3 Reasons Akitas Aren't For You

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My Akita when i'm around: am a good doggo
My Akita when i'm not around: Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds


My Akita was raised with all of my animals. He was even best friends with my Himalayan. He loves all of my animals. He is also friends with a squirrel, which he has caught and let go. He even caught a bird and let it go. He is a gentle giant who loves greatly and, yes, very protective of his pack, no matter what kind of animal is in the pack.


i'm thankful that my akita is dog friendly. she and my great dane get along amazingly.


I grew up with a male Akita. He was not friendly with other dogs/animals or even humans that were outsiders (i.e. people that did not regularly visit our house), but with us he was the most loyal, protective, “big brother” figure. That dog would let no harm come to me or my younger brother. If you’re looking for a pet then Akitas may not be the dog for you, if you’re looking for a family member…


I gave a female Akita 10. Got her at 8 from a breeder who was retiring her baby making days. She is lovable friendly and not a typical Akita. This breeder has bred this behavior for 30 years. Yes she is stubborn she will stand still and not move if she doesn’t want to go a certain way I have a rug a war with her. Have 3 cars no prey drive there. If she sees squirrels or rabbits she’s alert and if not on a leash which is never the case she probably would go for them.

Intelligent to the point of uncanny. She will look you in the eye like really?

You as the owner better respect the breed because they are worth it. If you get a puppy they need socialization big time. At adolescence that’s when their traits kick in.

I’m going to be blunt stupid people should not own a dog they are simply not worthy of owning you’ll destroy the dog yourself and probably an innocent animal or human being.

Any dog needs to be researched and to save alot of pain and grief only get what you feel you would minimally want to maintain. Most breeds are good animals until they get a bad owner.


My Akita is friendly with all people great with kids and doesn’t have a problem with small dogs of either gender he is usually okay with big females but he doesn’t like other big males


I have an Akita-Husky mix and stubborn doesn't even begin to describe her! But she's turning 18 years old this year so I can forgive that, especially with how sweet she is otherwise 🥰


They are stubborn, but do respond to positive reinforcement. Spoil them, and they are sweeties, but they will not lose that prey and protection drive. Akitas need to be part of your family... NOT a pet. They are pack oriented, and the family is the pack. Respect that, and you will gain a canine family member.


I Wouldn't necessarily DISCOURAGE a new owner from getting an akita, but I would strongly advise them to maybe spend time with one at a breeding facility and know what they're getting themselves into. As stubborn as they can be, they're extremely loyal which makes re-adoption rarely successful. so get one with the intent of them being your companion for the rest of its days. As big dogs, they live quite long aswell. Mine recently passed away but she was nearly 14 when she did. Also, because they're very stubborn/proud there's alot of commands they'll refuse to obey, they're not really like normal dogs where you can tell them do any show tricks like fetching a stick or ball or chasing they're tail etc. So yeah, absolutely stunning breed. Intelligent and loyal but they're also very proud at the same time.


Depending on the Akita are like humans honestly. It all depends on what you teach them and, most importantly, on how you love them.


They are so stubborn its unreal. So loyal and protective with their master or in many cases they own you. I've had 3 of these majestic animals and will have no other dog, as I truly love the American Akita, but definitely not a beginner dog. They are loyal to only one owner and will only do what the owner will ask. Lee are truly one-of-a-kind dog and don’t forget when they shed their coat It will be in absolutely everything, and I mean absolutely everything in your food or your toothbrush in your teeth up your nose. It’s Leave Home the Akita condiment it goes with everything.


I just love the personalities each one comes with which is why I love dogs in general, but Akitas are just so goofy and sweet. I own 4, one of which had two litters of 7. I love this breed.


I own an American Akita as my first dog ever, highly trainable. He knows complex commands such as looking for objects by the smell I present him.
We took him in from a shelter so there was no thinking twice and still he is very good with other dogs, loves human touch and never barks despite being surrounded by dogs until the age of 1.


My Akita was born on the same day and year as me we have the best bond ever and she’s having puppies in 19 days 🥲🥲


My Akita was raised with her 20 pigeons 15 chickens and 2 ducks…she loves them and watches over them…she keeps all the cats and poison out of the yard.


My father's first dog (and mine) was an American Akita. Now we have a 8 months old Akita Inu. I'll keep this tradition}


I'm a first-time dog owner. And i have a cat. My Akita is 4yrs old now. It was the best decision i ever made. As long as you are prepared to put in the training. I walk him every day and also take him to daycare once a week. He loves my cat. They get on well. But if i wasn't walking him every day, i'm sure it would be a different story. When i pull out the grooming brush, the cat and the dog both come running at the same time. That's the only hard part for me. Grooming a dog with one hand and a cat with the other hand.😆


True bc I have a chihuahua and we got a Akita but then when it started to grow older it use to bully my chihuahua so when we go out we got to distract our Akita or hold the chihuahua so it can come outside and everything the chihuahua got close to the Akita the Akita will start bully him❤


I know a very friendly Akita they can be great dogs but just like any other dog breed that’s aggressive they just need to be well trained and social


My Akita is strong, a story if I may: one day my nann was walking my Akita and a dog jumped on a pit bulls leash and bit my Akitas paw, my Akita wasn’t giving up, my Akita bit the pit bulls neck and won the fight 🎉
