7 Etiquette Rules Every Gentleman Must Obey

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Rule 1
1:49 Rule 2
2:45 Rule 3
3:45 Rule 4
4:20 Rule 5
5:01 Rule 6
5:43 Rule 7
6:14 Free self-improvement course
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I would add Rule #8: A gentleman never dominates a conversation. They listen and ask questions first since they know that to be heard one must be able to hear first.


Excellent video. Please note that a gentleman follows the lead of the host or hostess when it comes to toasting. The host or hostess is in charge of the table, not the guests. If you feel compelled to make a toast, ask permission of the host/hostess to do so. Do not just take charge of the table to offer a toast. Do not encourage others to clink fine glassware when you are visiting in someone's home. Do not be the guest who chips the fine crystal stemware. If, as you are toasting, you see the host/hostess move to clink glasses, then okay, but otherwise, don't clink. Just raise your glass while keeping your eyes on whomever you are toasting or on whomever is making the toast. With your eyes looking at the same person, take a sip and lower your glass back to the table. Once the glasses are back on the table, the toast is over and you can look elsewhere. You don't have to clink glasses to complete a toast.


1. Never show up empty handed (to an event)
2. Wait for everyone to get their food to eat
3. Don’t show up uninvited
4. Remove shoes inside
5. Make eye contact with toaster & say name
6. Dress for occasion
7. Don’t leave without clothes ironed


Being a gentleman is skill that every man needs to learn. practice always improve & maintain


I’m a lady but I watch your videos so I know what to look for when I meet my future husband 😊❤


Etiquette has to do with courtesy and respect - starting with oneself. Thank you sir.


I applaud you for getting today's generation of younger gentlemen on board with good manners.

Having good manners is one of the best investments a man can make in himself. Good manners pay for themselves many times over in terms of increased social opportunities, and in personal and professional relationships. Even something as simple as receiving great service in restaurants and shops comes down to a gentleman conducting himself in a considerate and polite manner.

Whatever your age, whatever your personal financial, physical, or social situation: You'll be a better man if you have good manners.


Appreciate your content Gent Z, it's just such a pity that many men, especially the younger generation seem to have not adopted even basic social skills and etiquette.


I appreciate your content very much, because it is so valuable in today's times. I represent the Z generation as well, and, in my opinion, our generation lacks the very basics of etiquette and general good behaviour. I think that a general rule that a gentleman should follow is what Antoni Słonimski has once said: "When I don't know what to do, I prefer to behave decently just in case". Thank you for your devotion!


For some years now I've always advocated to dress one level up for any given venue. Once in awhile make it two levels up. It's an "under the radar" way to stand out just a little bit.


I've watched a good dozen of Gent Z's videos. I like them in this age of frumpy disheveled dress.. Subscribed.


Thankyou your videos are fantastic! I am currently going through a separation with my wife after 44 years of marriage. So I am now focusing on me and want to portray me as a real gentleman and a much improved version of myself to any future lady in my life . Best regards boy from oz


While it's not really a rule of etiquette, I personally think every man should carry a nice refillable pen with him. Parker Jotters, for example. Even if you're just impressing your friends when they don't have a pen when they need it, a nice pen goes a long way. I used to use generic BIC pens until I started using more formal ones - I had a phase where I'd use a fountain pen for everything purely because I prefer older tech. Nower-days I use the Jotter I mentioned earlier. (Parker Jotter Originals Ballpoint, specifically.) It feels the best in my hand and my had never aches when using it. They're cheap as a one-off purchase, too - and can last a lifetime if not lost and properly looked after.


Thank you so much for your work, good sir! One of the most crucial channels every man should have, in my opinion.


I love a good etiquette video!
Happy to see you are teaching a new generation of gentlemen. And as a European millennial lady I enjoy your content too.
Keep up the good work 🥂


You are so right that many of us simply did not grow up knowing these things. For example, I grew up in a working class household where it was unheard of that somebody would remove their shoes when entering the home. I didn’t become aware of this until I met my then-friend, now-wife, who came from a middle-class suburban background where this was Absolutely expected. I now really appreciate it, as it makes cleaning our home every weekend much easier. Shoes are filthy! Same goes with waiting to start eating until everybody else has theirs. Had no clue about this until I was an adult. God bless my wife for helping to tame the savage I apparently was growing up. Lol


I'm new to your site, and I am keen to learn. I've always considered myself to be a gentleman but have had no proper training. Opening doors for a lady, standing when a lady nears, or departs a conversation these are first tier. I know I require much more. Thank you in advance.


My parents when I was a child in the 1960’s were rigid followers of etiquette. Both my parents were great cooks, and my 3 brothers and 2 sisters always eat at the dinner table together with my parents. My mother and sisters always set a lovely table and helped serve. When they arrived at the table my Father and brothers and I would rise from our seats and pull out the chairs for the women. My parents had beautiful cocktail parties that looked straight out of the cast of Madmen. I have to say your wardrobe is evolving very well. Better and better each time.


Finally ! No Tiktok music. Thank you for this great video.


I would also add, when going to other's houses to not sit on the seat thats at the end of the table because that seat should be for the host since the person sitting there has a direct view of everyone
