How To Get Out Of The Matrix - It's Real

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This is a video I made back in 2016. I never released it but I figured its time.

This may sound crazy but its very true. Our minds have been programmed since childhood to do things based on other people's approval and acceptance.

The problem with this is our goals, motivation, values, outlook on life is based on something that others will accept and not solely based on what makes us happy. The result of that is:

- Never feeling satisfied and always wanting more.
- Feeling of emptiness no matter what you may achieve
- Creating addictive behaviors like excessive drinking, smoking, eating, shopping, gaming, social media, etc.

Nothing is wrong with these things, but when you use these activities as a way to temporary distract you or give you temporary pleasure bc your not being satisfied from your goals or life, that's a problem

The way to find out whether you are doing things for other people is simply to ask yourself why your doing the things your doing. Its like a onion and you will have to peel layer and layer of reasons until you get to the source. THE SOURCE IS ALWAYS A FEELING YOU GET FROM DOING THE ACTIVITY.

Get in the best shape of your life
And become 1% happier each day


~ Flow Training is a total body and mind workout to help you develop calmness and inner peace in your mind while building muscle, flexibility, and endurance in your body. It does this by combining Qi Gong, Fitness training, Yoga, Breathing Exercises, and Meditation into one total body and mind workout.
Mike Chang:
Fitness Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Entrepreneur. I developed a training method that has helped thousands of people create more happiness, inner peace, and flow in their lives while increasing their strength, endurance and flexibility. This method called Flow Training will release trapped emotions inside your body, expand your awareness, and shift you into a new state of being.
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Get in the best shape of your life
And become 1% happier each day


I don’t normally comment, however I am great full for this video. Thank you!


Being one’s true self can be intuitively realized in a moment of insight as a crucial goal for self actualization, but due to that pesky childhood programming, it is often swiftly forgotten. Thanks for the reminder. Much love brotha


Thanks Bro for this I really needed this right now, you’re speaking directly to me!
Love from Nigeria 🐸💚


Love your positive attitude and mental energy. This video helped me as I am going through a challenging time.


Mike Chang.. I watched your videos when I was a kid… 14-15years old I started training, you motivated me😂 I’m now 21 still training


Thank you, Mike! Yes, the only way to crack this code is to truly understand that NOBODY other than YOU can make YOU HAPPY, and YOU can't make ANYBODY HAPPY, other than YOURSELF! ❤


Everything I've seen from this youtuber has been helpful and good for use in improving our health. Thanks Mike. You're appreciated and valued👌🏾💯


I grew up in a clown world nut house with narcissists, being psychologically messed with with no real base line reality. Micro/macro, exactly the same as what i see out in the world is exactly what i saw growing up. Macro/micro. Same same. I'm ALL KINDS of messed up and confused. This video helped me alot today.


Thanks for sharing, as a musician this is totally what I relate to.


Great Video Mike and content. I've been trying to help people free themselves from the matrix . The Condition of many of our minds it is hard for some to break free of the programming. It has to be a grad al process and moving with like minded people.👊


Yeah we do care what other think about what us and what we doing


One thing that I have to say is that there's alot of social conditioning out there that also says the ultimate thing in life is OUR happiness. I'd have to disagree and say that our ultimate role is to EXPRESS as much of The Supreme Creator as we possibly can. After all, we are Created beings and "art is an expression of the soul." Anything g that we've EVER created, be it a drawing or food or whatever, it expressed us or what was within our mind at that time. We too are supposed to be expressions on the canvas of our world. Joy OR happiness is a natural by-product when we endeavour to let the way of OUR Creator FLOW through us. As Bruce Lee says, we should be like water....water is a medium. Peace.


I want to see more videos like this where you are outside in Mother Nature and talking to I find it therapeutic


As crazy as this might sound and as much as I love Mike Chang, this topic doesn't apply to me. I was a rebel from birth, I knew that school didn't feel right from the age of 3. My parents also never taught us much, I kinda grew up believing in Jesus and knowing quite well that people will hate me in life, which they currently do. Im good at alot of things and excel at alot of things but people just hate me for some reason loool. Not saying I want them to like me or anything but hey ho. I do hope I get to meet Mike Chang sometime tho, I have a feeling that me and him will get on so well! Have a great day everyone.


Feeling pretty free lately. I don't even know if I have quit my job but well I've been hanging out for quite some time and I know for sure on a spiritual awakening a journey or at least seems like it for the last 9 months. I may have the detached. I hope I am experiencing what I think I am. I go around now saying I'm free. And I feel it tonight tell people things. It feels good I don't want to go back I don't want to feel stressed and bondage of everything I had I do miss what I thought or family connections that I go hold on longer then they lasted but it is a side relief. I know I recognize that I can have moments of exhaling and releasing your stress or overthinking or anxiety or even positive anxiety.. want to say I feel exuberant but damn almost feels like you can't say it or you better not say it or what can you say I'm totally happy and free and I feel good and wonderful a lot of times lately cuz I do. It hurt though when I thought I realized that most of those people or people you want to be happy with you and for you are not having much for your successes. Like they're just interested or are who so zombie now they don't have personal intentional short-term goals anymore or what I don't know don't really want the car note and insurance anymore. My place is very minimal and male and strong and musty sometimes and whatever lots of girls come over I had pizza last night and sometimes I do feel like I'm partying and hanging too much but I guess I'll go to work tomorrow hopefully I can cuz if I don't I probably really have Quit. I want to see. If it
feels good. I'm always going to pay the rent but I don't know wasn't want for the rent man I'd quit everything. Would that be selfish of me that well maybe I can be happy if I get a nice dog. My Akita finally. A bless a golden retrievers to nice. Well other dogs can be cool too but if I get my key to maybe life will turn around again and I'll buy her another Audi like really commit to it again.


Andrew Tate explains how to escape the message, but it is about living up to what a man is supposed to be, as if he deeply cares what other people think. Mike Chang, this video seems to be a lot more honest and straightforward than Mr. Tate's advice in that regard. Perhaps the goals are different and that is why, but to me I want to find myself and be myself while doing things in life.


Isn't this the guy from six-pack shortcuts ?? Seems like he ate some mushrooms and found a better path lol


So how do you stop caring? What are the steps?


Beautiful...what the Hindus call detachment. Just see everything in life as a parade going by that lasts a few days.
