TOP 10 Colored Pencil Tips to Boost Your Coloring Skills

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My TOP 10 Colored Pencil Tips for Improving Your Coloring Skills are the things that are most important to me when it comes to coloring with colored pencils. It's a pep talk and a slight tutorial in one!

Edit: I can't believe I forgot to mention the amazing Pam Proctor in my list of YouTube videos to watch! Pam is so, so helpful! If you're reading this, head over to her channel and save a few of her tutorials. You'll be glad you did!

****Links to the Products in This Video****

Maped Single-Hole Sharpener is available in Blick stores for less than $1. KUM brand sharpeners work well, too.

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My husband supports my time and money spent coloring. He shows interest in the piece I a working on and comments like "I like what you did with those colors there." I fall more in love with him when he gives my work attention. Of course his dad was an artist too. It's so sad that he passed away in 2010, I'd love to be able to chat with him about art.


I’m in Stay At Home orders due to coronavirus, and I SO APPRECIATE this video! I just started coloring about two weeks ago, and wondered how some colorings look so pretty. THANK YOU!!!!


I did a youtube stumble onto your videos... the Fates work in mysterious ways. You speak to the beginners with integrity. Awesome! Your encouragement and subtle explanations of the fits and starts of trusting 'you have the ability' are appreciated.
Thank you for your energy, and faith, that we can all create and enjoy art.


The mom thing - it's better for the kids to have happy mother and see that mom can have a hobby than have tired mother who is unhappy.


Wow I am amazed at how negative people can be over silly things. I know I mentioned earlier I was deaf so I might be a bit sensitive, but really the "intro was to loud" or "you talk to much". Honestly, turn your volume off and don't watch if you don't enjoy. Why say something that is like a slap in the face. I don't understand ... we need more kindness in this world to change this thought of it is okay to put people down that spent a lot of time and effort to help others. "So God so LOVED the World" so why can't we????


I love this tutorial! I found it very interesting and informative. I remember many years ago, people would laugh at me because i loved to colour to relax. Back then there were no adult colouring books so I had to look for some half way decent kid's books to colour. Now it's very popular to colour and there are so many beautiful books for adults! I subscribed and look forward to watching all you video's!


`I disagree with the comments on audio volume. What's really annoying is tutorials with insufficient volume. There's no solution to that. Too loud can be adjusted down by the viewer, and for some of us that's easier than writing complaints to someone who's seeking to benefit us through shared information/experience. Aside from that, I don't detect the volume discrepancy that's claimed to be causing all this distress. Thanks for the share! All Blessings and Peace, in all you do!


Dear Erin, thanks again for another great video! I simply love your way of teaching us so many basic things! Try not to be bothered by any negative comments, people should be more aware of the amount of your free time you spend on teaching us! Instead of teaching us you could have coloured so much for yourself, they should be more aware of that. So thank you and see you on one of your other videos!!!


I have a tip! I'm very heavy handed so cheaper pencils like Crayola are waaaay easier for me to shade with, but I love my prismas so at the end of my work I'll go and add in my really pigmented shadowing or highlights..


It's currently 1:19am on August 22, 2024, and I know this video is from 7 yrs ago, just finished watching it, but I've been relearning art since last year in the summer (picking up from when I was in 3rd grade) and I've watched many videos since last summer and this one really gave me sooo many tips and made me understand some basic things that I was not aware of. So thank you for making this video. I now understand why it's been frustrating for me. But I'm definitely one of those that want to color properly and am willing to learn to do it well. I'll be looking to the YouTubers you've mentioned. Thank you for sharing!


I am just learning to color and have a serious Charlie horse in my back from hours of coloring. I was hunched over too much 😭. That is seriously great advice and the first time I have heard it.


Oh my goodness. This was so great. You are such a great teacher. I love coloring and your right it is a stress release. I am deaf and the words that came across the screen were so easy to read and understand. You would make a great public speaker. I am excited to put these tips to work. Thank you so much. Can not wait to get a notice that you have another video on board.


Very helpful and informative video. It has helped me so much. I bought the 120 Prismacolors and have struggled to not press to hard and blend it with the white. I just couldn't manage it. It always turned out wrong. I got disheartened and haven't coloured for years. I get everything out and do 3 tiny spaces or just flick through books and find one, get a few pencils out and then put it all away again. I was sick of ruining my expensive books. You've really helped me so much with holding the pencil and lightly doing small circles. Tried it today and I can already see a huge difference. The effect which has eluded me for years is now, at long last, starting to look "right". THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR TEACHING ME THAT. I've watched so many uploaders and tried to do it, but never got told your helpful tip. So, thanks again. I really enjoyed and appreciated it and will be watching lots more of your uploads now I've found you. 👍😁😘


I have been looking at the pretty picture of the vase of flowers and I'd love to see how you would color it. I'll bet it would be a beautiful work of art. Thank you for this great tutorial!


#1 use qaulity supplies
Beginner: crayola, roseart
In between: prismacolor scholars
Getting serious: good paper (thick & textured), fabercastel polycromo, prismacolor
#2 color with very light pressure
#3 sharp pencil, color in small circles.
Layer and build color slowly and lightly.
When blending go from light to dark. Use at least 6 layers with at least 3 colors. sharpen with non dominant hand holding the pencil.
#4 make color swatches to save time picking colors.
#5 watch videos to learn techniques of these youtubers:
peta hewitt
Coloring pages bliss
Art alacart
Cher kaufman
(I have no idea if i spelled those wrong)


For those coloring books that have those thin pages like Whimpsy girls, etc., I put a sheet of the quality paper to which she talks about in the printer and make a copy of that page from that book.


Your most helpful tip for me, as a beginning colorer who just wants to relax and isn’t concerned about making a work of art, was sharpening pencils. Who would have known? Thanks for the tip! 💗


Your so right about watching videos. I've gotten so much better so fast! It gives me instant gratification and pide that I want to do and try more instead of putting it down in "I'll never be able to do this " attitude ! The will to go on, ....YEAH !!


Please don't apologize for the length of this video.  I am not even a newbie yet, because I don't know how to choose colors or do anything.  I have the coloring books, but want to learn all I can before I start.  My elder daughter gifted me with a beautiful book called "Beautiful Birds and Treetop Treasures" by Millie Marotta.  I want to start on the hummingbird, but have no idea how to make some of his colors have that iridescent shine I see when they are hit by the sun.  This video was organized very well, and it taught me a lot.  I took notes, of course and added you to my favorites in IE.  Your taking the time to cover and teach us as much as you did was very kind, and I will be watching this video again and again.   Thank You!  Dee


Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic video. I have watched so many that more advanced colourists have done and felt I could never get that good. Your video has given so much information on the basics that the others don't for a beginner. Thank you so much.
