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If you own an Akita, pet insurance is a must! Here is what we use:

We’ve all seen them, those fluffy little faces of Akita puppies on Instagram, or maybe you watched a YouTube video about how the loyalty, bravery and regality of the Akita is like no other. You see these amazing dogs and you think “that’s the dog for me, that’s what I want.” It’s true that Akitas are an amazing breed, and most people once they have an Akita rarely get another type of dog for the rest of their life, but just like any other breed, Akitas have their peculiarities, and they aren’t for everyone, which is why, unfortunately there is a necessity for Akita Rescues.

In this article we are going to help you answer the question: Should I get an Akita? Let’s dig in.

Dog Experience
Many trainers, breeders and vets alike do not recommend an Akita as your first dog. Would be first time dog owners love to seek out those who had an Akita as their first dog as evidence that it can be done. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. While it’s not impossible to have an Akita as your first dog, the recommendation is for both your benefit, and the benefit of your dog.

So why do experts recommend you not get an Akita as your first dog? There are several reasons:

Akitas can be extremely stubborn. Training your dog can be frustrating and time consuming, even with an “easy to train” breed like a Golden Retriever or Labrador. When training any dog, getting fed up or impatient is the last thing you want to do, and that can easily happen with a stubborn breed like an Akita. What happens when you get frustrated in training your dog? You avoid doing it, and an untrained Akita (or any dog for that matter) is a danger to themselves and to others.
Akitas have a high prey drive, this means they are easily enticed by animals like squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, cats, deer, and other dogs. This high prey drive requires additional training to overcome so you can take your Akita on walks or hikes without having to worry about your dog attacking another dog or bolting off into the woods. Again having some experience with dogs will be a big benefit here.
Akitas are big! With male Akitas weighing upwards of 130lbs in some instances, Akitas are big and cumbersome dogs. Our American Akita, Haga, is currently only 85lbs and is still a handful, even when he’s not trying to be. Understanding how to loose-leash walk a dog, the importance of body language, tone, etc…all goes a long way in being able have a successful relationship with your Akita.
As we previously mentioned, you can absolutely find people who had an Akita as their first dog, but there are typically special circumstances that allowed for that to happen. For example, my first dog was technically an Akita, but an Akita mix. Furthermore we had a family dog when I was growing up, and my uncle is a veterinarian who owned an animal hospital where I would spend a lot of time helping out in the summers, and my sister is a vet-tech. In other words, not only did I have a good amount of experience around dogs, I also had a lot of support.

Shelter and Space
Akitas are known to be quite “cat-like,” not just in terms of their grooming, but also in terms of their behavior and personality. While it’s true that Akitas don’t need an extremely large house to live in, they are still big dogs, and having a space that can accommodate an Akita is a must.

Do you have space in your home for an extra large dog crate? Can you fit an extra large dog crate in your vehicle? Does your home have enough space for your Akita to be away from you if they’re feeling aloof? Do you have a safe or enclosed area where your Akita can play, especially outside?

Do you have air conditioning in your home if you live in a hot or humid climate? Here in New Hampshire, one of the most northern states in the US, our summers often have 100% humidity and temps over 100 degrees. Our American Akita, Haga, would not survive a summer here without air conditioning in our home. Akitas hail from the snowy mountains of Japan, and relish the cold. The heat and humidity is like torture for them. Having air conditioning is a literal life saver for them, but only hammers home the necessity for a good amount of space for your Akita to exist in: In the summer our walks with Haga have to become shorter because he simply cannot tolerate the heat, so he’s often more playful in the summer time because he isn’t exercised outside as much.

The last thing to consider is if your property owner or your home owners insurance will even allow you to have an Akita. While many renters can’t have any pets, even some facilities that allow pets have a limit on size, and restrict certain breeds.

#akita #americanakita #akitadog
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It’s nice to hear the opinion of Akita owner, unlike some other channels who just like to comment on Akitas .


Got an Akita when my sons were young and I babysat 5 kids. She was the best dog I've ever had. She watched over all the kids. Was only aggressive 1 time, guy came over to pick up car my husband worked on, she went ballistic had to lock her in a bedroom. Found out a few months later he was a pedifile. Love this breed, had shepherds my whole life. Sheba lived 17 blissful years.


All true points stated about the Akita breed. I have fortunate to have owned 3 different Akitas throughout my lifetime. Male Akitas are much more aggressive in my direct experience. The breed is VERY loyal, VERY protective and standoff-ish around strangers. Excellent breed NOT for beginners.


Wow - an Akita video by an actual Akita owner who actually knows what he is talking about! Liked and subbed


I got an Akita when my granddaughter was little. I wanted her to grow up with a dog. I did not plan to get an Akita but saw the pups living in awful conditions and just loved them.
The first year was a battle of wills but she learnt I was the pack leader. I have never regretted getting her, she has been the best dog ever. She has never been aggressive in any way. She had amazing play times with my granddaughter, they were so funny together. Alaska was gentle and calm with her. Alaska has also never shown aggression towards anyone or any animal in or out of the home.
Sadly, I have just lost her at nearly 15years old and miss her dreadfully. We are heartbroken. I was so lucky to have her in my life. 🥰🥰🥰


I've had my Akita for 12years. Best thing I've ever done bit of work when she was young but now she is no trouble at all she is my soulmate ❤️🇮🇪


I adopted a female Akita-Husky mix a little more than a year ago. She is exceedingly intelligent, observant, and independent thinking. It's the independent thinking--what you called stubbornness--that will be difficult to handle for most people. Akitas aren't the kind of dog to be blindly obedient, and they practice informed disobedience just as often as they will perform a trick for a treat. My first dog--a Beagle--had that same independent, stubborn streak, which thankfully prepared me for my Akita. This may not seem like a huge ordeal but in fact, it's one of the most difficult personality traits in a dog. If you are not mentally on the level to deal with it, you will find yourself being outwitted and completely ignored by your own dog. In other words, you have to earn an Akitas respect, and most people aren't ready for that when they adopt or buy a dog.


I'm a first time dog owner, I got an Akira, but I can follow a schedule. We trained her every day kids played a part and it worked out.


My first rescue was a Akita. He was about 6 years old. He trained me as to what I should expect from an Akita. I was about 8 months pregnant with my son. So being home I figured I had enough time to retrain the dog. He changed my life totally. Sometimes dog aggressive but most the time he could be around anybody or anything one time he ran away and when we found him at the pound and they had him on death watch. If it had been another day they would have put him to sleep. That's when we started our Akita rescue I could not understand that in Ohio if an Akita was not claimed within a certain amount of time they had to be put to sleep. The people were amazed so much when I came in & found him that he curled on his back for a rub to his tummy. He hugged me when he saw me. It was so funny, they said that the only way that they were able to give him food and water was to take a pan and scoot it with a broom into the pen. He had 3 bowls in the pin. SMH. But when you talk about loyal .. he had chewed through the basement door, then opened the back door to get out. He went over a 6-foot fence all because his owner Brad had not been home for 3 days. You see I was second choice my son's father was his master and when they found him he was about two blocks away from where Brad was staying. When you count the 15 miles that it took to get from my house to there. He had one thing in mind and that was he needed to be near his daddy. Now they are both in heaven together


I am a first time dog owner and have a Japanese Akita. I thought a long time about it before I decided to have a puppy of this breed. We definitely had a lot of struggles because aggression towards other dogs but I finally found the right method for us and finally it's getting better. I love my dog so much but everyone thinking of getting one should really consider the unique character of the breed ❤️ This, of course, should be done no matter what breed.


My Akita got 0 training, and a lot of love. He is never aggressive unless it's actually needed and expected, as when weird strangers approach our house. When I take him for walks, random kids run up to us to pet him, he has NEVER EVER shown even the slightest bit of aggression towards them. He is always super careful around my 2 year old nephew, he is aware of his size and strength and makes sure to not accidently push him over or hurt him in any other way.


Had Akitas most of my life and every point he makes here is absolutely true but if you can do all these things you will have the most loyal companion you can imagine.


Adopted a 55lb Akita mix. Got the cattle dog look with the Akita personality. In the beginning, she was super stubborn, wouldn't do anything, but she realized I was far more stubborn that she was. And she also realized I was more than capable of just picking her up and carrying her where I needed to and being bitten didn't scare me. I've had her for 7 years now and she's my baby. An absolutely stubborn cat dog, but my baby.


Talking about Wendy is a story with as much pain as happiness. The love and devotion she gave to her family is unmatched and to this day I swear she could almost talk and the intelligence was off the charts for a dog. A lady near my home raised and bred Akita's and to me they were just dogs and my son wanted a dog. I ask her about getting a puppy and then she explained they were special dogs and the cost. A few days later the lady knocked on my door with some puppy's, new born actually and explained the mother died during birth and the pups would have to be nursed and her employment was hard for her to care for the pups. The local vet got me everything I needed and educated us on how to care for Wendy. I was the first thing Wendy saw when she opened her eyes the first time and I held her in my arms when she closed her eyes the last time. She was a blessing from God and to this day I have never forgot her or the love. Akitas are like having a child and later having a protector watch over you, but for the most part there not the dog you throw some food in a bowl and tell them to go lay down.


I have an akita 3 years old, and he’s my first dog. He’s a teddy bear and always interested in everyone and so nice. He’s very dependent on me, where he wouldn’t eat if I wasn’t home.


I have had an Akita for 13 yrs. with no problems. Aquired another Akita 2 years ago an he´s my best friend, very silent and follows me around the house. I live in Brazil with average temperatures of 30c, with no problems with the dogs. Gets on well with the cat.


As an Akita owner I love seeing someone actively trying to educate owners on the breed. I have a one of a kind akita, she’s my service dog and she lives in a household with 3 other dogs. I’m a dog groomer and she does great at work and even sometimes plays in the doggy daycare in my facility when I have time to monitor. I do everything to make sure she won’t be out in a situation where her temperament can be comprised. You have a gorgeous boy and I can’t wait to see more of your videos


My first dog was a rescue akita. I was inexperienced, young, and lived in a pretty small apartment without a fence. Nakita and I learned and experienced a lot, and we benefitted from a lot of luck, but I wouldn't change a thing. I went on to own a great Dane and another akita.


Akita’s are my favorite dog breed. Although I’d love to own one someday, I won’t be selfish, I know I am currently not able to give the pup the best life I could provide. Meanwhile, I can gather as much information as I can until that big day comes 😃


I’ve had rescue Akitas all my life and I’ve seen a wide range of personality and temperaments. My mom had a huge 120 lb gentle (but still protective) giant named Zeus when I was born. He once saw the cats grooming each other and thought he could help since he had a nice big tongue. Got lucky with him as her first dog, but she did do extensive research on Akitas before adopting.
We’ve had 3 others since then, all with unique temperaments. We don’t have the time needed for a puppy, but we love ARSF who matches us perfectly with the right dog for us.
