always hear a lot of music tuned to 432Hz because almost everything we hear on the radio or at concerts is tuned to 440Hz (the accepted standard). However, when we do change that tuning, even by a measly 8 wave-cycles per second, the change to our consciousness and our bodies is dramatic.
A 2016 study about listening to music during dental procedures found that music at 432Hz relieved anxiety, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, and improved perception of pain levels during surgery. But what is so magical about 432Hz?
A key scientific factor in why this particular frequency has the power to calm us down and improve our state of mind lies in something called the Schumann Resonance. German physicist, Winfried Otto Schumann first documented the Schumann Resonance, which is the frequency of the magnetic waves constantly resonating between Earth’s surface and the ionosphere (upper atmosphere). This frequency is about 8Hz and is sometimes called the heartbeat of the Earth because of its constant vibration.
8Hz is connected to 432Hz because the two frequencies resonate with each other.



The Astral Circle loves to provide you high-quality content for deep sleep and meditation. Our content is directed to all the people that are interested in Solfeggio frequencies, Binaural beats, lucid dreaming, and astral projection.

The music on our channel is tuned to solfeggio frequencies and has binaural beats embedded to enhance the experience of a meditative and relaxed state of mind which can often be a gateway to entering altered states of consciousness and experience profound experiences such as lucid dreaming, astral projection or deep meditation.

We believe that meditative music, in general, has the potential to assist the listeners in reaching these altered states of consciousness. In our channel, we put together the frequencies that we believe are the most harmonizing, healing and rejuvenating.

The real ability to astral project or lucid dream comes from you, not the music. It is just a facilitator for yourself to go into the right state of mind.
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i just got out of residential treatment after being there a month. im now in partial hospitalization therapy. i've dealt with so much trauma and i never thought the events in my life would bring me here to the more peaceful side of the internet. thank you to all of you for your kind comments i get to read before bed and for your existence in general. you are all beautiful beings. namaste


This is the best binaural beats track that I’ve found it, yet!! It literally induces lucid dreaming every time! I’ve been searching for literally years to find a compatible beat—thank you so much for making this!


I believe, when attempting to be unwound, getting ready to sleep,
' atmosphere is everything '.

I also believe ' we humans ' are in charge of the major part of setting up the suitable atmosphere for
' ourselves ', for me that sometimes includes music like this.

Most important thing I've learned, I am in charge - responsible for how I respond and feel about my environment, that includes choosing not to be troubled or not to ponder endlessly on things that ' drive ' my emotions.

Spending to much time trying to fix anything just by thinking about it, lays a foundation for restlessness, frustration, anger and then the final poisoning of our minds and bodies, a perpetual state of bitterness.

My opinion is, no matter how strong I feel; my mind, my body, my emotions were never intended to be a constant sponge for emotional poisoning, and, if I do not respond by constantly allowing anxiety, worrying and pacing myself to support anger, I will be strong, because I will be restful even when I'm not sleeping, because I will be restored in every way.

It took intentionally practicing by speaking to myself, eg. "I do not have to add 'this' argument / situation / circumstances to myself, it is more important for me to stay calm."

Yes, this includes my communication with others that sets an example for myself and others.

Let them feel or think whatever, you do not have to dress up in frustration or anger just because someone else is not happy with whatever, even if it is you they are all hot and stinky about.

Smile, it is humorous to realize, I or my emotions are not going to be the diet for someone else's lack of anger management.

The most empowering thing I have learned is, "It is not up to the circumstances or another person to find acceptance of my method or the concept or terms of my peace; for me to be able to separate myself from things that disturb me, my days or my sleep."

"I can accept that it will not be resolved or that it will be resolved when it's time comes, and, that it is wrong and damaging for me to try to force myself or the circumstances or another person to find acceptance for me."

If sleep is being really evasive, its not because sleep is a prey to be hunted so stop trying so hard to find it.

Instead, try learning about sleep, no - not necessarily a boring medical science text book, okay I have done that too.

I have however, found that reading about how others view resting and sleep can be interesting, rewarding and relaxing. One of my favorites is the ancients, how people thought about sleep long before we humans decided that we pretty much have everything figured out and fixed.

This link is a quick example of, just how easy it is to create your own reading parameters and subject, in this case I used the word 'sleep' in a more ancient translation or version of the Bible. I was amazed, there were 88 results.
First I just scanned, reading just the little excerpts from each reference, then restarted picking one reference or another to see what was available that might strike my interest. Although not boring, I may never finish reading all of the complete 88 sections on sleep. My sleeping has improved. 😘


The great thing is that when you will wake up this video will be still playing.


Wow.... I'm afraid i lost my memory of wherever it was i had went last night while listening to this, but i was confused and disoriented when i woke up, realizing that i had been laying asleep in my bed the whole time! That truly induced a transcendental spiritual state! I was away, floating in some kind of Bliss....


No clue what the title even means but im down to pass out to this


This channel has taught me how to PROPERLY BREATHE on a regular basis! So grateful to have access to this... ❤️🙏🏽


This music has opened new doorways within my dreams like never before! Everything is so surreal and more depth of emotion.


My go-to every single night for the last 6 months


Going to sleep now with this on. Report back in the morning 🤗 The person reading this I love you i know you will find your purpose❤️


Powerful and beautiful!... I love the 432hz music! 🙏🙏🙏


Enter The Astral Realm was great! Fell asleep to it last night and had 4 great dreams... 1 was with my aunt whom passed earlier this year from Covid-19, great conversation with her and she looked sooo young. 2 others were crazy, like something was/is after me coming from the spiritual world? The last dream was of my love interest whom, is still trying to come out, struggling and in the dream I was taking out my anger, frustration out on him... Literally, beating him up... that's when I awoke 7 hrs into it... Good stuff, if you know how to use it! TY... ;) ~Wendell


Esta super genial. Realmente relajante. Me encanta. Saludos y bendiciones


This world takes me a world away from this world 😍💗💗💗. Amazing upload


I love this! I usually switch it up every night but I have listened to this all week. ♥️☮️💙


5 dreams in one night? The world is changing


Lovely binaural video effects. Makes you want to open your eyes and watch the footage.


What’s the point in all the pictures if I’m finna be sleep


i listened for 15 min before turning it off and i had WILDLY vivid lucid dreams wtf


Is there a reason I’m seeing so many of these on my recommended
