How I've Prevented SIBO Relapse For Over 3 Years

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In this video, I share my personal experience with preventing a SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) relapse for over 3 years. SIBO is a condition where there is an excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine, which can cause a range of symptoms such as bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort.

I've experimented with a ton of different supplements for gut health. I'll discuss the diet, supplementation, and lifestyle strategies I've implemented that have ACTUALLY worked, and have helped me maintain proper gut motility, and prevent a SIBO relapse.

If you've struggled with SIBO or other digestive issues, this video can provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to maintain gut health, motility, and prevent a relapse. So, whether you're a SIBO sufferer or simply looking for ways to optimize your gut health, be sure to tune in and discover the strategies that have worked for me!

-Functional Medicine Practitioner
-Doctor of Pharmacy
-Fitness enthusiast
-Former SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) sufferer.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard in this video. Reliance on any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk.
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Great stuff, Dr. Daniel. Thank you.

MMC is such a big player in getting rid of SIBO. I've seen a lot of anecdotes of just supplementing with ginger/artichoke supplement or other prokinetics have worked wonders. The effect of getting the MMC function back seem to be what has been missing in most functional / conventional treatment plans. Instead of just killing off bacteria, the movement seem to flush them out.

I think it's important to mention that enzyme + HCL are derived from yeasts. If you struggle with yeast overgrowth and/or mold, it tend to make things worse. I thought I couldn't digest foods without them, but with better eating habits it's no longer needed for me.

For me Giardia, mold, and more were likely the cause of MMC disruption in my gut. Taken 14 years to decipher all my overlapping health issues, but finally beginning to see the whole picture now.


I did pretty much the same thing to cure my SIBO but had a mild relapse recently. Thx for the video, gotte keep it up and fix not letting it get back! Stay healthy everyone!


you are one of the few good gut health people


I’ve had SIBO for 10 years….done EVERYTHING. I’m on day 11 of Dr. Allison Siebecker’s homemade SIBO elemental diet and am feeling good for the first time in a long time. I’m very scared to reintroduce food next week, but I’m adding in herbal antimicrobials and hopefully I won’t relapse.


Thanks for all you do Daniel. Great resource for helping others that are still trying to get well.


Does drinking water or tea without sugar stop the "4 hour between each meal" fasting? Because i dont know how to manage to drink the daily amout of water with this thing of "don't drinking while eating" and "not eating between meals", some medical sources states that drinking stop you mmc so, how do you manage to do it? (sorry english isn't my native language)


I relapsed... Both times I believe I got food poisoning from contaminated beer/keg tap lines from restaurants. Others I was with also got ill and it was what we had in common, while others did not.

I had to help myself the first time. I'm a registered dietitian and researched until sibo fit and treatment worked. Drs. in my rural area mostly wanted to tell me I was depressed and prescribe an ssri.

Thanks for the tips to stay sibo free!


I have the exact same story as you! I was diagnosed with SIBO in 2018 after struggling with bloating and GI issues for a couple of years. I did the IBS Smart test and tested positive for vinculin antibodies though I cannot recall the food poisoning event that caused it. It took a good while to clear SIBO but I have been SIBO free for 2 years and eat pretty much everything. I use all the methods you outlined in this video except instead of herbal prokinetics, I take Prucalopride. I will do WHATEVER it takes to NEVER get SIBO again!!


Thank you for the video. Can you tell me if the small intestine can become dependent on Prokinetics like the large bowel can with laxatives??


Excellent info and video, once again! Thank you for sharing your success and all your continued support in helping me to get rid of SIBO and keeping it away for good !


What if you have blood sugar issues? My doctor recommended eating more frequently but I feel that makes my SIBO worse


Going paleo and off all grains and sugars helped me hugely!


I think I’m going to have to start the whole sibo/methanogen overgrowth protocol again. 🙃 I feel so resentful that I’ve already had to give up so much food over the years due to ibs then sibo and never commit long term . I get so tired of not being able to eat anything that I enjoy anymore, especially when I’m giving up a lot of cultural food. It feels never ending…😢


Super valuable Doctor one question i was on course of antibiotics after the completion of the course i have diarhea, using probiotics would help ? What is your advice? Thankyou.


Hi, im half way through my 8 week course of antimicrobials to treat methane sibo. (Oregano and Allicin) i'm not seeing any difference to my main symtom of bloating. (No pain). Would it be okay to start prokinetics now or should i wait till the oregano and allicin are finished?


Deep dive staying on topic excellent !


Great suggestions, I am going to see my doctor soon for a new round of rifaximin, but this time I´ll follow all of your suggestions. BTW, I´ve been following most of them for a couple of months but my last rifaximin (which was my doctor´s only prescription together with the low FODMAPs diet) was more than 15 months ago. I am optimistic this time it works a lor better. I´ll let you know ;-)


Hi Dr, I’ve seen some doctors using Lovastatin because the lactone form inhibits Archea growth for methane SIBO, would a low dose Lovastatin have bad effects on the kidneys or liver?


Another very informative and well stated video. One question, you said that you should restrict liquids during meals (which I agree with) but you said you take 2 tbsp of ACV with your meals. That's a lot. Do you dilute it? If so with how many ounces? I take 1 tbsp with 8oz of water prior to meals and it's pretty strong. Also the manufacturers of my Betaine HCL recommend taking it with 8-12oz of water, although I have taken it in the middle of my meals with just a few sips. Seems to work. Really like your vids, keep up the good work.


Dr. Ricciardi, thank you so much for your amazing information. I'm just beginning my sibo (IMO) treatment. The one bit of info i cannot seem to find is how many hours apart should the rifaximin (with Allimed) be taken for best results? I've intermittent fast for years. Would 4 hours apart be too close? As in 10am, 2pm, amd 6 pm? Fasting the other 16 hours? I understand you should eat with each dose, just trying to come up with a good plan.
